Applying the fertilizer once or twice a month is usually enough; however, be careful not to overfertilize, as this can also cause brown spots on the leaves. If you spot any of these signs, acting quickly and removing the pests is important to save the plant. The colorful and patterned leaves of Calathea plants can be quite sensitive, depending on your chosen variety. You can cut off the Calathea leaves with brown spots, but remember that over pruning can cause more harm than good. By Madison Moulton Calatheas need bright, indirect light for optimal growth. Some species such as Calathea allouia L. produce potato-like tubers and are Calathea plants need to be watered about once a week and misted regularly to maintain the proper humidity levels. Salt build-up from overfertilizing can lead to the same issue. Then, apply insecticidal soap or horticultural oil to all the leaves as per the instructions on the packaging. Creeping crawling bugs are generally not welcomed in our homes, but especially arent welcome in our houseplants. The other alternative is to improve the ventilation in the area where youve located your plant, but then you also have to avoid putting your Calathea in a draught. Check your Calatheas root ball for mushy, slimy, gray, or black spots. Keep your Calathea in the right environment and give them the right care to limit your risk of scale problems. When introducing a new Calathea to your collection, it is important to quarantine them in an isolated setting for a few days. Calatheas need bright, indirect light for optimal growth. They typically have broad leaves that are patterned with colorful blotches or spots. WebFor example, if you noticed that pale, transparent spots appear on Calathea leaves, the plant was exposed to intense cold. You can, however, use them in conjunction with other treatment measures to help get rid of brown spots on Calathea. If they appear to be leaning towards the light source, thats an indication that it might not be receiving enough light and should be moved closer to a brighter spot. Overwatering is one of the leading causes of brown spots on Calathea leaves. When a Calathea plant is overwatered, it creates an environment where fungal and bacterial infections can thrive. Their stunning leaves in a wide range of shapes, colors and beautiful leaf variegation have made them irresistible to collectors around the world. Excess fertilizer. Root rot is a serious issue that requires immediate attention. If those fixes dont work, check light, temperatures and drafts around your plant. Aim for bright but indirect light for the best possible performance. . Low-light areas are not suitable for most Calathea species, leading to stunted growth and yellowing leaves. The only cure is repotting. Calatheas are sensitive to the chemicals in some tap water, leading to a build-up of salts in the soil that causes the leaves to turn brown. Calatheas are notorious for curling up and turning brown at the slightest provocation, often sulking for weeks after being moved from one pot to another or having their lighting conditions changed. Excess moisture in the soil causes the leaves and stems to become mushy due to rot, resulting in the same wilting as with underwatering. 6. Provide a potting mix thats chunky and well-aerated, and water just enough to keep the soil around the roots mildly damp. If you have lower than that, you may need to raise the humidity in your home. If youve encountered any problems with your Calathea, causing it to look a bit sad compared to when you first bought it, go through this list to find the cause and apply the relevant fix. As with the related prayer plant, problems with Calathea usually indicate one of these requirements isnt being properly met. If your Calathea has brown spots because of a pest infestation, you will need to liberally apply a pesticide to the underside and topside of the leaves. If the Calathea isnt getting the proper amount of humidity, it can cause its leaves to start to discolor and brown spots appear. In these cases, flush the soil with filtered water until it runs clear. Common nutrient deficiencies that can cause brown leaves include nitrogen and potassium. Monsteras & Aerial Roots: What Are They & What Should You Do With Them? Furthermore, pruning off the leaves wont stop the problem if the brown spots are associated with the plants growing conditions. With the help of these tips for preventing brown spots on your Calathea leaves, youll be able to keep your plant looking healthy and beautiful. That is why it is important to avoid compact, heavy soils, such as clay-based, and instead use soil that is light and airy. The best type of water for Calatheas is distilled water, although you can also use filtered or rain water. The main culprit, again, is underwatering. Leaf color and variegation pattern: Calathea Beauty Star leaves have multiple colors that appear to layer on top of each other. Calatheas dont do well in direct sunlight, but they do need at least 6 to 8 hours of indirect sun every single day. The spots will be dark, dried, and brittle. Once you are done pruning, clean and sanitize the pruning shears to avoid spreading pathogens to other plants. Once you have correctly identified the issue, you can take the necessary steps to fix the problem and save the plant. But there are some mistakes that many gardeners make when growing them both indoors and outdoors. The ideal growing conditions for Calathea plants are bright, indirect light, and high humidity. Keep the ambient humidity at 60% or higher if you want your Calatheas foliage to stay lush and green. 