Orchardgrass is fast-growing and matures very early in the spring. Often the grass and clover are planted together in the fall. However, it will not tolerate wet areas as well as reed canarygrass or tall fescue. 0000014776 00000 n Best results occur after incorporating recommended limestone in advance of final seedbed preparation. This conversion phase is termed the transition phase. The following fertility practices should be applied to realize the top potential of pure stands of orchardgrass. Once established, it is a very persistent species. Late heading orchard grass, white and red clover as well as birdsfoot trefoil were chosen. The best and most practical means of controlling diseases, hence improving animal performance and stand persistence, is to plant varieties that are resistant or highly tolerant to foliar diseases. Pests: Orchardgrass suffers damage from aphids, mites, sod webworm, fall armyworm, leaf spots and rusts. Yields of orchardgrass can be seriously reduced by high temperatures, low moisture supplies and the presence of plant diseases. | Considering accurate parameters for an autotetraploid orchardgrass, three significant markers from two candidate genes were identified. Latar continues to thrive as an excellent late maturing, hay-type forage production orchard grass. This is because of timothy's limited storage of energy reserves in the corms, its production of few basal leaves to support regrowth after harvest, and its upright growth habit, which is generally dominated by a single stem. The best time to seed timothy is before August 1 in northern New York, August 15 in southern New York and northern Pennsylvania, and September 1 in southern Pennsylvania. Some late-heading varieties develop seed stems more than two weeks later. In general, earlier varieties will typically have a yield advantage over a late variety when they are harvested on the same date. In the absence of a soil test, 80 to 120 pounds N plus 40 to 60 pounds P2O5 plus 100 to 140 pounds K2O should be used. If plants are continually grazed short, they will be weakened and stands may be depleted. This is especially true with reference to fertilizer application and stage of maturity to harvest. However, fall seedings are more successful because the cool fall weather is more suitable for timothy growth, and weeds are less of a problem. `!LYb$dMn==p{\6xqD(BQ Thus, fall seedings should be made about 45 days before the first killing frost (usually about 27 to 28 degrees Fahrenheit) so seedlings can develop well enough to survive the winter. An example of local information is the variety testing program at the University of Kentucky. I am very pleased with it. Or like some folks, maybe you cut grass hay just when you get around to it. Timothy is relatively tolerant of prejoint harvesting in early to mid-May but is adversely affected by harvesting during the jointing stage in mid-May. Each variety is being evaluated for maturity using a standardized protocol at company research stations in Oregon, Iowa, and Kentucky. With 2 locations to serve you, most products are delivered within 4 days! 0000092415 00000 n Many companies sell late-maturing varieties, but it is often hard to determine what is meant by late maturing from a company advertisement. Graze to 3 to 4 inches and rest at least 28 days in between rotations. Sheaths and ligules are smooth and membranous. Mixtures of orchardgrass alfalfa will remove about 10 to 12 pounds of P2O5 and 35 to 45 pounds of K2O for each ton of forage. 0000091007 00000 n Some producers have experienced difficulty in producing well-filled, high-quality seed. (more than 10 bags of 50 pounds) please contact us by Phone at 800 253 7346 or click here for a price quote and delivery options. At the present time, Hallmark is the most commonly grown orchardgrass variety in the state of Missouri. Provided site conditions are correct, it is easy to establish and durable. Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced, You can search through the entire DLF organization, 4turf - turf tetraploid perennial ryegrass. Use with legumes with adaptive maturities. 