After interrogating the school's superintendent, they learned that the school had sourced the tea from a middleman named Siddiq, who was employed by a shipping company. [57], The catastrophe forced LebJau to move to another planet as the population knew he had collaborated with the ones who devastated Mokivj. She and C-3PO then escaped from General Grievous into the bowels of the Malevolence. For some reason, her projection faded and Vader realized that the ritual had failed. The Jedi freed the queen and her entourage from the clutches of the Federation's battle droids, and the group fled the blockaded Naboo aboard Queen Amidala's royal starship. "Dying of a broken heart" was just a more emotive way of saying she lost the will to live. [8] Contacting Senator Palpatine, he explained that the Trade Federation was involved in a conspiracy in the Senate to shift a tax on trade routes they used, with Naboo being the main planet in their proposed operation. Amidala feared a reprisal, and asked Ahsoka Tano to protect him. Actually quite well. Due to the shortage of goods, smuggling had become a problem on that planet. C-3PO Padm met C-3PO on Tatooine when she was queen of Naboo. She learned from them that the Separatists had taken over the factory. But Amidala didn't do so. They managed to locate the sacred place where the Gungans had taken refuge after evacuating their city of Otoh Gunga. Amidala was injured while attending the conference on Alderaan. Tonsort became Rab, the wardrobe mistress. Skywalker then left the room and began his search for the senator once again. Female[1] He returned to the homestead to bury his mother. Amidala herself had been supportive of Chuchi's efforts to get the Senate to intervene on Pantora's behalf, as the struggle reminded her of her own homeworld's similar plight. [23] Finally, a huge parade was held in the Naboo capital to celebrate the official unification of the humans and Gungans. [97] Some theorizing that "Amidala" is a variant of "Amitabha," which means a spiritual manifestation. While carrying Amidala back to her ship, Skywalker and Clovis were cornered by Lott Dod and his men. Immediately before their departure to investigate on Coruscant, Senator Organa contacted them. [73], Nineteen years after her death, her children met for the first time during the Galactic Civil War aboard the Death Star where Leia was held captive by the Empire and had been tortured by Vader. The pair was taken before Separatist scientist Doctor Nuvo Vindi, who revealed that he had perfected the long-thought-eradicated disease the Blue Shadow Virus, which he planned to release into the galaxy. Breha then said they came so close to utter destruction and told her daughter that she was the one in the greatest danger more than she could've know before bringing her into a hug. WebWere together, now, Padm wanted to say. As she was speaking, an assassin shot at her from the rooftop and hit Motee in the shoulder. If anything Padme should be saying that to Corde, since Padme would presumably the one that would have some sort of power to make it safe for Corde to be posing as her decoy. [71], Repeating the ritual that Lady Corvax had once performed, Vader once more stood on the precipice of making the same decision he and Lady Corvax had both made in their respective lives: Attempting to save the life of a loved one at the cost of everyone else. [85] He also noted that Amidala was wise, discerning and kindhearted, and that her daughter Leia had inherited these qualities from her. A political idealist, she advocated for the preservation of democracy as well as a peaceful resolution to the Clone Wars. With thunderous applause. When Padm later confronted Anakin, repulsed by his acts and his self-professed plans to overthrow the new Emperor, he Force choked her in a fit of rage. She tried to move away from the heavy cruiser, but was pulled in by the Malevolence's tractor beam. However, Sing escaped capture. Kenobi and Skywalker, after a chase through the Coruscant skylanes, were able to capture Zam Wesell. Captain and Head of Security Quarsh Panaka walked in and tell her that she had won the election and her work had begun. Actually quite well. Until he met with his wife who gave him his lightsaber, and told him that Thrawn had abandoned them. Skywalker decided to destroy the mine too, so the Separatists couldn't start again on Mokivj, though, Amidala, Thrawn, and LebJau asked him not to do it, he ignored their petition, and he destroyed the mine too, which gained him the anger and devastation of the already devastated Mokivj, as it caused a massive explosion expanded by the cortosis. As such, she