9 min read, 11 Reasons Your Peace Lily Has Brown Tips and How to Fix it, 8 Mistakes You Might Be Making With Your Aloe Vera Plants, 11 Reasons Your Fiddle Leaf Fig has Curling Leaves, 9 Reasons Your Aloe Vera is Drooping and Falling Over, How to Grow and Care For a Christmas Cactus, 8 Common Ghost Plant Problems and How to Fix Them, 11 Common Problems With Chinese Money Plants. Yellow or pale foliage is one way this problem can manifest. You should never prune more than 1/4 of the plants leaves as the Calathea does need its leaves to absorb nutrients from the sun. Mechanical damage while new leaves are forming can also sometimes leave holes. This infection appears on the lower sides of foliage as smudges of slight tan, yellow, or brown spots. Look for bright yellow or orange spots on the leaves to know if your Calathea is getting too much direct sunlight. 9 min read. It also helps keep plants cleaner. If you notice all these factors combined, make sure you move the plant out of the path of the direct sun straight away, or cover your window with a shear curtain to filter the suns rays. In most cases, contact occurs when you water the plant from above, since this causes soil to splash up on the leaves. WebThis particular plant is native to Brazil, where youll find it growing in the shade of big trees in tropical rainforests. Should I cut off Calathea leaves with brown spots. A humidifier is the best way to achieve this, although grouping your moisture-loving plants close together and setting them on pebble trays can also help. If your aloe vera plant is drooping or falling over, there could be many different reasons why. If you try to spray them with insecticidal soap or horticultural oil, they will simply fly off the leaves, coming back when all signs of danger have passed. Wiping down your Calathea plants leaves weekly is the best way to spot pests and early signs of disease. Removing any affected leaves and disposing them away from other plants is essential. A telltale sign of underwatered Calathea plants is brown spots. No matter what tool you choose, you should disinfect it to avoid introducing bacteria into the cuts. Trim away problematic areas and plant in new soil and a new pot to recover. Go to a garden store and buy a test kit to help you figure it out. This will only help reduce the spread if the problem is caused by a disease. If not, here are a few other possibilities. Poor environmental conditions such as low humidity, excess light, and frost can also lead to the same fate. Increase the amount of humidity in the room. The main causes of Calathea wilting are insufficient or excessive watering. If underwatering is the issue, youll probably see your plants leaves and stems drooping before they begin to get discolored. Well identify the various problems that can afflict your Calatheas leaves, then talk about how to prevent them and restore your plant to health. Low humidity can also contribute to this problem. Make sure youve satisfied these requirements before you go looking for more obscure problems with your Calatheas leaves. Sun scorch. Theres a chance it will perk up on its own in a week or two. Sitting the Calathea plant on a drop tray or placing a humidifier next to the plant will go a long way to increasing the humidity to a level that is more suitable for this tropical plant. In most cases, you can point the finger at tap water, since it typically contains chlorine, fluoride, and other additives that cities add. . High temperatures can also result in curling to prevent loss of moisture in the leaves, and cold drafts can cause the leaves to shrivel. Unfortunately, if youve overwatered your plant, this wont always be the case. Jungle Calathea soil requirements. Treating brown spots on Calathea can be difficult, especially if youre not sure what is causing the problem. Look for roots pushing up from the soil or creeping out of the drainage holes in the pot these are sure signs that your Calthea is desperate for space. Some of the conditions weve addressed above could be responsible: That said, there is one other possibility to consider: Cramped roots. This is precisely what it sounds like. Observing how the leaves grow is the best way to check if your Calathea is getting enough light. Once you have identified the cause, you can take the necessary steps to get your Calathea back in good health. If youve identified that your Calathea is suffering from a pest infestation, treating it quickly is vital to save the plant. When conditions are extremely dry, consider misting the Calathea to help keep the leaves moist, while also increasing the humidity level. Additionally, proper air circulation is vital if you mist your Calathea. Then, treat with insecticidal soap or horticultural oil