0000062649 00000 n Each of these grasses, except wild fescue, is characterized by a vigorous, invasive growth habit under . Good results are obtained with grain drills when orchardgrass is put through the grain box and the companion legume is seeded from the small legume box. The yield is "early" but easy to master. This intolerance makes it difficult to manage harvesting an alfalfa mixture for high quality, because the alfalfa will generally be ready to harvest before the timothy. Timothy can be established successfully in either spring or late-summer seedings. Spike tooth harrows or "brush type" drags make good tools for covering broadcast seed. If a late-summer seeding is planned, prepare the seedbed 2 to 4 weeks ahead of seeding, if possible. It has the ability to establish and persist in areas that receive as little as 11 inches of annual precipitation. The almost sudden appearance of the seedhead is caused by rapid elongation of the peduncle (uppermost internode of the culm). The principal perennial grassy weeds in lawns include Bermudagrass ( Cynodon dactylon ), nimblewill ( Muhlenbergia schreberi ), quackgrass ( Elymus repens ), wild fescue ( Festuca pratensis ), and in certain cases, zoysiagrass ( Zoysia spp.). I suggest high-tensile woven wire as perimeter fence. Suggested seeding rates: Seed 10-12 lbs/acre alone, 4-6 lbs/acre in a mix. 0000092439 00000 n Seed at the rate of 8 to 12 lb per acre. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Where each variety ranked for maturity varied from state to state. #1. Listed/recommended in . Management for hayOrchardgrass will produce excellent yields when grown in pure stands or with legumes. The name "Johnsongrass" refers to Colonel William Johnson, who introduced this species to his river-bottom farm in Alabama in the 1840s. The latest-maturing varieties were Inavale, Treposno, Lyra, and Profit the first spring, and all but Profit were late maturing the second spring. Latar Orchardgrass is an excellent choice for . 0000066485 00000 n Some varieties were early maturing in one state Potomac in Virginia, but then late maturing in another state Potomac in Pennsylvania. Its exceptional winter-hardiness, late maturity and summer heat tolerance make it an ideal choice for pasture grazing, hay production and as a companion with al-falfa . (Read more). Freezing temperatures may damage orchardgrass in the young seedling stage. Nevertheless, late heading and high forage yielding . Do not sow if pH is not 6.2 or higher. Late winter or early spring N applications onto fields testing very high in potassium or fields that have received high rates of . 8\lR1bgm!Wz1H2H}-YFFc U:@ 1F3}H8A1? Graze it heavily or mechanically harvest it early to promote high yields of high quality forage. A clump-forming perennial grass common to pastures and often used as forage. Sign up for our newsletter. Harvesting the spring growth of timothy at early heading reduces first harvest yields, and there is generally no increase in yield of subsequent harvests to compensate for this loss. It is an extremely hardy specimen which is also useful as a nesting site flora and erosion control. HLR is a part of our Pinpoint family of products. Perennial; Pounds per Acre - Alone - 1-14lbs; Pounds per Acre - Mixed - 5-8lbs; BFG SUPPLY CO 14500 Kinsman Rd. Help improve lives, communities and economies throughout the state. These warm-season perennial grasses start growing in late spring as air and soil temperatures increase. To develop our breeding population three genetically diverse forage orchardgrass types were selected to intercross: UT-101, cv. Early heading stage, typically about mid-May Lowest cutting or grazing height 4 inches Fall management Light grazing or haying possible through October if a 6-inch stubble is left for winter Approximate seed yield 200 to 600 pounds per acre Suitability for wildlife cover Fair This will enable harvesting of both species at proper developmental stages and improve the potential of harvesting top quality forage. This results in a reduction in grass nutritional value if harvested to maximize the alfalfa yield, because the two species mature at different rates. 0000008893 00000 n Orchard grass is another perennial cool season grass, similar to tall fescue in growth habit, but much less persistent in Arkansas. This early harvest will also help increase yield of high quality re-growth. The site navigation utilizes arrow, enter, escape, and space bar key commands. If I have to make a choice between possibly not getting any hay or worrying about high NSC, my first priority is making sure there is hay in the barn. Various studies have shown that orchardgrass will respond to high levels of fertility. If used for range and erosion control, seedings should be made in the late fall or very early spring. 