This is a classic codependent relationship. Ephesians 6:12 says, "For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." If this spirit is not properly exposed and dealt with within a reasonable length of time, it can totally destroy and completely bring down a marriage, church, ministry, company, or an individuals life. She may capitulate to passivity and stay in the marriage merely out of fear or for financial security. Conviction must be present. I have been married 24 years now. My first few years of marriage was wonderful. If you are inclined to keep going along to get along just to keep the peace, then you may be carrying the biblical Ahab spirit, and your friend, spouse, family member, boss or employee, male or female, is probably a Jezebel! But what am I supposed to do in this situation? Research the Jezebel and Ahab spirit and start by making sure you do not have the Ahab spirit. This spirit hates authority, despises correction, hates being subjected and loves attention. If a woman who is influenced by Jezebel doesnt manage to seduce a man she will then play the victim like socio-paths do by making false witness against him that he raped her or tried to rape her. Most men are unaware that the failure to take the spiritual lead in his household is a sin against God. A Jezebel will have a record of your history and especially knows your triumphs and victories. The Jezebel spirit attacks family leaders. 2. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers2 Timothy 4:3. I watched it rise up all around me in family and co workers. View all posts by Joan Sharpe. The marriage continued to erode and he eventually left. Therefore, he/she will not be at peace until they find revenge, even if it takes years to achieve. i was an easy target and because she had me she could now return to asking like a good little church girl and prophetess and i look like a fool. Your email address will not be published. All hell broke loose Im now being constantly hacked she refuses to divorce me and shes been manipulating my kids its almost been a year of non-stop chaos tearing down and distortion of reality I have so much to say but Ill pray for everyone here and hope the best. Seek council from God and ask him to guide you and if necessary provide someone to help you and pray for your wife. But I have been given the authority (Luke 10:19), not the Jezebel. She increasingly misses going to church in preference to being by herself. I now believe that my wife is under the influence of Jezebel. When all this got started for myself I went to a lot of people looking for answers. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I have seen a prophetess accusing* someone else for being under Jezebel influence; it is safe to assume that the first one is a false prophet. We would love to pray with you. Now I have taken some sort of stand and refuse to be belittled but then again for upteenth time am forced to stay away from her. Then he plays the victim. Fearing a loss of financial security, she may become passive and surrender her authority and dignity in God to a controlling man. He has repented of adultery, prostitution, pornography connected best ology , incest touching of our daughter, as well as sexual relationship with having with a girl helped for 10 years . Curt Landry was born and raised in Los Angeles, C.A. This took a while to compile, type out and publish! 13575 58 St. N., Suite 105 He has a diverse background in business, counseling, consulting, pastoring and teaching, which gives him unique leadership insights and perspectives. In other words if I started to worry or get frustrated or freak out, I would bury myself in the Bible or prayer. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. You see this same behavior in Queen Jezebel as she manipulated King Ahab. They will however casually bring up in conversations your flaws and weaknesses to mock you or they will bring up your victories as a way to butter you up. It sounds weak on my part that the only thing I can offer is prayer, from someone who is dire need of prayer himself. I feel I can't get away! How can you tell? The only way to protect the home is to adhere to Genesis 2:24, which reads, Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh (women, we need to cleave too!).. Does this advise agree with Gods promises and instructions? Listen to the Audio Jezebel will tell you of the many experiences, dreams and visions he/she has had but experiences, dreams and visions without knowledge of Gods Word are dangerous. I havent gone back because she threatened me not to. At first i thought it was a terrible joke, than she said it is part of her family curse to destroy men She gave me examples of her entire family that what they do She told me not one minute of it was real, not one. So how has this turned out? May I remind you that your battle is not simply to establish your faith, but it is also to demonstrate light on the earth. It will undermine change or any sort of constructive criticism. It may be to stay for a time then go. She hates men who are strong enough to flee from sexual immorality. We are now divorcing. Elijah had just killed 850 prophets and turned the Israelites One of them called me home to tell me that X, a part of the