Added options to invert the CastBar, AuraBars, and Power colors on UnitFrames status bars when in transparent mode; as well as added custom backdrop options for these status bars. Cauterizing Flame (Evoker) now has dispel support. Ant-Man VS Atom; Gogeta VS Vegito; Past Seasons. Thin Border Unitframe setting can be toggled separately, regardless of the Thin Border UI setting (both are found under. We now only use one Font option for the Character-/Inspect Feature. While she initially did not remember him at first, Wally restored her memories of the pre-Flashpoint timeline, which also inadvertently brought back her Magenta persona and powers. Some Instance Icons were missing from Time datatext on German clients. Show Currency ID on Tooltip for Tracked Currencies on the Bag (if Tooltip settings allow Spell IDs to be shown). Knowing what needed to be done, he forced Tempus to promise him to get his kids to Earth once he acted, leading to Wally to sit on the Mobius Chair and obtain its knowledge and power. [Nameplate] Corrected the Swap to Alt Power setting. Menu for Datatext switch was displaying results twice. [Nameplate: Style Filter] Fixed PVP Talent triggers. Fixed issue which caused enemy nameplates to break after having targeted a friendly unit in an instance and have the classbar appear above that nameplate. Added ability to match players own health in the "Health Threshold" trigger for nameplate style filters. Update instance ID from Deepwind Gorge. He was trapped in the Speed Force for years, with the world temporarily forgetting his existence until his metaphorical "rebirth". Shortened the text displayed on the movement speed datatext. These can either allow or block all auras cast by player units (meaning not NPCs). Saves lot's of time when setting things up, if installing ElvUI on another PC/laptop, or when wanting a hard copy of the UI settings for when Blizzard suggests wiping your cache, etc. Chat Module now supports new Text To Speech options (Options > Install > Setup Chat, might be required, do this if you have issues). (/ec - General - Auto Scale | UI Scale), Added quality border option for Bag/Bank items. Fixed issue with ObjectiveTracker toggle button showing incorrect value. Fixed error in Garrison skin when the addon GarrisonCommander was enabled. Added "Match SpellID Only" option to individual RaidDebuff Indicator modules. Added Swap to Alt Power option to Raid and Raid40. Added Nazjatar Follower XP to the BfA Missions Datatext when in Nazjatar. Skinned a missing button on the new PVPMatch skin. [Nameplate] Name Only ending was preventing the Target Class Power from displaying correctly. Talent tooltips were showing ID, not once but twice, sometimes three or four or five.. maybe six times. Fixed Actionbar Masque enabled error "attempt to index field 'pushed' (a nil value)". (#134), Fixed DejaCharacterStats and Character Skin conflicts. Added an option to allow the portrait on UnitFrames to truly overlay the health, including the backdrop. Archie Sonic vs Wally West. Fixed an issue which caused a hidden frame in the middle of the screen to hijack clicks. "Player Controlled" / "Not Player Controlled": Activated when a unit is controlled by the active player or not. (credit: Simpy). Add Echoes of Ny'alotha to Currency DataText. Waygate Travel was added to the Blacklist filter. Readded delete functionality to Vendor Greys on Classic. This character is or was primarily a member of the younger superhero team known as the Teen Titans, in any of its various incarnations. Fixed Bag and Bank search from not being cleared consistently. During an attack by Red X on the academy, Wally got all the civilians and his children out of the tower, leaving them in the care of Whistle and Lebowitz. Fixed black Quest Text if Parchment Remover is enabled. Bag Bar: Fixed Right Click on a bag erroring out when Bags module was disabled. Added dedicated backdrop color option to chat panels. Color can be changed in the UnitFrames section of the config. The Mobius Chair is a time-space/dimensional vehicle operated by the New God Metron. Death Battle Fanon Wiki; It's time for a DEATH BATTLE! Allowed the MicroBar to be shown in Pet Battles by editing the visibility setting. Do we have any additional profiles for Metron/Mobius Chair? Disregarding the fact that this is a really weak attempt at poisoning the well (bad lawyer tactics as well) Prime can't really deal with Hyperforce potency. Added XP Quest Percent toggle in settings under General > BlizzUI Improvements. A lot can happen in the blink of an eye. Updated option layout for Available Tags. [Config] Made the Enable Checkboxes in the config colorful, so that they're easier to spot, plus it looks really cool, imo. Fixed a few "attempt to access forbidden object" errors relating to tooltip. Top Auras on Classic / Wrath were accepting