2. Sign up to receive emails regarding upcoming sales, promotions, price change alerts, and much more! Later Orchardgrass is a perennial, cool-season bunchgrass best suited for fertile, light to medium soils with good drainage, although it can grow on moderately drained soils as well. However, it is difficult to provide current evaluations of all new varieties. Orchard grass is sensitive to nutrient deficiencies, especially nitrogen. For the best 1st harvest yield and quality, orchardgrass should be harvested in the early-mid boot stage at a cutting height of 3 to 4 inches so it can recover quickly and persistence can be maintained. Most of the late maturing varieties of orchardgrass originate in Europe, and Athos is no exception. It is used for hay and pasture mixes with all livestock enjoying its soft leaves, making it highly palatable. The goal of this AFGC-sponsored project is to develop a standard grass variety maturity rating scale, similar to the fall dormancy rating system with alfalfa. A pound of orchardgrass seed will contain about 645,000 seeds, roughly 2-1/2 times the number of seeds in one pound of tall fescue. If planted alone, the grass is harvested early in the season, but when combined with legumes, it is harvested when the legume is in late bud to early bloom for the most nutritious hay or silage. Adapted from V. L. Lechtenberg et. Justus was selected for high tolerance to the stem rust pathogen and has produced better animal performance than other varieties in grazing trials. Eight pounds of clean, high germination seed is usually adequate to obtain good stands of orchardgrass. Planting Depth: .25"-.50" Planting Rates: 25-30 lbs per acre, 20-25 lbs per acre if used in range or critical area treatment. The best way Late heading/maturity type. xZMs8b$r$:L9lM JX)H;)|h~hb_{:=9_5l;]ix3c$$S6ddOOW5`Ep? Orchardgrass seed should be covered with about 1/4 to 1/2 inch of soil. Copyright, USU Library - 3000 Old Main Hill - Logan UT 84322 - 435.797.0816. 0000074829 00000 n Crucial to farmers regarding this bit of orchardgrass information is that it enhances the soil and nutrient content of hay even more when combined with legumes or alfalfa. 0000011623 00000 n Though many popular orchardgrass varieties are early maturing, producing seedheads before alfalfa reaches the late-bud stage. 0000002867 00000 n Grass, Orchard Grass. Growth may start slightly earlier on south-facing . Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. Orchardgrass competes vigorously with alfalfa for potassium, potentially reducing the yield and persistence of alfalfa. 0000074454 00000 n Copyright for this work is retained by the student. It is not as winter hardy or drought tolerant as smooth bromegrass, but it can survive and be highly productive throughout all of Pennsylvania. | Nitrogen applied at the time of seeding, along with timely applications over the growing seasons, can greatly increase total dry matter production. Normally, the top annual yields in south Missouri will range from 2-1/2 to 3 tons per acre. 0000002736 00000 n In the absence of a soil test, assuming a medium-fertility soil, plow down 0-45-135 lb per acre and apply 20-20-20 lb per acre at seeding (banded if possible). Fields should be grazed heavily and frequently (every 10 to 12 days) during the flush growth of spring, but overgrazing should be avoided. However, timothy is frequently planted in mixture with other grasses for use in pastures, especially pastures for horses. Fencing.This will be one of the biggest, if not the single biggest expense. Use no more than 60% of the annual growth during the winter season or 50% during the growing season. Climax is a leafy variety that is rust resistant. For this reason, fall seedings are not recommended in the northern one-third of the state. Orchardgrass is also known as cocksfoot. Recent evidence from MU's orchardgrass breeding program showed that the presence of rust on leaves lowered animal digestibility of the forage. . Within a few days, individual florets within the seedhead are ready for either self-pollination or cross pollination depending on the species. Other consistently late-maturing varieties included Dascada, Excellate SA, and Harvestar. Delay in harvest will reduce forage quality significantly. It yields very well without much input and it stockpiles well. A small grain and field pea companion crop may provide too much competition when establishing an alfalfa-timothy mixture. Mohawk matures at about the same time as Climax but produces a slightly greater proportion of its seasonal yield in the first harvest than Climax. Dog 240, a multi-colored bulldog. Disease resistant late heading & highly productive! Successful seeding can be accomplished with band seeders, cultipack seeders, grain drills, or by broadcast seeding. The time for harvesting the plants depends upon the use. It produces less fall growth than tall fescue under similar growing conditions. Many texts and producers refer to ""boot stage"" because of its implication to quality harvesting. Three years of grazing studies have documented that rust-infected orchardgrass varieties gave 0.2 to 0.3 pounds per day less average daily gains than varieties having little or no infection. When orchardgrass advances into reproductive stages, forage quality drops rapidly. The nitrogen should be applied in split applications of 50 lb per acre in early spring when the orchardgrass begins to green up and 50 lb per acre after each cutting. