As a final kicker, their NP can also inflict Stun against Divine enemies, with essentially guaranteed probability, making Enkidu a hard counter solo option for encounters against the right enemies. Lu Bu is infamous for his absurd damage potential, so much so that he outdamages the vast majority of the SSR Servant roster assuming his NP is at level 5 while theirs are at level 1 (which is a very common scenario for most Masters). For newer Masters, Hektor is useful as a farming Lancer and can carry some tough fights with his stun, but for more experienced Masters, he wont be blowing anything out of the water any time soon. Fortunately, powerful Quick supports such as Scathach=Skadi provide a massive improvement to her sustained offense. With an utterly impressive Arts card, strong, even self-sustained to a degree,Critical potential, strong sustained damage and even extremely viable targetable Buster support, Raikou can practically do all offensive roles. He has a largely selfish kit, with Buster, Crit Damage, Buster Star Gather, Arts Star Gather, and NP Gain buffs for himself. In the right team and setting, all Atalante does is fire her NP. Most of her steroids also last only for a single turn, while her sustained offense may suffer harshly if Masters cannot provide the Critical Stars she needs. They may also be extremely competent in a niche that is somewhat less commonly encountered. FGO 2023 NA Events, Servants & Items List. Without being able to NP Loop, Parvati is still a potentfarmer for wave 1 and 2 with a decently powerful NP, especially given her ability to grant 30% NP Charge to an ally via a mix of her NP and NP Charge skill. Golden Sumo Wrestling is much better option. While Ereshkigal possesses notable support capabilities, these are not exactly what we would call 'decisive', especially given Protection from the Underworld's only 50% uptime. However, in most scenarios she is not the optimal pick damage-wise, dealing and receiving neutral damage in most scenarios due to her class typing. NP deals extra damage against most servants, and he also has an NP gain up skill. In his kit, offensively he has a 30% NP charge, modest Quick and Arts buffs, and Star Gather buffs. The fiery Caenis joins the roster as an AoE Buster Lancer with a primarily selfish offensively-oriented kit. You talk about Holy night supper, but not about Golden Sumo Wrestling? Outside of this particular niche, the playwright sadly does not offer much else. On the other hand, he does not possess any form of team support whatsoever and his main utility is unreliable with a low base chance of NP draining. She deals good damage to enemies with "king" trait and is greatly improved by her strengthening quest. These skills alone make him a fantastic combination with the Chaldea Combat Uniform for Masters who enjoy employing buff stacking setups with high burst damage. She does suffer from low stats, particularly her ATK stat, given her status as a bronze Servant, and it can be hard to use her to her fullest potential given her low HP pool and only one turn of Target Focus, but she still fills in as an ST Buster damage dealer relatively decently. Charging her NP may prove more challenging, as is keeping her alive, but Mecha Eli-Chan Mk.IIs damage potential remains strong enough even as a Masters roster expands. Overall, Altria Ruler leaves some to be desired, although her upgrade greatly increases her usability and the value of her gimmick. In contrast to many of her lower rated peers, Mata Hari has a distinct identity as a dedicated debuffer who can layer debuffs on enemies continuously, while also locking them down with her Charm. With Skadi in the roster, she is definitively an impressive NP looper, although without Skadi, her performance is notably less remarkable. In addition, his skill cooldowns are so terribly, that using them twice is often not an option. Nagao Kagetora is the first welfare ST Arts Lancer, coming with a straightforward and effective kit. Another unique trait of BB (Summer)'s is that she is immune to Burn, which is rather niche but still nice. I think you should consider putting Volumen Hydrargyrum, Maid in Halloween, Prisma Cosmos on S tier. Alexander is a very straightforward Servant with a simple skill set, decent values, an NP Interlude, and a decent overcharge effect. She also has a set of selfish buffs, both defensive in nature, including an Evade, HP Recovery per Turn, and Debuff Immunity, and more offensive in nature, such as Critical Strength, and NP Gauge per turn. Its usually the best time to get rid of these CEs during increased success rate campaigns so you can get the most experience when using them to power up your other CEs. In addition, she has a wide niche in anti-Divinity bonus damage. At first glance, it may seem detrimental to eat into one's own party ranks to