Game packing for guided clients is included in the fee and guided day hunts can be reserved for They know exactly where a call is coming from. Licensed Colorado Outfitter #3488. Give yourself a few minutes to let things calm down and get yourself set up (range trees, knock an arrow, etc.) People in the easy spots. Well, I am here to tell you ; they get rounded up and pushed back onto, or driven back to private land in all gmu's. LEARN MORE Our Flat Tops Cabin Physical conditioning and excellent proficiency with ones weapon are two factors that can greatly increase your odds. the elk began their migration north and west to the lower high-country desert wintering areas. Guided hunts are limited to six hunters per week with 2X1 the standard guide to hunter configuration and 1X1 hunts To prevent the bull from smelling your buddy (the caller) you have him cut off 60 yards before he can catch the wind. From our vantage point we could see country that was so far it wouldt even be able to hunt. Roughly 100 miles of fishable streams are in the Wilderness. That walk seemed to take forever. 1-on-1 hunts are available upon request. they again get up and move to feed. This camp is located on the South Fork of the White River National Forest within the Flat Tops Wilderness Area, covering 235,000 acres. Shot opportunity usually is well over 50% which is outstanding for archery elk. Our experienced guides will field dress your animal and place the skinned quarters into Caribou Gear Game Bags. Average costs: Guided hunts average $5500-$6500 for elk, $6500 for mule deer and $3000 for antelope. The following day back your range up by maybe 5-10 yards. Spraying weeds on public lands not private ones at 10k feet - makes perfect sense to me. However, you are 1,000 yards away and to not be seen or smelled you need to cover closer to a mile to get to them. Having under 20lbs in your pack for day hunting is critical. These trout are usually super easy to catch and not very picky. Also, hold out for a good bull! Trophy elk hunting on ranches where a 300"+ bull is possible. A mix of private land, forest service and wilderness area will be hunted. This deposit does not expire and will remain active until you draw the license. Every quarter mile let out a location bugle. Remember, your elk hunt is your vacation time and dont put too much pressure on yourself. Where we hunt. It was the same bull. It contains some of the Rocky Mountains most spectacular scenery not to mention the largest elk herd in the world. I will say that I put a bunch of miles on my boots though. However, not having one first thing in the morning increases the urge to sleep in or aimlessly be walking along the trail (very few elk get killed on the trail, so get away from the trail system). Budges has more than a dozen permitted camp locations scattered throughout our 150 square mile area. (2x, GMU 371), Indian Peaks Wilderness (GMU 29), Raggeds Wilderness (GMU 521), and now the northern Flattops (GMU 12). If youre up for the challenge of grinding and becoming the best hunter you can be an OTC elk hunt is for you. Winterhawk is Colorado's premier wilderness outfitter, offering elk hunting, mule deer hunting and fly fishing adventures in the spectacular Flat Tops Wilderness area and White River National Forest. Hunting that first hour and last hour of the day is crucial when archery elk hunting. Get on a ridge and start walking. The Flat Tops are covered up in elk. However, once you set your camp, or once you get to camp cut the weight in your pack. Some of us flatlanders couldn't sleep in the rarified air after hunting all day at the higher . I dont recommend shooting an animal past 60 yards with a bow because too much can happen during that split second your arrow is in the air. An outfitter wont give you the contact info for someone that will give them a bad review. Evan and I were out front with Saeed and Bobby right behind us. It may seem like a lot of work but if you are having trouble turning elk up close to camp, making a big move seems like the best option. In just a few years, you could experience the thrill of hunting bugling elk during the rut! Applying in the draw and gaining preference points is easy! Add a couple chirps into the sequence and you are onto a great start. So whether you are . Wilderness hunts are based out of full-service tent camps reached by horse and are We offer full service guided trophy elk hunts at our Fowler Peak Camp. Shouldnt have to venture to far from the trailhead either. Click here to reserve your spot on a future archery or muzzleloader hunt. miles of back country in the White . So do your research and find out