cult, was possessed and I should be very careful in dealing with her. She admitted to not being led, but felt she could do it better. Therefore, for some people you will have to tell them Excuse me, please take off your shoes before you come in that is to mean; keep your opinions, judgements, tales and advices; they are not coming in our relationship. A Jezebel spirit is so manipulative and controlling, that it will even affect the way a person The latest breaking Christian news you need to know about as soon as it happens. Testimonial RTS Seminar Attendee: Issues with Word Curses, Rejection and Fear, Our Next Released to Soar Deliverance Seminar, Testimonial RTS Seminar Attendee: Issues with Generational Curses, Doubt/Unbelief and Anger. the atmosphere around her is of scrutiny, judgement, control. When Elijah called upon God to send fire down to consume the sacrifice on his altar, fire came down from heaven immediately and consumed the offering. When it feels it is losing the control it has been allowed to have, it goes after those who cross its path. God is our defence praise God 2) Jezebels Persecution of the Prophets. And if she couldnt lead them away, she eliminated them. People on the outside dont see the manifestation of This spirit. Whether you are the parent, child, spouse, or whomever, only God can grant you the courage to minimize the consequences for making the Jezebel in your life angry. If a Jezebel is in a woman, shes will open several accounts on social media websites such as Facebook and Instagram to fight you or to steal your other half. In part 2, I will show youHow the Jezebel Spirit Will Operate. Yes my husband is having an affair guess what she has a Jezebel spirit too. You're experiencing resistance because you're right where you need to be: taking new ground, advancing the kingdom and shining light in dark places. All I ever seem to read from Christian leaders, authors and the like is love your wife as Christ loved the church. Such was the case with the Pharisees, they found Jesus teachings offensive and very hurtful to them and they eventually sort to kill and destroy Jesus. What You Need To Know About The Spirit of Jezebel. The Jezebel spirit has influenced in all of our lives, be it through leadership, friendship, or family. It took me a little over 8 years to walk away. We adhere to biblically based moral and ethical principles, and maintain these principles both in public and in private. This creates footprints of dust, impurities and delusions. Through the years he noticed that she would never humble herself in church, receive correction or even go to alter call. Kris has a passion to use his experience and his prophetic gift to assist world leaders in achieving their goals and accomplishing their mission. Learn our proven and effective 5-Step process. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. It is written: David built there an altar to the Lord and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. She stopped speaking to him entirely and slandered him in church and in the City. Repentance understands the great offense the behavior and the heart behind it is to God and to those who were a victim of it. So how do you know if you're under the influence of a Jezebel spirit? In this sermon on Jezebel we find 1) Marriage of Jezebel and Ahab. They make commitments and promises quickly and use recommendations from others to impress others. Im not hijacking or spamming here, but really would like your prayers. If she goes in a weak church, there will begin to be little revelation of Gods word during sermons and there will barely be any testimonies. Through it all he wants nothing bad to happen to her he has no desire to be with her. A worldly lead conversely, opens the door to destruction. never go look for work plus stop thinking about him because what i see is confusion desperation and thats what this spirit brings when you see him you have to be aggresived the kingdom suffer violence and the we take it by force so when you speak with him say STOP IN THE NAME OF JESUS NOW AND BE QUITE IN JESUS NAME.. do it. I will go into more detail if need be after a reply. Jezebel and Ahab are to whom we owe that honor! A spiritual lead covers the home in Godly armor against spiritual warfare. WebI loose the hounds of heaven against Jezebel (1 Kings 21:23). And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent. I have almost lost myour mind and my life several times, because I am married to a Jezebel woman. He has repented to God and had also sought her forgiveness of his wrongdoing during their marriage. I love my wife with all my heart. Some people have called this a master type spirit. Stay up-to-date with current issues, Christian teachings, entertainment news, videos & more. I am going through rollercoaster of emotions and fear, I have left clothes on my back, lived in 12 different homes last 2 months, I need prayer, wisdom, strength, because I have to have the strength ,to divorce this man .I told police everything my daughter refuses to press charges. No I will not speak of our personal problems or anything about our marriage but I will visit my mother because its her God given right that I do not forget her. It feigns sincere human emotions. She will do just