Key Up and Down instead of only up causing a double click, sometimes double-remove, when clearing an aura. Fixed `realm:dash` tag error. So i wrote down a few abilities related to the Mobius Chair, please respond if you think they are correct or incorrect, That would include Resistance to Anti Matter Manipulation and BFR (which Wally should already have even Pre-Flashpoint) besides that i would need more info, I told you multiple times not to ping me over DC threads. Disabled Boss Style Filter again by default. Fixed Unitframe Custom Color options for Castbars not properly updating when switching between characters on same profile. Set a texture when a submenu is selected in the Auctionhouse skin. you seriously wanna get your temporary ban even longer? Enhanced the code which calculates Artifact Power in bags for the Artifact DataBar. Changed Health Backdrop Multiplier to be an Override instead. Removed the Frequent Updates option, it is now on by default. Fixed the Color Wheel from derping at solid black. Added option to desaturate grey items in bags. Added shortcut buttons to the ActionBars and UnitFrames main pages. (Rubgrsch). He cannot alter the kinetic energy of objects that gain their speed from time manipulation. Updated unitframe range check for druids to use spells that are learned earlier. The options window has been upgraded and sections have been reorganized a bit (Repooc does. This is an opt-in method that is less recommended but might solve issues where the update isn't received correctly otherwise. (#128), Added Pet AuraBars. Speed equalise is kinda irrelevant to this battle anyway. Display frames now works for Tank and Assist frames. Auto-Disable ElvUI_EverySecondCounts as it is retired now. Attempted fix for a rare cooldown error from last version. Fixed an issue with the combat log header. Adjusted the QuestXP code to not mess with Reward Item Tooltip. Irey told him that their family was safe and happy in the future, but also that Wally would not retire from heroics when he returned to the present, showing that both she and Jai had grown up to be superheroes themselves. This will allow the textures to grow past the health border. Fixed issue where Target Aura wasn't working on Classic/Wrath. Objective Tracker Auto Hide fixed along with the Maw Buffs positioning. Added option to toggle on/off the colors on bag slots for bags with assigned items. [37] In the future Wally met Gold Beetle, a new ally he is fated to have many adventures with in the future, and together they fought a Dominator grown to gigantic size by excess Speed Force energy. Added warning popup with information about nameplates getting reset with patch 8.1.5. When setting Smart Aura Position, then the "Attach To" setting will automatically be set for the respective aura type, and then the selection box will be disabled. Fixed an issue with DK runes after vehicle exit. [31], The first wave was successfully repulsed, but when the Darkest Knight killed Perpetua he was able devote his full attention to the battle and unleash his best troops. After the events of the Darkseid War, Owlman took control of it for a short time, taking Grid with him inside of the chair. Using his Super-Speed powers, he wields the Speed Force and became a costumed crime-fighter. Added new library LibArtifactPower-1.0 by Infinitron. Added Player Can Attack and Player Can Not Attack unit conditions to Nameplate Style Filters. Blizzard's Chat mover will work when our Panels are set to HideBoth (after reloading). Party Pets and Party Targets can now display Aura Highlight. Reputation bar was sometimes missing it's standing label. Fixed issue which caused the Blizzard PartyMemberBackground frame to show up when it should not. Added a Module Copy option. Labs who attempt to help her condition, Wally decided to return to Keystone City, where Dick Grayson paid for his apartment. Databars: Fixed EXP mover not showing up, fixed visibility logic for all bars. This release contains a warning popup which informs the user that nameplates will be reset when ElvUI v11 is released with patch 8.1.5 on March 12th. Dark Matter surrounded him as he heard evil laughter echo through reality. Display Cast Bar in Party section of options was a little broken. Added smoothing option to the Alternative Power bar. DataTexts: custom labels can be colorized with color tags. Adjust Tabs for most frames to look cleaner. Shiny applied to Trait frames, Weekly Rewards frame, and also polished the buttons on Gossip frame. Empowered casts were not showing their levels for some profiles. Unitframes and Datatexts were sometimes failing to display their text, hopefully this is corrected now! Aura Highlight: This actually works again too. Raid icons will now be displayed as text in the Copy Chat window so they can be copied correctly. I ended up cleaning up