where you can get all three tags each year without having to use points. To imitate a real life hunting situation do not shoot your bow for 2 days. This is a perfect time to head back to camp load up your tent, sleeping bags, and a few Mountain House meals and head towards the elk. Bring your sleeping bag and personal hunting gear, and well take care of the rest. Is pack out assistance included in the $500 once season opens? You probably wont have much competition due to the extremely limited tags in that area. It always amazes me how many times it all comes together right towards the last day of the season, or the last day of the hunt. It's no wonder Carhart found the area so entrancing: behind Trappers Lake loom steep volcanic cliffs and beyond them a vast subalpine terrain yields to alpine tundra. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. This way when the bull pops his head out looking for the cow he knows that she is behind a little rise or on the other side of the ridge. In addition to the options listed above, wed be happy to help plan a trip for any family, group or individual. A lot of western creeks and high alpine lakes are teaming with trout. If you took a stone cold elk hunter in an OTC unit and put them in a trophy unit and force them not to shoot the first 300 bull and wait for a big one will out hunt the folks that shot 2 bulls in their life that combined may score 700. Thank you! Here at Budges Wilderness lodge, we take the care of wild game meat very seriously. Costs vary depending on the property and availability of landowner vouchers so call for details. habitat to hunt we can find the herds and offer you an excellent opportunities to see and encounter elk. Weve all seen moose guides on TV taking a shoulder blade and raking a tree or brush but this is a great early season tactic! Within minutes we were headed up the trail to camp. Contact us now to get started. However, you can use your rain gear as a layering system. Think of it from an elks perspective, who doesnt want to see a fight? For that reason, our Cancellation Policy is as follows: You may cancel your trip at any time, but all payments, deposits and fees paid to Budges are 100% non-refundable. With a lot of patience, moving slow, and team work four of us crossed it without a hiccup. You will find a few on top during the first couple days but they will quickly get pushed off. offers clients a very broad range of hunting opportunities ranging from 8,000 ft elevations to 11,000 ft high in the Wild Skies - Affordable, Secluded, Mountain Cabin. Please inquire about this program. Hunts are offered for Archery, Muzzleloader, Rifle, first second and third seasons. We have many drainages to hunt, dark timber for when the weather is warm and I have personally camped and hunted many years with great success at Fowler Peak - this is a top notch wilderness camp. Mental toughness goes a lot further than hiking further then you thought you could have or pushing your body. Our lodge-based elk hunts include five full days of hunting, six nights accommodations and meals. This allows us to rotate camp locations, reduce pressure, and increase hunt quality. You may call in a cow, a calf, or a big bull. While looking at the rams, I caught a flicker of movement on the mountain behind the rams. Spend more time hunting, not traveling. For the most part, I would not choose a unit based on trophy potential for your first DIY hunt. Otherwise, too many elk will get killed; thats how important/game-changing being in shape really is! MM slash DD slash YYYY. Rattling may seem like a whitetail trick but it can be very successful at calling in younger bulls. Its important to know that we offer entirely free-range hunts on wild, public land where there are far more variables than guarantees. Roughly 100 miles of fishable streams are in the Flat Tops Wilderness. I decided our best bet would be to head back to the horses and make our way back to camp and go after the elk early the following morning. Whether youve dreamed of a September bow hunt or black powder hunt for bugling elk during the rut, or hunting high country bulls during rifle season, we can help you get there. Colder weather and the chance of snow can work to the hunters advantage, causing the animals to be more active throughout the day. Colorado residents can draw with 0-1 point. Archery Week 1: Sep 5-9 (arrive on the 4th, depart on the 10th), Archery Week 2: Sep 12-16 (arrive on the 11th, depart on the 17th), Muzzleloader: Sep 9-13 (arrive on the 8th, depart on the 14th), Archery Week 3: Sep 19-23 (arrive on the 18th, depart on the 24th), Archery Week 4: Sep 26-30 (arrive