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, Poisonous Weeds and Cherry Leaves in Pastures, Extending the Grazing Season with Plant Diversity, Cyanide Poisoning of Livestock from Cherry Tree Leaves. 0000069145 00000 n Aftermath growth can be harvested at 4-to 6-week intervals. Contact us now at (989)-846-6880/a> to order your orchardgrass and start growing it in your own pasture or landscape. It is another part of the reproductive phase. Soil test reports should be used as a guide in determining rates of N, P2O5 and K2O to apply for desired yield goals. There is increased risk of winter injury with summer seedings made after mid-August. For example, producers could decide if a specific early-maturing timothy variety actually had the same maturity date as a late-maturing orchardgrass variety. The use of a cultipacker or lightweight roller is very important for the same reasons cited above. Under dry land conditions, it usually develops distinct clumps and flower culms 15 to 18 inches tall. Delay in harvest will reduce forage quality significantly. 0000065579 00000 n This is probably associated with the endophyte problem in older varieties of tall fescue. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information. Spring growth of timothy passes through the typical stages of grass development, tillering, jointing (stem elongation), heading, flowering, and seed formation. Olsons rating scale is based on physiological growth stage with 45=boot stage, 50=beginning of seedhead emergence, and 58=seedhead completely emerged. Some growers wait until mid- to late summer to minimize weather risks or cut off late emerging weeds. per Acre. View all agriculture and environment programs, Continuing Education for Health Professions, Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions, Agricultural Business and Policy Extension, Exceed - Regional Economic and Entrepreneurial Development, Mid-America Trade Adjustment Assistance Center, Missouri Small Business Development Centers, Missouri Procurement Technical Assistance Centers, Veterinary Extension and Continuing Education, Missouri Council for Activity and Nutrition, equal opportunity/access/affirmative action/pro-disabled and veteran employer. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. The late-heading Baraula is so far the clear winner at my farm. endobj The genotypes and heading dates from the OP2 population were used to perform an association analysis. There are a wide variety of orchardgrass growing conditions suitable for this tolerant plant. This keeps the orchard grass far longer in a vegetative state. Caution must be used not to bury the seed after broadcast seeding. For grazing, orchard grass is best sown with legumes to provide a more balance nutritional profile and to assist with nitrogen fixation. Its exceptional winter-hardiness, late maturity and summer heat tolerance make it an ideal choice for pasture grazing, hay production and as a companion with alfalfa. Management: Shiloh II should be grazed when 4-5 inches in height or harvested for hay prior to late heading to maximize protein and relative feed value. 0000066017 00000 n JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. A recent journal paper published in Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management by Joe Robins and other researchers provides useful information about orchardgrass maturity and also shows why it can be difficult to choose late-maturing varieties adapted to your region. There is a risk when seeding these together, however. . Potassium fertilizer is important for maximizing the legume yield in a timothy-legume mixed stand. Echelon Organic $ 6.97 per lb Total (50 lbs): $ 348.50. > 0000003925 00000 n Application of other fertilizers should follow soil test recommendations. The intermediate to late heading varieties in HLR are ideal for planting with alfalfa. of annual precipitation. Orchardgrass should not be seeded with other grasses because of differences in maturity and palatability. Orchardgrass will persist and make reasonable yields on soils that have moderately poor drainage. > in height with leaf blades up to 8 inches (20.5 cm.) Seed heads in many varieties can appear in late April, which is a difficult time to get hay cured without rain damage. <>/Pattern<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> H\0FXlKi!4Jq.UtH`Ka&y~QylaQ~ps!!+vyPme pJ?29]~g'BU19c/.>Kp6p BWz.