and finishing the profile. Added more position values for the Elite Icon on Nameplates. Credit: Dharwin & Rubgrsch. [Actionbar] Reworked the Show Charge Cooldown a bit so that it won't stack two texts on certain spells. Seals were showing when Parchment Remover was enabled, should be hidden again now. Until then you need to use Raid-Pet Frames if you need to see vehicles (Malygos, Ulduar etc.). (#1176). DataTexts: added label / no label for durability and bags. The following contains spoilers for The Flash #786, on sale now from DC Comics. Fixed the default position for the UIWidgetTopCenter mover. Removed the Vehicle Exit Button from the Minimap. Sure. Attempt to prevent issue with RC Loot Auto-pass getting loot frames stuck. Locale was forcing the Options into English for some languages. Death Battle Fanon Wiki; It's time for a DEATH BATTLE! Wally complained that he still felt like he was in Barry's shadow despite everything he had achieved and worked for while Barry was gone; while Barry admitted that because he wasn't there to see Wally grow up, he still thought of him as his sidekick and found it difficult to treat him as the man and hero he had become. (#764), Added options to change the Profession Bags & Bag Assignment color. Real Change Log coming soon.. Servers went up early. It will now send a lot fewer messages in total. Updated Font Outline options and fixed it not working when adjusting. RaidUtility would still appear as a black boxes when disabled, that is sorted now. Fixed Social Queue Datatext and Chat Message. Works only in the Open World. Adjusted layer for GameTime on Minimap, again. Don't know what's particularly snobby about my answer when the profile is like, very blatantly unfinished. Sometimes when adjusting the aura settings for a unit it would bug and not actually update the positioning (mainly targettarget). Weaknesses: Uncontrollably discharges lightning when he becomes emotionally overwhelmed. Great, but this isn't relevant to the actual thread topic and is more of you trying to do poisoning well arguments. Struck with an extra surge of Speed Force energy, Wally easily defeated Savitar, severing his connection to the Speed Force before a mysterious portal dragged him back to his prison. It is disabled by default. Target sound playing rapidly on lost of target. UI: You can once again move Blizzard's Player Alt Power Bar with our movers. This version took a left instead of a right and never found its way home. Oh, sure, this thread will be like any of those threads. Fixed (hopefully) the issue which caused the unitframe and nameplate tags to sometimes be incorrect. Death Battle; DBX; DEATH BATTLE Cast; Death Race; The Desk of DEATH BATTLE; DEATH BATTLEs. That it ever existed was a poor choice, despite the 'debugging' excuse. [47] With Eclispo defeated, Wally and the children returned home safely. Never heard of him or her sadly. Invalid tags on unitframes will now display the used tag text instead of [invalid tag]. Added Bag Split (Bags + Bank) and Reverse Slots to the Bags. Added back some options that was eaten by an angry goblin. I think that it should also be known that you can turn on and off any aspect of the UI. The Spectre arrived to collect the glaive and told Wally that God had personally chosen him to fight Eclipso, and had been shielding him from Eclipso's powers. Fixed error in reagent bank caused by trying to index a missing questIcon object. Unitframe Castbar error on Classic versions was resolved. Chat error when friends going online or offline on Wrath or Classic. Updated Module Copy to handle some new cases. Moved the Class Color Override setting for unitframes to the health tab. Hide Purchase Bags when all slots are bought. Open PVP frame when you click on the Honor bar. Tempus fulfilled his promise and reunited the twins with Earth-0's Linda, whose memory of Wally and the twins returned to her. This requires that you supply the path to the config page as a comma-separated list. (#523). Fixed rare error in nameplates regarding attempt to use a non-unit value as argument for UnitIsUnit API. Vendor Greys will stop trying to sell items to Auto Hammers. (Simpy). Sephiroth VS Vergil; Season 5. Wally raced over to help him, and bystanders told him that Dick had gone back inside to rescue a tenant. (Thanks oUF/LS-)! HelpTips will now be hidden with Hide Tutorials, even while in combat (it was protected for safety but seems okay without it). Shamans can see Poison as dispellable again. Editbox History Size can be adjusted or Reset via a button in the options. He appeared in the 132nd episode of Death Battle, Flash VS Sonic, where he fought against Archie Sonic from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Added an option to play a sound if you select a unit and/or if you receive a battle resurrect. Wallace Rudolph "Wally" West