about anything to get someones place of prominence especially those who speak the truth or have a genuine/pure heart. He never understood how she could be one way in church and immediately change when alone with her family. They have their own agenda. Third, I would recommend considering the addition of a few other movements and religions just for emphasis. I couldnt get what I wanted from that mean man. I was shown that my wife to be had this thing in her. This is the controlling spirit of Jezebel at work, using its position of prominence to destroy other womens lives. I read this specific article and so many things have already struck out for me and I am able to relate to them personally. I thank God I feel better every day. Spiritual Warfare + Ministry Why are things so hard now? I fully understand. So you may have experienced resistance in the form of anxiety, depression, nightmares and even suicidal thoughts because you have taken new land to change the world and to love the evil out of the earth. We fight against a powerful and evil spiritual darkness. Jezebel is This Writeup Is A Chapter Taken From The Book INCORRUPTIBLE BEAUTY by Dephne Madyara, Email us Facebook Page Facebook Group YouTube Donations, Just a quick note re: New Age document . In other relationships, he finds it difficult to fully commit to a woman or God, which would mean that he would have to break the emotional dependency he has on his mother. He was unsaved and she proclaimed to be saved. I wish I could just be married to my wife, without Jezebel being there too, because my wife, when shes herself, is absolutely wonderful. Well, maybe not as brief as I had hoped. 2022 was and is going to be the year for me and my walk with Christ. These women he raped had one thing in common they were physically beautiful. Demonic forces that have held the planet in their clutches for generations were, and still are, being broken. Never ever be alone in a secluded place with someone of the opposite sex unless the Holy Spirit gives you peace about it. A Jezebel promises to fulfil all your forbidden desires and will do so by unjustly ways. They use false humility and feel entitled or owed something. A Jezebel spirit in a woman will not submit to a man, if she does it will only be in pretence in order to gain ground or favours; her submission is conditional. Some wives allow this spirit to entice them and they end up submitting to their husband only when it is beneficial to them; this is rebellion in the marriage bed. Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds.Revelation 2:19-22 (emphasis added). Christian Counselors, Deliverance Ministry and Spiritual Warfare. Greater is He who is within you than he who is in the world. Jezebels agenda is more extensive than just ungodly control and manipulation. As a result, it is actually easy to spot after a certain length of time. I walk in the Favor of God and that I am free from every spirit of bondage for I am the righteousness of God. We want to be clear that both men and women can be influenced by the Jezebel spirit. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Hence, the importance of setting boundaries. She was a ruling queen back at that time and she had cold-bloodedly killed many of Gods prophets back at the time she was ruling. If a gifted or talented person has a Jezebel as a friend that person will suffer greatly because Jezebel will act like a friend yet he/she is an enemy seeking to sabotage them and their gifts. As a result withholding information from strangers chokes Jezebel, it deprives the person with this spirit from information. We want all the answers now, but it doesnt work that way. The charming initial impression of the spirit manipulates those around him to do its will at the cost of hurting others. I am seeking godly counsel. When you discuss with outsiders first, it is very dangerous and can cause premature death on your relationship. This is why those who are married must always be covered in prayer. He/she is the opposite of everything 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 says about Love. God says that His people perish for a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) and that the truth will set you free (John 8:32). Since the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, a Jezebel spirit roams about the world seeking to convince women to usurp WebFind Marriage Counseling Therapists, Psychologists and Marriage Counseling in Purcellville, Loudoun County, Virginia, get help for Marriage Counseling in Purcellville. He/she will make you think they are more spiritual than most people. 13575 58 St. N., Suite 105 Watch the Video, Filed Under: Christian Deliverance Ministry, Featured Post Slider Tagged With: control, jezebel. . This hurts like hell. The wife also has a responsibility to walk in Godly respect to her husband. Queen Jezebel is typically thought to have been a harlot. She outlined the warning signs of people operating under the influence of a Jezebel spirit. Most pastors can not spiritually isolate and see this spirit. So if Im married to a Jezebel (which I am) theres no way for her to change, or for things to get better? has spent every cent he ever made . 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