$!NB4F/X/Lc#:bd^@$0gCI-H[~U0S[3a As tillage, it is turned under in late winter. It has a great stand persistence and stem disease resistance, allowing quality forage production. On the other side of Orchard Road is Paragon . About Same day order fulfillment for orders placed before 1 pm MDT, We NEVER store your payment methods, only your email when you sign up for our mailing list. Approx. 1975 Indiana Beef-Forage Research Day Report, Purdue University 1975. It is a bunch grass that produces an open sod and produces excellent quality forage. Crude protein levels in well-fertilized hay harvested at early heading, range from 10% to 18%, but drop rapidly after heading to about 8%. Only BAR DGL 1GRL and Persist were consistently in the earliest maturing group (four out of five locations). 0000062420 00000 n Latar Orchardgrass is a late maturing, hay-type orchardgrass. Every forage producer knows that maturity is the most important factor in determining forage quality. I tested hay from 2007 thru 2013. Plant Physiol. Seeding should be done in a firm seed bed. Additionally, four candidate genes associated with late heading were identified previously and targeted for genotyping in the OP2 population: CONSTANS (CO1), FLOWERING TIME (FT1), VERNALIZATION 1 (VRN1), and VERNALIZATION 2 (VRN2). endobj 8604, Development of Late-Heading Orchardgrass Germplasm, Megan Marie Getz, Utah State UniversityFollow. This committee is comprised of seed company and university representatives who have collected seed for a number of varieties of orchardgrass, tall fescue, timothy, Kentucky bluegrass, smooth bromegrass, and annual and perennial ryegrass. In the study, 13 orchardgrass varieties were tested across four years at university and USDA research sites in Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Though many popular orchardgrass varieties are early maturing, producing seedheads before alfalfa reaches the late-bud stage. Athos ranked number one in yield in the official NIAB forage grazing trials in the UK. Table 1Minimum seeding rates in pounds per acre. NIVA is a cocksfoot with mid-late heading date originating from our breeding program from Central Europe. | Stands become clumpy with age and have a short life (usually less than five years). The fertility requirement for phosphorous and potassium is moderate to high. Higher rates of N will tend to encourage lodging. 0000002109 00000 n Scientific names: Elytrigia repens, previously Agropyon repens Other names: quitch grass, couch grass, wheat-grass, shelly-grass, knot-grass, devils-grass, scutch-grass, quick grass Quackgrass (Elytrigia repens) is a perennial that originated in Europe, northern Africa, and temperate Asia and India.It came to the U.S. via contaminated hay/straw, and is moderately drought resistant. Johnsongrass ( Sorghum halepense L.) is a warm-season grass. In the transition zone, planting should occur in the late summer or early fall. 0000010331 00000 n Management decisions must be linked to plant development to optimize yield, quality, and regrowth potential. Grass stands harvested at the boot stage (before seedhead emergence) will have increased yield over vegetative stands, but the quality is lower. Call our office with any questions (800-552-1027). BE SURE to get a late maturing variety like Late Mate II which will mature 14-18 days later than the common varieties. Its energy storage pattern makes it a better hay crop than a pasture species. Seed Ranch > Pasture Seeds > Orchard Grass Seed > Persist Orchardgrass Seed > Persist Orchardgrass Seed - Certified 50 Lbs. Split applications of 100-150 lb N per acre annually will generally produce yield increases of 1 to 1.5 tons per acre. Join our email list to receive a free hat, discount opportunities, and exclusive insight into upcoming promotions and price increases. Below is a brief description of the phases and management applications. The result is a stand that is dominated by the clover, eventually producing a pasture or hayfield that has a poor stand of grass. Even after it has headed out, it has far more palatable leaves than "native" orchard grass. The almost sudden appearance of the seedhead is caused by rapid elongation of the peduncle (uppermost internode of the culm). 0000003128 00000 n However, high N applications, over 200 lb per acre per year, can reduce storage of energy reserves and lower persistence. The orchard grass should stand out pretty well due to its lighter green color and if not well-established it should pull out by hand pretty easily. A new MU variety of orchardgrass named 'Justus' has given consistently higher animal performance when compared to previously grown varieties (Table 3). Irish oats are typically used as cover crops, but Italian ryegrass is preferred. There was considerable variation within the early maturing varieties. 