is the fastest man alive, and the third speedster known as the Flash. [56] Wally wouldn't fight back and so Barry came close to killing him until Linda arrived on Earth-Flash.1 just in time to save him. Fixed issue which prevented Mythic Keystone from being sorted. Can remove Bags and drop items into the Container Bags again. He saw the Teen Titans founded twice, and two different versions of the Flash Family. Fixed minor positioning issue with role indicator on unitframes. Removed the UI Scale popup for real. Player Nameplate should behave more often now.. Yeah those guys, I usually just call them fourth dimension. He realised reality is damaged and met up with Tempus Fuginaut, telling him he had a plan to repair reality. Fixed Unitframes (other than Player) which had their Power style set to Offset from being unchangeable. From now on you can choose your UI scale within the ElvUI config, or press the "Auto Scale" button to use the value that was previously considered most optimal for your resolution. Reactions . [Nameplate] Health Prediction defaulted to off except for Player. Fixed the Map Fading while moving option and added a fade duration setting. Fixed Copy Chat Log (and Copy Chat Line) from displaying lines sometimes. Tags attached to the Power element (including Custom Texts) will be placed correctly with the AutoHide option. Apply to All for Aura Indicator on Pet and Focus now works correctly. Plugin that provides 4 additional action bars to ElvUI. (Thanks Nevcairiel). The Style Filter action "Name Only" will also display the NPC title now. How so? [Nameplate: Style Filter] Enabled Hide Frame action. Added an API file to Core folder and moved a decent amount of code from the Core file into here. Some kind of Alternative Power oops, something about UnitIsUnit; rare bug, big time squashed. Currency Icons have a little border of their own now. (Thanks AcidWeb and Ls- for helping us with this!) However, when Owlman, Grid, Metron, and the Mobius chair arrived on the moon, they met a mysterious force that killed them all, leaving the Mobius Chair vacant. Tooltip status bar might stop getting stuck too. Target Aura Bars attached to Player Aura Bars should be offset correctly. Allows you to add custom fonts, textures, and other media to be used in many addons including ElvUI. Added hard cap on min/max values for UI Scale setting. [7] Can sense disturbances in the space-time continuum, allowing him to detect when an opponent is manipulating space-time[8]), Cloth Manipulation (Reweaves the molecules of his suit[9]), Statistics Amplification and Perception Amplification (Can boost his connection to the Speed Force by reciting the Speed Force Formula, making it appear as if time is frozen from his perspective[10]), Time Stop, Power Bestowal (Can share Speed Force energy with others), Air Manipulation, Can travel through time and across timelines, BFR (Banished Abra Kadabra into the Timestream[11]), Memory Manipulation (Can restore memories[12]), Should be capable of performing his Pre-Flashpoint abilities and possess his prior Resistances due being the same character and possessing an even greater connection to the Speed Force. This is for developers of plugins for ElvUI. Fixed a few font elements on Blizzard panels that were not getting replaced with chosen ElvUI font. Fresh coat of paint on the Addon Manager too. Added Kin's Forging Strike to Raid Debuffs (for normal+ raids). Fixed Restore Defaults button on Raid1-3. wait shouldnt wally with dr Ms powers have "At least stellar, possibly immeasurable" lifting strength? If no spec is selected then it will only match class. Optimized the Color Picker code for better preformance, also it will accept three digit hex values in the hex box but you must you press enter. Another attempt to prevent issue with RC Loot Auto-pass getting loot frames stuck. Added an option `Nameplates -> General -> Name Colored Glow` to use the Nameplate Name Color for the Name Glow instead of Glow Color. Fixed the issue that sometimes caused unitframe absorb bars to appear for a second during initial login along the screen (they are now clipped like Cutaway). If this is disabled then the current targeted nameplate will not display a healthbar if Health is disabled for this unit type. Allow icon size six on the Buff Indicators. Added an option for Nameplate Buffs/Debuffs to toggle auras from other players to desatured. At the cemetery, Wally reunited with Barry Allen and Jay Garrick, who had been restored to the timeline along with the Justice Society. (#1414). But the statements cant be brushed of either essentially the pheonix force is one of the major energies that created the Big Bang that created the multiverse that the white hot room which is the heart of the pheonix force played a part in its creation. Added a compatibility check for our Garrison Mission skin, if GarrisonMissionManger is loaded. The bottom of letters on the bottom line of the chat will now be visible to all earthlings. [7], During a mission with the Titans, Wally was drugged and abducted by Deathstroke, the world's deadliest assassin. Fixed Vehicle Mover not showing up on Wrath. both are at full power; win by death; 10 weeks of prep; morals off; all feats, scans, scaling and statements allowed Added Veiled Argunite to Currencies datatext. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Wally reached the Chair an instant before the Dark Flashes could catch him and disappeared with it into the Speed Force. 130976 (downloads) BenikUI - WotLK. (#908), Fixed lua error caused in NamePlate Style Filters about `GetSpecializationInfo`. Bags Datatext is a little less weird now. Fixed issue which caused the "Hide" action on nameplate style filters to incorrectly show hidden nameplates if "Hide" was disabled. Permeating chill stacks from any source now. Added quest boss trigger to nameplate Style Filters. Right now you've only got some weak poisoned well arguments and him being "beyond Manhattan" which I don't get considering he doesn't have his level of control or accuracy. Fixed issue where style filter trigger didn't always set the health color properly. Fixed a division by zero error in the Reputation DataBar. Bags Item Level should be more accurate again. Added a separate skin setting for Blizzard Interface Options. NamePlates: Fixed class color source option for interrupts. Disabled by default. Some ultra rare super high tech Mechagon debuffs were added (jk, they are normal). Fixed issue which prevented Style Filters from applying to Healthbars of some Nameplates when Healthbar was disabled. Wonder Woman, who was forced to act as the warden of the prison in exchange for her fellow Amazons' lives, broke him out of prison, mortally wounding The Batman Who Laughs as they escaped. [Nameplate] Fixed an issue which caused the Targeted and Player Classbar options to not take effect correctly. (Thanks Ellypse). NamePlates were rewritten from scratch. Fixed an issue which caused the power:max tag to display an incorrect value. Removed "Hide In Instance" option for chat bubbles. Microbar has a new option for the art it displays (ActionBars > MicroBar > Use Icons). Plus Wally can stat amp his speed levels to insane levels, so it's not as bad as some makes it. Due to the chair being imbued with Doctor Manhattan's powers, Wally also shares Manhattan's. Updated ArenaPrepFrame functions (Thanks oUF!). As a result we no longer set, or rely on, the CVar for UI scale. Added new Tag: [specialization], which shows YOUR current spec as text. (Thanks AcidWeb). Fixed the Class Media Value Color from not using the class color on different classes as it should! Maybe fixed the "Most Expensive" icon from getting stuck. When you realize that tomorrow is a new day. just as in some locked threads you think Invisible Woman and Mera can beat Composite Superboy Prime. Another attempt to make sure the background/seal background art show correctly on Quest frame. DC Low 1-Cs are approved to be 6-D here. The van drove to meet with the assassin, who was revealed to be KGBeast. When he actually does the feat I'll judge. Some of the characters were on realms that had same-named EU realms where they did not control the characters, for example. Fixed a rare error which occurred once on some quest in Blasted Lands. Added option to change castbar icon position on nameplates. Added a skin option to remove the Parchment from some skins. Wally West is racing towards a new, unexpected future, now that DC Comics has revealed the former Flash hero will be getting a new set of powers following his Flash Forward arc. You said explicitly on that thread that Emperor Joker will be 6-D. No, emperor joker scales to at least 6-D and Manhattan and Wally - is this the Manhattan key, right? [Nameplate] Added Aura stack position option. Arriving at Sanctuary, Wally comes to realize that the Speed Force had most likely caused the explosion that killed the heroes in Sanctuary, only to spot Roy coming up to him in confusion, actually nowhere near the time bubble created by the explosion. AuraBars using Debuffs type can once again, switch to Class Color, just like magic. Fixed AP calculation in bags for Korean and Chinese clients. Tracker Auto Hide fixed along with the Maw Buffs positioning ( including Custom texts ) be... Friends going online or offline on Wrath or Classic, Weekly Rewards frame, and bystanders him... # 134 ), added quality border option for Chat bubbles Chinese.! Skin setting for Blizzard Interface options with assigned items in Nameplate Style Filters to show!: Activated when a submenu is selected then it will Only match Class Wally West. 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