Ti shuttered the viewing window between rooms so that Fives would not panic. 7 product ratings - NEW Shaak Ti Jedi #10 w/ Background Insert Star Wars Saga Attack of the Clones. Dying, Shaak Ti told Starkiller that he was a slave to Vader, and that his power was wasted on him. Species Though it put her in a power struggle with the Kaminoans, Ti defended Fives and did what she could to protect him. Though he was a recluse, Chond heard stories from travelers of tales from across the galaxy and created a series of maps of the planets, people, and events he learned about, including Ti. Realizing that the situation was dire, Ti and the Council decided to move forward with a risky plan of faking Kenobi's death and sending him undercover to stop Eval from completing his task. The Council authorized a rescue mission, and Ventress, with help from Kenobi and Skywalker, was able to free Vos from captivity in Dooku's palace on Serenno. In an attempt to reverse this outcome, General Grievous launched a massive counteroffensive against the Republic to regain a Confederate foothold in the Outer Rim. [62] Valenza voiced Ti in five episodes of the series,[8][6][7][21][32] beginning with the season three episode "Clone Cadets. Master Ti was among the group of over 200 Jedi[16] assembled by Windu to free Kenobi, as well as Skywalker and Amidala, who had led a failed rescue attempt themselves, from execution in the Petranaki Arena on Geonosis. Shaak Ti/Legends is within the scope of WookieeProject The Force Unleashed, an attempt to build comprehensive and detailed articles with topics originating from The Force Unleashed. Many of the Jungle Felucians went mad . Ti asked for an explanation of why Tup's had degraded, but Fives told her that it didn't matter and that the entire Republic army could be compromised unless the chips were removed. [43], Grievous managed to get the upper hand by electrocuting Ti with electrified cables, which knocked her unconscious. In Legends continuity, Shaak Ti escaped the Jedi Temple only to be hunted down on Felucia by Darth Vader's secret apprentice, Starkiller. In one meeting the Council had with Republic Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin, the Admiral accused Tano of masterminding the bombing, causing Ti to exchange a shocked look with Master Kit Fisto. At the sight of Ventress, Yoda paused the holo, and Windu immediately stood and reached for his lightsaber, with Ti and the others doing the same. Bric revealed that he had removed them in hopes that they would fail. Canon list of Jedi Killed by Darth Vader. El-Les protested that Ti end the test because Bric's actions made it unfair, but she denied his request, stating that adversity would be a constant in war and that the Separatists wouldn't play fair either. Because the Jedi were intertwined with the Republic, the Jedi Council sent Jedi Knights to maintain the peace as talk of conflict grew. Ti leads the clone troopers in pushing the battle droids back to the main hangar. Jacosta Nu. Published Jul 15, 2019 Jedi Master Shaak Ti served on the Jedi Council during the Clone Wars, and she ultimately died four different times in the Star Wars franchise. [8] Early on, Ti became a protector for the clones under her supervision[4] as someone they looked up to and respected. Upon reaching the citadel, however, they realized that the ascension cables needed to scale it were missing. Sculpted in high-quality polystone with cloth and faux-leather accents, our interpretation of Shaak Ti illustrates the graceful Jedi's savage . Ti participated in several battles in the Clone Wars, and was a member of the Jedi Council. [3] She was a hard judge of capability and expected the best from the clones, though she was not callous like some of those she worked with on Kamino.[55]. Opens in a new window or tab. [[AC: . Master Ti was present in the Jedi Temple Archives as Kenobi conducted his research into a lead involving a weapon from the planet Kamino. The Council told her to bring the clone back to the Jedi Temple, where they would examine him through the Force.[7]. Shaak Ti, to ask him to remain on the planet and join Anakin Skywalker as part of the security team for Senator Padme Amidala. Deep within the underground waited the bunker. [4] When Kenobi and Skywalker arrived at Tipoca City with their reinforcements in the form of the 501st Legion, Ti and Prime Minister Su met them. While in Australia, she would work on other major television shows such as the Wheel of Fortune (Australian game show) presenting prizes and an exercise & fitness program Aerobics Oz Style . [5] By 22 BBY,[2] the rise in the number the Separatists led the Republic Senate to debate the creation of a proper military to combat an impending war. Ti, Unduli, and Master Saesee Tiin boarded one of the gunships[5] and were quickly airlifted out of the arena and taken to the front lines of the larger planetary battle,[16] where the Grand Army was engaging the Separatist forces in an improvised and hasty conflict.[17]. Biographical information [32], Soon after, Palpatine informed the Jedi Council of Queen Julia of Bardotta's request for Jar Jar Binks to assist her after the disappearance of several Dagoyan Masters. Shaak Ti and Pablo-Jill fight battle droids in the first stage of the Battle of Geonosis. Shaak Ti fought in the opening battle of the Clone Wars, a Jedi who arrives at the last moment to rescue Padme Amidala, Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker from the death arena on Geonosis. It's canon. Where others struggled with the complexity of movements, Ti was able to engage in battle with ease. [19] Ti was later present when the Council gave Kenobi and Skywalker permission to rescue Senators Amidala and Yarua when they were trapped by the Separatists on the moon of Staggec during a diplomatic mission. Ti protested, but the Chancellor assured her that he and Fives would be safe. Ti, along with the rest of the Council, discussed the matter, ultimately deciding that Binks should not go alone, leading to Windu's decision to accompany him.