damage the enemy, but this also allows their spot to be taken immediately by another Servant in the backline, with skills ready to use. Although he does not have a source of NP, his solid card performance gives him strong access to his NP relatively consistently, capable of looping his NP even without support, provided Arts Crits and enough overkill hits. Furthermore, Chachas overalls damage leaves much to be desired even with her high NP level, as she does not have powerful immediate steroids to compensate for her lower Attack. The Welfare Servant of the Vegas Summer Event, Hokusaki exchanges brush for blade, becoming an ST Arts Saber damage dealer. Thanks to a triple Arts card deck, he also builds his own NP bar fairly quickly and can assist the team with Arts chains as well. Alhaitham Main DPS. While packing a highly similar skill set to his Fate/Stay Night counterpart, Cu Chulainn (Prototype) is a lot more well rounded. More often than not, Medusa is relegated to being a farm bot for daily or event quests where she can one shot a wave with her Bellerophon. Her Story-locked status doesn't help in acquiring additional copies either. Tbh I think OG Artoria only places so high because they need some Buster Servants not to be bottom tier, like how Arjuna Alter really doesnt belong in SS with the very best Castoria-compatible loopers. The only bad thing I see on this change is that because of Castoria, some Servants dropped on the tierlist, but not . He also has Lancer class star weight, which is easier to work with for critical compositions compared to other strong taunt Servants. On one side, her AoE damage is good enough to wave clear effectively. She also has an Evade as her defensive skill, which provides her with a Critical Damage boost. Defensively, Vritra only has a Guts skill, although this still provides her with a bit of extra survivability. Masters also have to constantly ask themselves which aspects of her skills are needed most, as each of her skills have longer cooldowns, do two things at once, and last for 1 turn. Still, she is not perfect. However, while his deck heavily improves his capacity for destruction, his Star gen and NP gen take a hit, even with his monstrously high NP gain per hit. Her NP itself ignores DEF, and can remove Evasion on enemies so long as the field is Near Water. He additionally has two buffs to his own Critical Strength and methods of increasing Crit Star Drop rate and his own Star Gather Rate, making him a capable addition to an Arts Crit team. Her value only increases with the presence of premiere Arts Supports, allowing her to loop her NP with ease while dealing massive damage. Nonetheless, her performance is still rather strong especially against any unfortunate Berserkers who see their 1.5x class advantage fall to a 0.5x class disadvantage against Abigail. His self-sustain consists of HP recovery per turn and self Guts, which are helpful, although in many cases his damage is high enough that enemies will be decimated before defensive measures come into the equation. Additionally, her NP will inflict a minor 3 turn Buster Resist debuff after applying damage, so subsequent Card hits or uses of her NP can deal more damage. While a fun one, its not a niche that can be used very often. If it werent evident from her Berserker nature, self-stun and self-damage effects, Frankie is exceptionally squishy and has no tools to compensate for it. CE that possess subpar effects and/or inferior to other event craft essences. The unreliability of her kit can be mitigated using her third skill's Buff Success Rate buff, which will guarantee all chance-based effects at max level. As Kris said, we are reworking our tier list and re-evaluating how we rank servants. Other than that: OG Arturia, the Servant with the most vanilla deck at the beginning, now on the same Tier as freakin Gilgamesh and Grand Lancer Romulus! As very burst heavy Single Target anti-Rider and anti-Assassin Servants are often difficult to acquire, especially Buster-based ones, Mecha Eli-Chan easily carves out a niche for herself as an easily accessible option for cavalry or Foreigner destruction. Event Craft Essences are separated into 3 general status categories: Dispose - CE that possess subpar effects and/or inferior to other event craft essences. As a rare low-rarity Taunter, Leonidas is a highly useful Servant in tougher content. A mix of mostly wave clearing and some Debuff-centric Support, Anastasia is a versatile Caster that can fit well in almost any type of Arts set up. He fits incredibly well into modern Buster-centric teams, working as a focal point for the team to support around. Furthermore, her simple but clear and destructive gameplay allows her to fit in very well into most Buster composition, and work well even on her own. Carmilla is something of a rarity, being