on the 26th, depart Oct 1st), 1st Rifle Season: Oct 14-18 (arrive on the 13th, depart on the 19th), 2nd Rifle Season: Oct 28-Nov 1 (arrive on the 27th, depart on Nov 2nd), Muzzleloader: Sep 14-18 (arrive on the 13th, depart on the 19th), 1st Rifle Season: Oct 12-16 (arrive on the 11th, depart on the 17th), 2nd Rifle Season: Oct 26-30 (arrive on the 25th, depart on the 31st). From: FORESTBOWS 31-May-20 Hey guys! Every few steps we were pulling out our binoculars to make sure we were not going to bump any elk and cause them to bail off the mountain. The Flat Tops are part of the White River Plateau with an average elevation of about 10,000 feet. After glassing up a handful of does, a couple of smaller bucks, and a black bear, I planned an easy first day of hunting closer to camp to help adjust to the altitude for Saeed (we had set camp at 10,000 and planned on hunting up to 11,500). Self Guided Base Camps: We have complete ready to hunt wilderness base camps based on a 4 hunter minimum per camp. JavaScript is disabled. supplies or to pack out animals. Then you'll know what access will work. This vast country Whether you hunt big game such as Mule Deer, Elk or Bear or enjoy fly fishing private river frontage in a wilderness setting or want a ride in and ride out snowmobile cabin location, Wild Skies' year-round cabins located on the Northern end of the Flat Tops in the Rocky Mountains of Northwest Colorado in Game Management Unit 12 and in Craig . I leaned over and told him to put the rifle down for a second, look at me, and take some deep breaths. Just because they take you in on horseback for 8 miles does not mean you wont see anyone. But its also important to remember that a great deal of that success is in the hands of each individual hunter. Outfitters want you to be successful so they can put more pictures of dead animals on their social media pages and website. All of our guests who harvest an animal will go home with a set of these reusable game bags. Within a few seconds after looking through the binoculars a bull was spotted bedded down on the far side of the bowl, just shy of 700 yards. Theres one shooting exercise I read about that is a great tool that you can you learn your true hunting affective range. Saeed, now more calm, pulled his rifle up. Also, hold out for a good bull! There are never any guarantees out here in the wilderness, but our guides will put you in the best possible position for an opportunity. If a hunting trip is cancelled with more than 90-days notice prior to the arrival date, the non-refundable deposit may be credited toward other guests or dates within 12 months of the date of the original reservation, subject to availability. A lot of times they will be 100% silent coming in. The biggest factor when choosing a hunting partner is making sure you have a similar level of physical fitness. Budges Wilderness Lodge sits 40 miles from the nearest hard-surfaced road and is surrounded by Wilderness on three sides. Wildlife in the area include elk, mule deer, black bear, big horn sheep, mountain , antelope, and an occasional moose. This one is more for the drop camp hunters than the hunters hiking in. This should go without saying but your shooting skills need to be on point! You must log in or register to reply here. If you are backpacking into the mountains or are getting packed in via horseback you most likely wont be taking a target along with you. In some cases, we will return to the lodge for a simple lunch. Ive hunted units 11,22, and 211 before but never have ventured into the Flat Tops. Be ready to adjust . The hunters that go into one spot and dont see an elk after two days and then bounce to a different unit are spending more time hiking/driving then they are productively looking for elk. No motorized transportation is allowed in wilderness areas. I was guiding a gentleman named Saeed, from Kentucky, on his first elk hunt. For hunters using an outfitted drop camp you dont have to worry about weight as much but most likely your outfitter will have a weight limit per person. Guided 2X1 hunts are $4400. Let me tell you, the faster you get over there the more time you have to sneak into a good spot to ambush them and the more time you have for your heart to calm down after your sprint! Having a game plan is key to start the day! Just wanted to see if anyone has hunted this area and what they thought of it. . It had been an unusually warm rifle season in the Flat Tops Wilderness, and there was no change in the forecast. Lots of area for those tags to spread out, but still a ton of tags. In time, in weather, and with pressure things change, so I will tell you up front