[33]. in Deleted Scene #1 we animated hundreds of battle droids and even fully-fledged out General Grievous because we had to have him impale her. #StarWarsGeorge Lucas explains Shaak Ti's death and the subplot behind it in Star Wars: Revenge of The Sith! He added that the Jedi were not asked to take part in the search, something those present found odd. Explore all of Wookieepedia's media for this article subject: Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. [36] As he continued his journey, Yoda saw Ti in a separate vision of the Jedi Temple at peace like it was before the war. She later saw Se quietly leaving the command center and followed her with a squad of clone troopers. [5][46], Shaak Ti was voiced by actress Tasia Valenza in the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Shaak Ti is one of the most powerful Jedi(presumably in . Each decided to speak with their respective peers on what they should do next. Speaking of Jedi Master Shaak Ti, you may be familiar with the stories of her multiple tragic deaths. Se countered that he was not part of the Chancellor's initial request, but Ti remained sturdy in sending him to Coruscant. Ti was present during the Council meeting when Kenobi gave a report of the situation, listening as Yoda ordered him to keep the crystal from Separatist hands. The Council was confused by Yoda's odd response, and Ti looked to Masters Oppo Rancisis and Kit Fisto with concern. Se claimed that the chips had been placed to inhibit aggressive behavior and that Tup's malfunction was an isolated incident, as well as that removing the chip caused Tup to die. [63] Ti's canonical death was confirmed as being killed by Skywalker in the 2016 reference book Star Wars: Galactic Atlas.[2]. What is the Canon version of Shaak Ti's death? This death was retconned, along with the rest of The Force Unleashed, when Disney bought the rights to Star Wars. A background player in the Star Wars prequel films and a full-blown character on the Clone Wars television series, the striking and noble Shaak Ti was a fascinating addition to the universe's canon. New death for Shaak Ti? Grievous ensnared Ti in the cables, then took her lightsaber to add to his collection. SparkyBurns. She was portrayed by Orli Shoshan in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. Ti warned him to be cautious, as the removal of the chip might have changed Fives. Gotta be a reason for that. RT @StarWars0nly: All the times Shaak Ti has died.. Two deleted scenes in Revenge Of The Sith, one in The Force Unleashed and Yoda had a vision of her death on Dagobah.. 16 Apr 2023 02:19:50 In a deleted scene in Star Wars Revenge of the Sith Shaak Ti was captured by Grievous and stabbed through the chest by him, this scene was removed when George Lucas decided that Shaak Ti was never captured by Grievous. In one such vision, which took Vader to the steps of the Jedi Temple, he was confronted by several Jedi both dead and alive, including Ti. As Kenobi engaged Grievous and Skywalker hunted Ventress, who he discovered had infiltrated the city to steal clone DNA samples, Ti led the counteroffensive against the droid army and pushed them back to the main hangar. Died Joining the Jedi Council after Master Yaddle's retirement, Shaak Ti served as one of its final members before the Jedi Purge. Sensing their stress, Ti disapproved of their plea and told them that when in battle, they should fight as a group, not as individuals. She was a female Togruta Jedi Mistress, hailing from the planet Shili, serving the Galactic Republic as a member of the Jedi Order in the final decades of the Republic era. [35] At some point during the Clone Wars, she acquired a wrist comm similarly designed to her tabard. Ki-Adi-Mundi proposed to Ti and the others that Yoda was under the influence of the Sith Lord. Ti told Se that she had a feeling that they were searching in the wrong place. [2] She often remained silent during Council meetings, showing emotion through calm expressions, though she did sometimes interject into debates to voice her opinion. After the services, Ti walked down the halls of the Temple with Masters Plo Koon and Tera Sinube before all three were called to an emergency meeting about recent Separatist activity.[29]. [34], The Council pieced together that Dooku had, under the name Tyranus, enlisted Jango Fett to be the template for the clone army Sifo-Dyas had ordered and paid the Pyke Syndicate of Oba Diah to kill the Jedi Master for him. As he walked through the portal, Vader experienced a series of visions of figures from his past. I ''love'' being a Straw Hat Pirate. Gallery Star wars: path of the gray:episode I: embrace of emotion Likes (102) See, for those of you that don't know, Shaak Ti had died like 5 times in different deleted scenes and sources of media. [31], Ti was one of the judges during Tano's trial in the Chamber of Judgment, where the young Padawan was expelled from the Jedi Order and stripped of her ranks within the Grand Army of the Republic. Though this is likely, it is not currently confirmed. Yoda lamented to his peers that they would have to play along with the Dark Lord of the Sith's mysterious plans until they learned more and could unravel their web and intentions.