a strong release servant whose Rank-Up Quests bolster her already solid core performance. I will continue update it as Events have their Re-run versions completed. With difficulty charging her NP bar, with only her good Arts cards to save her, and a terrifyingly long cooldown on Mana Tuning, Helena Blavatsky (Archer) is mainly suited as a support in situations where her teamwide NP Charge is essential to clearing a quest quickly. [JP] 5* Caster Miss Crane FGO, Welcome back to Chaldea Quarterly, the dapper and dandy gents guide to the fashions, I know everyone grails their most loved servants. His lack of a way to increase his Star Weight to make his Critical hits more reliable further impedes the ease of use of his critical hits, and he only possesses a single Buster card which greatly limits the potential crit damage he can do. She is extremely self-sufficient with fantastic NP generation and Star generation rates. He does not benefit much from the Buster or Quick effectiveness boosts, which makes two of his skills only marginally effective. Im shocked Arjuna alter is higher than Dantes now. Upon finishing these personal challenges, the great Irish hero does become noticeably better and occupies the rare niche of being an AoE Arts Lancer that is capable of performing in both farming and Challenge Quests. Overall, she has an immense package of abilities that she brings to the table. His AoE Quick NP has the unique effect of dealing bonus damage to low rarity enemies (indicated by having a Bronze colored class symbol), in addition to applying a DEF debuff after damage. On top of Blasted Trees high NP damage multiplier, Frankie has access to an NP Interlude as well as two steroid skills in Wail of the Living Dead C and Overload C, making her damage potential phenomenal for final waves. CE that may have potential use for the player depending on their needs and what other CEs they currently have or do not have. Shuten-Douji (Caster) is Oniland's Welfare Servant, and is a single target Buster-type Caster Servant. She has 1-turn self Arts and Star Gather buffs, party ATK/Crit Damage/Star Drop buffs, and a self 1-turn evade with an NP Gain buff built in. Their skill set contains multiple self offensive buffs, including a strong ATK buff, and a special on-attack buff that increases their ATK with every normal attack, up to 3 times. Asagami Fujino is another strong entry into the Archer class, providing Buster-type ST damage with decent critical potential. Li Shuwen (Assassin), despite shortcomings, is a capable addition to the roster for those in need of a single target Assassin class Servant, and will handily solve most any Rider class issues the Master may have. In addition, her NP itself will buff her Arts performance before applying damage. Luckily for him, Buster Servants are one of the easier Servant types to support properly. Otherwise this really makes the case for Space Ishtar. Aside from that, Kiyohime sadly does not provide anything of particular relevance, although she does pack high NP generation potential for a Berserker. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. It's not about 'pleasing everyone'. NP charge and a Buster up, while the charge is only 40% when not limit broken, it comes with a more powerful Buster increase (when comparing to other similar CEs). She often may end up absorbing most Stars that may be better used by her allies. Her skill kit has Quick, Crit damage, Quick card star gather, and trait-based (Child Servant) ATK buffs as far as offense goes. Until then, her Buster compatibility grants her some additional power, while her targetable mix of both Evasion and Invincibility can help with creating some interesting Order Change strategies. As a result, Beowulf is often left out of the fight club entirely, despite a comfortable burst damage performance. These Servants are among the best at their role. She is capable of debuffing all enemies' DEF, Crit Rate, and can NP Seal, while also buffing all allies' ATK, restoring HP, applying a rare Buff Removal Resist buff, and notably providing a 20% NP Gauge charge for all allies. Im amused that they happened to do something like one of the ideas I had suggested here: splitting the tier lists by card type. Completing the NP strengthening quest power her up. Arguably, her one saving grace is that she still can provide a 30% immediate NP charge on demand, although that alone has many alternatives, making Miyu more of a novelty Servant sorely in need of a skill or NP upgrade. His poor NP generation becomes far more noticeable and detrimental outside of Arts teams in particular. Nonetheless, he is still a worthwhile Servant to level up for many one-turn setups for farming and boss killing alike. Asvatthaman rolls in as a new Archer-class ST Buster entry to the roster. Regardless, she's still a capable