I hunted it during 2nd rifle. Wilderness and adjoining White River National Forest. The balance is due August 1st. The Flattops which also include GMU's 23, 231, 24, 25, 26, 33, and 34) host the largest migratory elk herd in the world, about 40,000 . If you want to bow hunt elk this year, contact us for details. Mental toughness and physical fitness go together like Forest Gump and Jenny. We saw quite a bit of Hunting pressure in 2013 in unit 24 Flat Tops. Most likely, as a first time elk hunter you are going to shoot the first legal bull that presents an opportunity. Not for the faint of heart, this do-it-yourself option was born in the age of the self sufficient hunter. In stark contrast to the West Elk's steep and rugged terrain, the Flat Tops pretty much takes after its name sake, with the occasional peak rising 1,000 feet above the high plateau. I immediately caught glimpse of three very large Rocky Mountain Bighorns on the adjacent mountain. Elk hunting in the rugged terrain of the Flat Tops Wilderness is a world class experience. The second rifle season takes place at the end of October. Box 907, Hayden, CO 970-276-3812 970-757-3812 8/21-11/15 Day use & drop camps during big game hunting season 12 Baldy Creek, Rough . The camps are located high up and well back into the Flat Tops Wilderness and are reached by horse. The picture above is of a bull I shot with a 100 grain Rage Hypodermic at 55 yards. Yesterday it was the garden of Eden, elk everywhere; now I didnt see any with my naked eye. Ripple Creek Lodge's guided hunts take you deep into the Flat Tops Wilderness Area of Northwest Colorado, These hunts are conducted entirely on horseback in Game Management Unit 24 on the White River National Forest. If you contact us after the draw, we may not have availability. Call around and talk to several outfitters and ask for references. Know the difference between 3 hour old poop and day old poop. is sour taste a physical property. But when you get discouraged its best to soak in the little things! Elk Hunting Drop Camps Colorado 2023 Wilderness Drop Camp Information $2250 per Hunter $800 Deposit per hunter required to book hunt Ripple Creek Lodge's drop camps are located deep into the White River National Forest and the Flat Tops Wilderness Area of northwest Colorado. We will provide you with the landowner I know having a horse or ATV is ideal, but we will be doing it all on foot. If this is the route for you, pick your outfitter not the unit. Once youre in their wheel house of comfort you can let a bugle out and game on. Once you are familiar though, getting turned around is less of an issue and finding your way back to camp becomes second nature. hunting seasons starting in early July and running into December. We slept there due to the lower altitude. The hardest part of elk hunting is becoming familiar with an area. I could have punched a tag most days hunted, just didn't find one I wanted. Success is high and hunting easier physically than our pack-in mountain hunts. As the bull breaks through the clearing, Saeed shoots and the bull starts running. Pressure where you can get to butI haven't found that to be a problem. If you hike 3 miles with weight on your back at home before getting tired you can do 1 mile in the mountains. They are professional, experienced back-country woodsmen and know how to handle horses. As elk seem to be running in every direction and crisscrossing, there is a sense of chaos. Colorado Private Land Elk, Mule Deer and Antelope: Offering archery, rifle and muzzleloader hunting for mature animals on private ranches located in the lower elevation mountain units near Colorado Springs and around Pikes Peak. Once you figure a handful of those spots out, youre golden. Aug 21, 2012. Size:235,035 acres Elevation: 7,600 to 12,994 feet Miles of trails: 160 Year designated: 1975 During your guided hunt you will stay in one of our historic cabins and travel on horseback each day into the Flat Tops Wilderness to access primitive hunting areas. What I mean is that a 100 acre aspen grove may hold 20 elk and the surrounding area for the next 2 miles has a lone bull wondering around. I too have hunted the flat tops, and took my first bull Elk there. Most folks are going to be focusing on getting an elk down but a 160 mule at 45 yards is hard to pass up! This part of We will then pack it back to the main lodge on horses or mules. Discover Jay Scott Outdoors Western Big Game Hunting and Fishing Podcast 843: . All of our black powder hunts are in a limited draw unit. I'm sure there you can find solitude somewhere there, but we haven't found that place yet lol. This guide will provide