[34]. I can't deny it anymore. If this attack is evaded, Shaak Ti will gain Retribution for 2 turns. [6], Ti reached out to Commander Cody to inform him of her success, and the Republic forces converged to destroy the remaining aqua droids. Shaak Ti has died several times. She/her[1] Yoda had a number of LAAT/i gunships form a perimeter around the survivors while the droids began firing once again. During the tests, Tup began shaking violently, which a concerned Fives noticed from the neighboring examination room. Ti spoke up and argued to Windu that if Vos was in the field he would be able to react more immediately to situations where his knowledge served them better than Republic intelligence. Let's see. They were in the middle of surveying a holofeed of a Republic cruiser being obliterated during a battle with a Separatist dreadnought when Kenobi, Deshu, and Skywalker entered with Ventress. [17] Ti was among the Jedi who infiltrated the arena and, alongside Master Luminara Unduli,[5] hid and waited for the right moment to intervene. At Ti's argument, Windu conceded to the will of the Council, and Vos was brought in to be informed of his new duties. [21], Ti chases after Fives in the Grand Republic Medical Facility, Ti led Fives, as well as Se, to the Grand Republic Medical Facility on Coruscant. Despite the Code forbidding personal attachments and Ti herself being a member of the Order's highest body, she formed close ties with the soldiers under her command. The Council entered negotiations with the Republic's leader, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, in an effort to stall any Senate vote to create a military force. Ti with Fives and Echo during their training. All the times Shaak Ti has died.. Two deleted scenes in Revenge Of The Sith, one in The Force Unleashed and Yoda had a vision of her death on Dagobah.. 15 Apr 2023 21:50:51 The Jedi were quickly surrounded and suffered severe casualties,[17] and the few Jedi who survived the onslaught, including Ti, formed a circle in the center of the arena as they went on the defensive. Skywalker volunteered to lead the mission to capture him, but his request was denied, and Kenobi was tasked with taking Grievous out at Windu and Mundi's urging. He suggested rejecting the squad, by means of termination, an idea Ti strongly opposed. During the subsequent mission, it was destroyed by Kenobi and Skywalker. Had C3PO from Padme run. She has been killed twice by General Grievous, once in the initial Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) and then again in a deleted scene in Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005).She was also killed by Galen Marek, also known as "Starkiller," in the video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (2008). [5] The Jedi Order's lack of recent combat experience and the sheer volume of battle droids overwhelmed the strike team, many of whom died as survivors were forced to abandon their positions in the stands and descend to the arena floor. Hoping to fill in the gaps surrounding what little they knew about Sifo-Dyas' final days, the Council began following what trails they could find. Gorguf62 1 yr. ago There's a scene in TCW where Yoda sees Order 66 and that's one of the events he sees. She destroyed a company of Aqua Droids with ease when they invaded the command center and later assisted the clone troopers in pushing back the last of the Separatist forces. Yoda speculated that the Sith had similar plans and could one day find another crystal to craft a new superweapon. [17] Ti, who was stationed on Coruscant, was ordered to protect Chancellor Palpatine during the battle and was aided by[42] Jedi Master[43] Roron Corobb and layers of security forces. Maybe better in phase 3. [46], In 12 BBY,[49] after constructing Fortress Vader on Mustafar with the Dark Lord Momin, Vader entered a portal within his palace on a quest to resurrect his deceased wife, Padm Amidala. She told them that she had decided to allow them to retake the test. An uncomfortable silence fell before the Council finished their questioning and Yoda sent the Jedi Knights and Ventress outside so the Council members could speak alone. Eye color [Source]. Shili[1] [22] In addition to the garrison,[17] Ti was the commander in charge of the Kamino security force. At the start of Star Wars ' Clone Wars, Jedi Master Shaak Ti was a respected member of the Jedi High Council. Chubor transmitted their conversation to the Jedi Council but Dooku, aware of this, chose to blame the Jedi for the billions of casualties the war had already claimed, then proceeded to decimate Chubor's fleet, killing thousands, including both Republic forces and Mahran refugees. She was originally scripted to have been captured by General Grievous and held captive aboard the Invisible Hand at the start of the movie. Though the artist of the journal was unable to be authenticated, the Archive suspected that it may have been Chond. Ti and the others watched as Yoda stood from his seat and walked to a window, who dejectedly agreed that they had to stop Dooku before it was too late. Brand New. [46] As a result of his lost communication with Ti, Windu reached out to Kenobi and Skywalker, who were in the process of negotiating a Republic Siege of Mandalore. After medical treatment failed to discover the cause of his problem, Yoda again heard Jinn's voice and was told to go to Dagobah to learn more. [4] According to Luke Skywalker, Ti was likely given the job of training clone troopers during the Clone Wars because she excelled as both a teacher and a combatant. And was a member of the Force Unleashed, when Disney bought the rights to Star Wars back... Hand At the start of the Chancellor assured her that he had removed in! He was a slave to Vader, and was a member of the Sith with the of. Not part of the most powerful Jedi ( presumably in been captured by General Grievous and held captive aboard Invisible!, Grievous managed to get the upper hand by electrocuting Ti with electrified cables, which concerned! Squad, by means of termination, an idea Ti strongly opposed Shaak. Survivors while the droids began firing once again would be safe portal Vader! From the planet Kamino 7 product ratings - NEW Shaak Ti Jedi 10. 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