Servant, and Summer Servants tend to get plenty of bonus opportunities to be fielded during the recurring Summer Events. Completing the strengthening quest would considerably power her up. Overall, he may not be the first choice for Berserker damage dealers given the difficulty of navigating his kit, although he can be effective if a team is properly built to accentuate his strengths. At the same time, however, this means that his effects rely on using his cards, which can be unreliable. Her sustained damage output lacks a real punch still, courtesy of her short-lived steroids. Her bonus damage against a vast array of enemies and Buster Critical Damage centric kit ensure that she never falls out of favor and remains consistent for a long time. Skin tier lists help you identify the most popular and visually stunning skins in the game. 1 Servant Tier List 2 Hunting Quest Part 10 3 Servants 4 Summon Banner List 5 Summon Simulator 6 JP Summon Simulator (Beta) 7 Materials 8 April Fool's Art Gallery 9 Guide List 10 Lostbelt No.5.5: Heian-kyo Spoiler-free Walkt. From a powerful single-target Noble Phantasm, strong Star and NP generation to one of the best self-heal skills in the game, Enkidu can fulfill multiple roles in the party to a good degree, while also being able to effectively solo encounters, particularly against Divine trait enemies. Does tier list or how strong a Servant is even matter in a game with no FGO gamewithfgofgoPTTmobile01. Outside of this particular role, Georgios offers little in terms of damage except some synergy with anti-dragon Servants. Her AoE NP will remove offensive buffs from enemies and decrease their Critical Rate. However, Fergus is by no means a pushover. In addition, she outputs formidable damage due to her welfare status, while her defences and utility remain up to par. Her NP comes with a mild self-burn demerit, and otherwise is a straightforward damage dealing NP that gives her a small ATK buff before damage. Archer of Shinjuku has many tools in his arsenal. TierMaker User Videos ( Add a Video) Sonic Ranks Sonic Girls TierMaker Our Cursed Childhood TV Show Tier List The Kiriko META! With strong NP Damage from her various Quick boosts, Ishtar packs a strong NP5 welfare punch even amongst the crowded Rider Welfare Servant list. Her ability to grant allies Critical Absorption is quite unique and her upgraded Noble Phantasm offers strong extra damage coverage. However, the frailty from being a Berserker is often more troublesome than it is worth, as it makes Nightingale a frustratingly inconsistent Servant in most stall teams and relegates her to the short-term buff bot role. His Ruler class also makes him exceptionally tanky against most enemies and also grants him a good base neutral damage output, but his skillset heavily hampers his offensive capability. Some essences can also be used to reforge the affixes of rare equipment. With strong competition from higher rarity Casters as well, Masters may not find as many opportunities to field her as they would like. C0. Shuten has the rare niche of being an AoE Arts Assassin with a plethora of debuffs. She has very low base stats, close to zero defensive skills and no strong offensive self-buffs whatsoever to make up for her stats. Still, Atalante (Alter) is not particularly well equipped for sustained offense all on her own. Maybe with the introduction of Lvl90+ quests, Grail fronts and the fact Castoria also works well with more Busters than Quick. I would say that Arashs sheer damage ceiling for his rarity combined with his unique self-yeeting mechanic is what makes him a standout. Her NP has both the Ignore Invincible and Ignore DEF attributes, making her an excellent option to use in quests where enemies may use Evade/Invincibility skills or have high DEF modifiers. With a Guts from his third skill, Beowulf can somewhat compensate for his Berserker class and avoid freak deaths from his poor survivability in shorter battles. On this new format, the 5* tierlist is the over-the-top hard content oriented (it already was) and the 4* becomes more like the 1*-3* tierlist for the same reason but with a difference, the 4*. She still will perform her role as a single target Quick Rider-class damage dealer decently if called to action. Nobukatsu is yet another bronze Servant in the roster whose NP results in their own death, which comes with its own benefits of making room for another Servant in the backline. His Noble Phantasm, Knight of Owner, might not deal very high damage on its own, the pre-applied Attack Self-Buff, his high attack and the Berserker class advantage, add up to a dangerous cocktail especially once he unlocks the ability to launch his NP multiple times via Skadi. Being an Arts Alter Ego with wide coverage, Kiara is a decent alternative for Masters with limited Servant rosters and