you with everything you need to know about the best hunting spots, local culture, and zip codes in Colorado.As a hunter, you. It is also known to be one of the most forgiving terrain that elk inhabit, making it suitable for any hunter to hunt without the vertical terrain elk typically live in. Elk, deer and moose find the area quite pleasant in the summer. It can help you locate animals and help you call them in. Better yet have your buddy do it while you are on the look out with an arrow knocked. But some of the most beautiful and abundant elk habitat is on the plateau. The plan was, to get up above them more and out of eye sight but not too much so that we would be sky-lined. Reserve your spot now to lock in this years rates. Hunters who wish to experience a wilderness elk hunt with a rifle have two options. you are interested in. elk can be found anywhere on any day. Once I locate an animal I get down wind of them as fast as I can before they have a chance to move off. voucher needed to purchase the private land license. Adventures. Currently, it takes nonresident hunters 4-5 preference points to draw the muzzleloader elk license Colorado residents can draw with 1-2 points. Spend the rest of your time E-scouting or getting in shape instead of fine tuning your lip bawl bugle. Sit water holes if you find one. Its easy and we can help. Physical fitness may get you to camp or almost there. In addition to the antlers on the wall, a freezer full of elk meat to share with your family and friends is one heck of a souvenir! Horse-back day hunts available in the Flat Tops with or without lodging. I lost sight of the bull for a few seconds, but he let out what could be the most beautiful sounds in the Rockies, a bugle! 970.878.5122 - email: The following morning we were up earlier than usual for our long ride. I know this sounds miserable but thats OTC elk hunting for you. located 5-8 miles from the trailhead. Advance reservations take priority. Another question you may ask your outfitter is about the hunter density. Not sure if you're a resident but either way, this is a great resource. Maximizing your success takes time and sometimes extra money, hiring an outfitter for a drop camp. So we decided to watch them and see what they did. So you finally made the leap, and are going elk hunting for the first time. Elk hunting is the main attraction in the Flat Tops Wilderness and White River National Forest but contact us to discuss bear, moose or mule deer hunts. 12888 County Road 8 - Meeker, Colorado 81641 I hunted the second rifle season in the flat tops area for several years in a row, in the 80's, with several friends from Oklahoma. A bull may pop out at 100 yards looking for the cow that you made the sound of. Ripple Creek Lodge offers accommodations in comfortable cabins, guided fishing adventures, trail riding excitement and relaxing family vacations in the unforgettable Flat Tops Wilderness Area and White River National Forest. 300+ is very common. Saeed pulled out a cigar in celebration and talk of how he is going to mount the bull begins to be tossed around. Hunters can expect to start their day with a hot breakfast in the cook tent. Give a shout if you have any specific questions and I'll try to help you out. The White River National Forest is well-known for its elk, mule deer, moose, and black bear hunting opportunities. Colorado's 4-point antler restriction and the remoteness of the area allow for a decent possibility of running into a trophy bull during any season. With that being said, a lot of folks dont take it serious and they regret it as soon as they hit the trailhead. Great fishing, incredible scenery, and a true wilderness experience. However, some units still offer either sex tags during archery season. The biggest tip is that less is usually more. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Soaring interest in Colorado's big-game hunting seasons for animals like deer, elk and bear far outpaces the number of licenses that state wildlife officials have to offer, driving . This may seem backwards but elk are very noisy animals when they are feeding around. Remember anywhere you can get to ,so can everyone else. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The first step of the hunt is choosing where you want to go. Persistence will eventually pay off and like you mentioned, unsuccessful hunts are just as important, if not more important, on the lessons you learn that make you a better hunter. You are using an out of date browser. Contact. An attached cook tent provides a separate space for our guides to prepare meals. If you hit a 6 circle thats awesome! It took 4 hours to get within 3/4 of a mile of where I had last spotted the elk before they went into the timber. In a real life situation youll be lucky to let one arrow fly during the course of the week. Experienced, expert guides To increase opportunity even more on your hunt, you can also look at getting a deer tag and or a bear tag as well. The balance is due 60 days prior to arrival and is non-refundable. Colorado Elk Hunts in the Flat Tops Wilderness Area Budge's Wilderness Lodge HUNTING The White River is home to the largest elk herd in the world. Your IP: Colorado Outfitters License #284, Lone Tom Outfitting 2022 - All rights reserved. Evan and I saddled the riding horses for the four of us, ate breakfast, packed our lunches, and we were ready to go. If you come from sea level and camp at 10,000 feet I will almost guarantee you will experience some sort of altitude sickness. Zach put our cold smoked ribeyes on the fire for dinner and heated up the sides as we told the story of the day. . Even if youre planning a rifle hunt, we highly recommend that hunters save up points for a limited muzzleloader hunt or archery hunt down the road. e.) Camaraderie, enjoying yourself, and fishing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Our large hunt area and number of camps allows us to increase your chances. In addition to our limited unit hunts, we offer archery hunts in an over-the-counter elk unit. What makes this area excellent for elk archery hunts is that because we have lots of elk the opportunity to encounter Round Lake, Flat Tops Wilderness P.O. Mule deer hunting is very good with trophy quality bucks in the 28"-30" range taken yearly. If you want to shoot a fixed blade over an expandable great. Ive seen a lot of animals killed with a bow and have never seen a broadhead not do exactly what it advertises it does. Required fields are marked *. Prices are per-person, based on double occupancy (2 person minimum per cabin). For cancellations made less than 90 days prior to the arrival date, the exact reservation may be transferred to another guest, or the payments received will be forfeited. With the horses tied up, and saddles loosened Saeed and I were off. If you are able to make it out to the unit you are planning on hunting before you show up thats ideal! I plan on going out a month or two early to scout some. Already have preference points in Colorado and ready to book? From there, we had a fifty yard stretch of loose rock on the hillside that at the time seemed almost impossible to cross without accidentally knocking a rock loose alerting every elk in the area that we were there. Usually after the first volley of arrows I find my groove and nailing a 6 circle at 100 yards is pretty normal. The odds are tough any given year, but as you put in your time you will achieve success. We offer hunts during the first and second rifle seasons in Colorado. At Budges Wilderness lodge, we look forward to helping you plan an elk hunt that meets your goals and expectations. The White River is home to the largest elk herd in the world. Hunting the Flat Tops Wilderness (GMU 24) It is our opinion that all these hunts have a high level of service throughout the ride in, ride out, packing of equipment and packing out of your game. Saeed pulled into the pack station to unload his vehicle and get it packed on the horses and mules. We proudly offer horseback riding, elk hunting, wilderness fishing and pack trips in what we feel is the most beautiful place on Earth! The next time I comment, moose, and saddles loosened Saeed and Bobby right behind.... To help you out real life situation youll be lucky to let one arrow fly during the of... Plateau with an arrow knocked fishable streams are in a limited draw unit archery, muzzleloader,,... Limited unit hunts, we may not display this or other websites correctly ID found the..., you can do 1 mile in the world true Wilderness experience was no change the... Bull begins to be running in every direction and crisscrossing, there is a great.... And finding your way back to the lower high-country desert wintering areas of grinding becoming. Hunting partner is making sure you have a chance to move off Podcast 843.. 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Zach put our cold smoked ribeyes on the property and availability of landowner vouchers so call for details when are... Applying in the Flat Tops are part of we will then pack it back to or... Learn more our Flat Tops Wilderness, and a true Wilderness experience be happy to help you them. Tough any given year, but as you put in your pack the rifle down for drop!

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