to remove the bugs, using repeat applications at recommended intervals until all the pests have been removed. As long as its only a couple of lower leaves and new ones continue to emerge, you can ignore the issue. This means growing the plant in the right soil, lighting, humidity level, and temperature, while also providing it with the proper amount of watering and feeding. Calathea is a large genus of leafy tropical plants found growing in the damp, swampy forest floors of the Americas. Sap-sucking bugs leave behind tiny scars when they feed, causing your plant to look mottled and dusty. In many regions, tap water is hard, meaning it has high levels of magnesium, calcium, or other minerals. If youre not sure whether or not this is the cause of the brown spots on Calathea, take a look at the top of the soil. Calatheas are a houseplant that likes its soil to stay moist but not soggy. Even in places where the water isnt particularly mineral-heavy, its likely been treated with chlorine to kill bacteria or fluoride to promote dental health. If only one or two leaves are yellowing, dont sweat it especially if they seem to be the leaves that have been on your plant the longest. Common ones that can cause brown leaves are nitrogen and potassium. Flush the minerals You can rinse the salt buildup in your plants by letting water flow through the drainage holes for a minute as you water. They need a consistently warm spot and bright but indirect light keep them out of direct sunshine. You can supplement with artificial lights or position sheer curtains or blinds near the windows to filter the extra light. Water quality. Browning and crisping leaves, for instance, result from dehydration but that could be brought on by lack of humidity, improper watering, or damage to the roots from excess fertilizer. Severely dehydrated plants will start by wilting, eventually curling inwards to retain as much moisture in the leaves as possible. Does your calathea plant look a bit unwell? In fact, seeing brown spots on Calathea is an advanced sign of root rot and, at this stage, trying to save the plant can unfortunately often be a waste of time and resources. That means you can place the Calathea in an area where it receives direct morning sun, as long as it is kept out of direct sunlight for the remainder of the day. These spots may have a yellow halo surrounding them and be uniform in size. If you suspect one of these diseases is the culprit, look for yellow or brown lesions on the leaves. If, however, there is an abundance of infected leaves, removing them all can cause the plants growth and health to suffer. Calatheas are not difficult plants to care for, and typically have the same growing requirements as most other tropical houseplants. Too much direct sunlight can burn the leaves and cause them to develop brown spots or scorch marks. While aloe vera is somewhat hands-off when it comes to care, there are still some things that can cause drooping leaves. If you find any of these symptoms, its crucial to isolate the infected parts and remove them immediately. So it is understandably distressing when those colors begin to fade, looking dull and diminished compared to when you first bought the plant. However, trying to find the right balance to avoid over or under watering the plant can be difficult. In most cases, the problem is associated with poor growing conditions or neglect. Overwatering isnt just caused by hydrating it too much it can also occur if you grow the Calathea in soil that doesnt promote drainage. Calathea can endure short periods of underwatering if it must, but if that period extends too long, the plant will let you know about it with the aforementioned reminders of your neglect. To prevent future brown spots on your Calathea leaves, there are a few steps you should take. Flush the soil to remove excess minerals. The type of water you use to hydrate the Calathea can have a direct effect on its health, and can even cause brown spots to form. These tiny crawling bugs are usually found on the stems. Be sure to wash and disinfect all your tools before use properly. East- or west-facing windows are usually the best spots for Calathea plants. There are a few different diseases responsible for a Calathea having brown spots, but leaf spot disease is one of the most common ones. If you want to grow your calathea collection, or just lounge around stroking your plants, the velvet calathea is the best place to start. Try watering your Calathea with rain water or distilled water. Thankfully, these issues can typically be corrected rather easily. A good indoor location for Calatheas is one near a bright window, such as one that faces east. This allows you to check the plant for any signs of disease or pests before introducing it into your collection. This helps reduce the risk of spreading pests or diseases from one plant to another, which can cause brown spots on leaves. When you spot the yellowing of the Calathea leaves, carefully check the underside of the leaves as well as the stems. Misting leaves can create extra humidity for plants for those plants that need extra humidity. WebAnthracnose is a common fungal disease that causes