a preference for Arts Servants, but her value diminishesas more options are available. With excellent hit counts on her Buster cards, her NP Gain potential is rather good. All in all, Medusa (Lancer)s problematic design causes her to be weaker alternative until her final Rank Up kicks in, as much of a sweetheart she is. Arguably the rarest Servant in the game, Angra Mainyu is not an unfamiliar face to most fans of the Fate franchise. Often used in Arts-centric teams, Nero Bride is fantastic at helping a teammates NP spamming capacity, while also being capable of dishing out notable damage thanks to her own high NP generation rate and strong Noble Phantasm after her Interlude. His NP provides him with Ignore Invincibility before damage as well, ensuring the damage will circumvent most defensive options. However, Mordred is severely limited when it comes to more traditional combat. They typically face stronger competition in their role, lack the support necessary to show their true potential, or have a distinct weakness in their kit. Defensively, he has a 2-time, 5-turn Guts, which is surprisingly effective. His proficiency in critical damage dealing doesnt stop there; as his Eternal Arms Mastery boosts his Star Gathering to such heights that even Rider Servants can hardly steal a single Critical Star from him. Fortunately, efficient Masters do not get hit at all when farming. Atalanta (Alter) is a strong Quick Damage Dealer with a self-sufficient streak. Unfortunately, she has the fragility that often comes with the Berserker class, which is compounded by her third skill's fixed 5000 self-damage demerit. She also does not function particularly well outside of Arts teams, and even in Arts teams her performance is not strong enough to elevate her to the next tier. To top it off, he has an out of place Buster AoE Noble Phantasm with a lackluster Attack Down overcharge effect, compounded by his abysmal base Attack and complete lack of offensive self-buffs. Sakamoto Ryouma, the GUDAGUDA Imperial Capital Grail War Welfare Servant, has a myriad of very attractive skill effects, including party ATK, NP Gauge charge, Arts Effectiveness, Critical Stars, and Debuff Resist. With her flexibility on her NP, she can work with various supports. His skillset is also by no means bad, but he is highly held back by the un-upgraded modifier on his Noble Phantasm, a lack of a Critical Star gathering buff, and the lack of Ruler enemies in general to make use of his class advantage. Overall Saber Archer Lancer Rider Caster Assassin Berserker Ruler Avenger Alter Ego Foreigner Fate Grand Order tier list Jing Ke is quite useful during the early phase of the game. His Critical Star and NP generating capacity is similarly weak because of his poorly distributed hit counts, and his star generation is only partially remedied by Innocent Monster. The famed literary author, Murasaki Shikibu, is a Caster-class Servant that provides an AoE Arts-type Noble Phantasm with bonus damage against Demonic enemies and a 1-turn Buff Block effect, which can come in handy in fights with bosses that might otherwise use threatening self buffs. Her passives are notable for making her Skill Seal immune, such that her arsenal of effects is always available. On the other hand, a single Guts is not enough to cater to their risky gameplan, which can turn sour quickly in difficult quests. As an offensive Archer boss slayer, Nagao Kagetora is an excellent Servant, and her performance only improves with proper Arts Support. Captain of the Nautilus, Nemo, primarily operates as an ST Arts Rider with an affinity for waterside battlefields. Whether his focus is high critical damage, a side-dose of team support or intense anti-Demonic NP damage, Rama can do any combination of them at the same time. The tier placement is primarily based on a Servant's current performance, and their placement will often shift with future Interludes and Rank Ups, new competition, and the changing state of the game. In fact, Masters with a strong selection in CEs can massively boost his damage output in order to clear even third wave enemies. When Edison stalls in Challenge Quests, success may well take you the larger part of an hour. Privacy Policy. The combination of Pioneer of the Stars and Golden Rule (Body) allows Da Vinci-chan to easily charge her NP gauge compared to most of her competition. To grant allies Critical Absorption is quite unique and her upgraded Noble Phantasm offers extra... And her performance only improves with proper Arts support tierlist, but not solid core.. `` king '' trait and is greatly improved by her strengthening quest would considerably power her up ) Oniland... Critical damage boost his Fate/Stay night counterpart, Cu Chulainn ( Prototype is. 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Ann Myers Hughes, Articles A