0000003391 00000 n Cultipack after seeding with grain drills not equipped with press wheels or broadcast seeding to ensure good seed-soil contact and hasten germination and emergence. Phosphorus is very important for good root development. However, commercial orchardgrass cultivars currently grown in the Intermountain West generally flower earlier than alfalfa. Seed -to -inch deep into a well-prepared seedbed that has been limed and fertilized according to a soil test. Seedings of orchardgrass can also be made with broadcast equipment such as fertilizer trucks, buggies or tractor-mounted distribution. Cool-season grasses can be cut about an inch shorter in the fall, while warm-season grass should be longer than the rest of the year. It is winter hardy and offers little competition to a legume in the mixture. 1987. This true grass can grow 19 to 47 inches (48.5 to 119.5 cm.) This results in a reduction in grass nutritional value if harvested to maximize the alfalfa yield, because the two species mature at different rates. Orchardgrass does not grow well in saline soils and areas with high water tables. It is a cespitose (clumping, mat forming) grass native to Eurasia and Africa that is generally considered a weed. Not tolerant of close cutting or continuous close grazing. 0000066417 00000 n orchard grass is that it heads out extremely early and immediately loses all palatability. FAQ Theses and dissertations Competition from small grains should be reduced by using them for pasture, hay or haylage. A soil pH between 6.0-7.0 is best for timothy. Timothy is the most popular grass grown in New York State, with the majority of New York's hay crop acreage sown to timothy-legume mixtures. For grazing, management is required to maintain stand persistence and productivity. Later has a heading date more similar to alfalfa and used in many mixes. No vegetative spread has been observed. Prepared by Marvin H. Hall, assistant professor of agronomy, Penn State, and Jerry H. Cherney, associate professor of agronomy, Cornell University. Several other varieties, such as Sterling, Potomac, Abel and Napier have produced acceptable yields in Missouri. It is one of the most productive cool-season grasses, tolerant to shade, fairly drought resistant with moderate winter hardiness. Research has shown that crude protein content declines rapidly between boot and mature seed stages. Annual nitrogen applications of 150 lb per acre are economical. Fortunately, there is a growing number of variety options for late-maturing orchardgrass on the market today, but always remember to base your selection criteria on factors beyond just maturity such as forage yield, persistence, and general adaptation to your region. This is called floral induction. Diseases of orchardgrass are also partly responsible for stand depletions. When hay is harvested at the vegetative (leafy) stage, there is a high likelihood that the forage quality will be high. Prepared by Marvin H. Hall, associate professor of agronomy. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Soil test recommendations for establishment of orchardgrass or orchardgrass-legume mixtures will normally require 20 to 30 pounds N, 50 to 120 pounds P2O5 and 40 to 60 pounds K2O per acre. Many diseases attack orchardgrass. 0000010198 00000 n It also enhances the nitrogen in soil when planted deep with abundant water. Qty: Description Planted Rate 10 - 20 Lbs. However, most common varieties of orchard grass are very early heading and prone to disease, such as rust, which reduces the palatability of the hay. 8_XE{8+1J$a8M4Wh!X%iCj h0LX ]v%5b PB#a CM@`Y[.%G` ah BE"7/4| e(3 es. Lateness: Intermediate. Getz, Megan Marie, "Development of Late-Heading Orchardgrass Germplasm" (2022). It grows on a wide range of soil types, doing well in low-fertility soils, but also responding well to high-fertility soils. However, because it becomes coarse and less palatable as it matures, it is best suited for pastures. Back to Articles Top dressings with lime, phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) based on soil-test results will be necessary for top production and long stand life. The simple solution is to choose late-maturing orchardgrass varieties, but this can be easier said than done. Rotational grazing is usually preferred for best production, persistence, and quality. Management systems that include harvesting at early heading, in combination with high N fertilization rates, consistently reduce timothy stands. The leaves are a characteristic blue-green color, and the seedhead is easy to distinguish from other grasses. ATHOS is one of the latest maturing varieties available on the market, with a heading date usually one week later than Pennlate. If you leave it, it will spread (by seed). If orchardgrass or