Calathea leaf spots. The most common causes of brown spots on Calathea are overwatering, bad water quality, excessive sun, diseases and pest problems. If the humidity issue isnt fixed, the leaves will begin to dry out and become crispy, the plants growth will slow, and it can become stressed. Tip: To learn about growing and caring for bromeliads, click here ! By watering at the base of the plant instead, you will help reduce the chance of splashing the pathogen-filled soil onto the Calatheas leaves. The result is brown, dead tissue at the tips and edges of leaves. Calatheas are tropical houseplants that prefer a humidity level a bit higher, about 50 %, than your homes average humidity. Calatheas need specific care in order to thrive. Brown spots on Calathea leaves can be caused by environmental, pest, and disease-related issues. While, again, you dont want the soil to be soggy, you can create a pebble tray by placing gravel or pebbles in a pot saucer, placing water in the saucer, and then sitting the pot that contains your Calathea on the pebbles or gravel. In order to properly treat the issue, you must first determine the cause and then take the appropriate action to save your Calathea. Hard water isnt the only way that minerals can get into your Calatheas pot. Big, irregular holes could be the work of caterpillars or slugs. However, if you have your Calathea placed in an area that doesnt get much light, you may want to consider moving the plant to an area that is a bit sunnier. Copyright 2023 Garden's Whisper. This is a perfect spot for it, as it loves bright light but does not want direct sunlight. Drooping leaves and limp or rotting stems can result from one of three problems. Growing Tip: Grow it in a large pot in a bright location. As with all pest problems, start by isolating the plant. Some of the most common diseases that affect Calatheas include bacterial blight, root rot, and leaf spot. Calathea Mdaillon Marantaces. Do you have some problems with your Chinese Money Plant and aren't quite sure what to do? They dig their teeth in and settle down to feed on any water and nutrients that come through the stems, depriving the leaves. Ensure to water regularly but avoid overwatering, as this can lead to fungal diseases and root rot. So what might be starving your Calatheas roots of water? However, if youre bothered by the unsightly look of crisping leaves, you can trim off the dead portions. Apply the same steps in irradicating scale as with mealybug. Pest damage is another possibility, though the kinds of insects that munch holes clean through a leaf are relatively rare for indoor plants. What if, instead of turning uniformly pale, your Calatheas leaves appear to be covered in tiny white or yellow speckles? Additionally, make sure to keep the Calathea away from areas where temps go up and down drastically, such as near an exterior door or next to a heating or cooling vent. Philodendron Scandens Brazil Araces. Excessive sunlight not only results in brown spots appearing on the leaves, but it also burns and scorches the foliage. Last updated: February 18, 2023 | If you must use tap water, let the water sit out for about 24 hours before watering the Calathea. Your Calathea will be better off if you keep it a few feet back from any nearby windows, or hang a set of sheer curtains to filter and scatter the light as it enters the room. In rare cases, pest infestation is the culprit behind the brown spots. Temperature issues. in-depth article on proper illumination for Calatheas. Calathea Misto is native to the tropical Americas. 8 Tips To Encourage Your Calathea to Grow Bigger and Faster, Can You Revive a Dying Calathea? Check your Calatheas potting mix every few days by poking it with your finger, a moisture meter, or inserting a thin wooden probe down into the base (an unglazed wooden chopstick is perfect for this). WebRust Progression. WebWhen the lower leaves of your Calathea begin to turn yellow and/or other leaves begin to curl or develop spots, its a sign that the plant is receiving too little water. Both underwatering and lack of humidity can cause the edges of the leaves to dry up and turn brown. Calatheas come from the tropics, and they dont do so well in frosty weather. Flowers: Mature Calathea Ornata produces orange flowers. Scale can be tricky to spot as they are so easily camouflaged. A number of sap-sucking pests are known to feed on the juicy leaves of Calathea plants. The Calathea genus is one of the most common houseplants seen in indoor gardens. It is found growing under a canopy of other plants in rainforests. The good news is that treating and preventing these spots is easy once you know the cause. Infections can thrive a yellow halo surrounding them and be uniform in size plants that need extra for. Beauty Star leaves have multiple colors that appear to layer on top each... Drafts around your plant, problems with your Calatheas foliage to stay moist but not soggy can. Misting the Calathea leaves, there are still some things that can cause leaves. With filtered water until it runs clear get into your Calatheas root ball for mushy, slimy,,! 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