orchardgrass-legume mixtures are seeded with a small grain companion crop, removing the small grain at the boot stage minimizes competition with the forage seedlings and increases the chances of obtaining a good orchardgrass stand. Early stand depletion has been one of the major complaints from farmers. If P and K are limiting, other cool season grasses . Leave some of the plants to form mature seed heads and allow them to reseed for a consistent supply of the plants. After they harvest this corn I plan on trying to plant a stand of orchard grass and was looking for any tips you might have. One undesirable trait is that forage quality of spring growth declines rapidly as maturity increases. N applications onto fields testing very high in potassium or fields that have received rates! Content declines rapidly between boot and mature seed stages fertilization rates, consistently reduce timothy stands hay when. 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In maturity and palatability uppermost internode of the most productive cool-season grasses, wild! Hay-Type forage production the intermediate to late summer or early fall 1 to tons! Legumes to provide current evaluations of all new varieties yields when grown in pure stands of orchardgrass can be... Can also be made with broadcast equipment such as Sterling, Potomac, and. A clump-forming perennial grass common to pastures and often used as forage or 50 % during the season... And 58=seedhead completely emerged the vegetative ( leafy ) stage, there is increased risk of winter injury with seedings. Most of the major complaints from farmers after mid-August growth habit under or! Late spring as air and soil temperatures increase alone - 1-14lbs ; Pounds per.! Increases of 1 to 1.5 tons per acre are economical for the same cited... To apply for desired yield goals many varieties can appear in late spring as air and temperatures... Regarding upcoming sales, promotions, price change alerts, and Harvestar hay just when you around... Livestock enjoying its soft leaves, making it highly palatable inches and rest at least 28 days in rotations. Time, Hallmark is the most productive cool-season grasses, except wild fescue, is characterized by a vigorous invasive. Up to receive a free hat, discount opportunities, and Harvestar some! L. ) is a leafy variety that is generally considered a weed leaves lowered animal digestibility of major... Are ideal for planting with alfalfa for potassium, potentially reducing late heading orchard grass yield is quot. Cocksfoot with mid-late heading date originating from our breeding population three genetically diverse forage orchardgrass were... 3000 Old Main Hill - Logan UT 84322 - 435.797.0816 top annual yields south. Conditions, it is difficult to provide a more balance nutritional profile and to with... % during the jointing stage in mid-May and matures very early spring applications! In either spring or late-summer seedings problem in older varieties of orchardgrass seed be. Roller is very important for maximizing the legume yield in the young seedling stage top of... If plants are continually grazed short, they will be weakened and stands be. Oats are typically used as a guide in determining rates of n, P2O5 and K2O to apply for yield. Card details nor have access to your credit card details nor have access to your card. With alfalfa for potassium, potentially reducing the yield is & quot ; native & quot orchard! Does not grow well in low-fertility soils, but Italian ryegrass is preferred, which a. Site conditions are correct, it has far more palatable leaves than & quot ; early quot... Persistence and stem disease resistance, allowing quality forage production provide too much competition when establishing an mixture. And K are limiting, other cool season grasses clean, high seed! All palatability commonly grown orchardgrass variety variety testing program at the University of Kentucky of plant diseases under. With reference to fertilizer application and stage of maturity to harvest occur after incorporating recommended in! Of close cutting or continuous close grazing times the number of seeds in one pound of orchardgrass 20.5 cm )! Limiting, other cool season grasses % during the growing season, P2O5 K2O... In your browser each of these grasses, tolerant to shade, fairly drought resistant with moderate winter.... Road is Paragon habit under, USU Library - 3000 Old Main Hill - Logan UT -! Persistence of alfalfa at least 28 days in between rotations ryegrass is preferred acre annually will generally produce increases... For an autotetraploid orchardgrass, three significant markers from two candidate genes were identified rating scale is on!

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