admitted to Sab that she hated her prejudice as well. Before being queen, Padm put the work in and trained in politics so that even as a young teen, she was prepared for the task ahead of her when elected. Sab, Yan, and Eirta would go with Harli, while Rab would take Queen Amidala to the library and then escape out the window using a grappling hook, where Rab and Padm would meet the group. After three days of sleepless work, Padm presented her own motion to the Senate for the first time, the Mid Rim Cooperation Motion. Palpatine didn't have a chance to save Padme as she was removed from Mustafar before the Emperor arrived. WebHe blamed Padme's death on the fact she'd betrayed him (bringing Obi Wan to kill him), the betrayal was then cemented when Obi Wan crippled him and left him for dead. Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel, William Shakespeare's The Phantom of Menace: Star Wars Part the First, William Shakespeare's The Clone Army Attacketh: Star Wars Part the Second, William Shakespeare's Tragedy of the Sith's Revenge: Star Wars Part the Third, LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales Episodes I-III, "Mystery of a Thousand Moons" Episode Guide , Nute Gunray - Trade Federation Viceroy (TPM) -, Padm Amidala - Senator of Naboo (AOTC) -, Padm Amidala - Senator of Naboo (ROTS) -, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine - Galactic Republic -, 2015 Topps Star Wars Chrome Perspectives: Jedi vs. Sith, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Starship Fact File: Delta-7 Aethersprite Starfighter, Rebels Recon: Inside "A Princess on Lothal", Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, Much to Learn You Still Have: 9 Things You Might Not Know About Rodians, Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy, Much to Learn You Still Have: 10 Things You Might Not Know About Mon Calamari, Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, Helmets: Darth Vader, Master of the Dark Side, Databank A-Z: Jar Jar BinksB'omarr Order, Highlights of the Saga: Birth of an Empire, Weapons & Uniforms: The Gungan Grand Army, Highlights of the Saga: The Battle for Naboo, Highlights of the Saga: Palpatine Unmasked, Highlights of the Saga: The Fall of the Jedi, Highlights of the Saga: The Boonta Eve Classic, Weapons & Uniforms: Leaders of the Rebel Alliance, Weapons & Uniforms: The Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, Highlights of the Saga: The Battle of Geonosis, Droid Directory: R2-series Astromech Droids, Part 1, Droid Directory: 3PO-series Protocol Droids, Part 1, Droid Directory: 3PO-series Protocol Droids, Part 2, Much to Learn You Still Have: 8 Things You Might Not Know About Geonosians, Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Star Wars Forces of Destiny: Meet the Heroes, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded, Forces of Destiny: Tales of Hope & Courage, Databank A-Z: InterGalactic Banking ClanJakku, Databank A-Z: Queen JamilliaJedi Temples. A graduate of Edge Hill University, Tom remains strongly connected with his alma mater as a volunteer chaplain. Sidious informed him that in his anger, he had killed Amidala. By the time Amidala finished with Palpatine, Panaka alerted her that the Trade Federation fleet had blockaded the planet. WebHow did she "fail" her? Amidala suggested having more than one in her retinue, and Panaka readily agreed. Amidala witnessed Emperor Palpatine's declaration that her fears had come true; the Republic had become the Galactic Empire. Though the queen's plan ended up working perfectly, it did not come about without loss. Amidala was then rescued by C-3PO, who brought in Coruscant Guard Commander Fox and his troopers. [40], Amidala facing Cad Bane during the Senate hostage crisis, While Amidala and Skywalker were arranging a party for her colleague Senator Aang, they discovered that they were short on jogan fruit, an essential ingredient in jogan fruitcake. While Sab once advised Amidala to find a romantic partner in someone who understood her, a description that she herself matched,[16] Sab believed her friend would never return her feelings. Chancellors, Senators and Other Statesmen of the Republic, Inside the Lucasfilm Archive: An Elegant Weapon and Other Jedi Artifacts from the, Explore Jedha of the High Republic Era and More From Marvel's October 2022. However, her secret marriage to the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker would have a lasting effect on the future of the galaxy for decades to come. Amidala was unable to view their holographic blueprints since the Separatists had taken precautions to shut it down. WebHe was clearly saddened when she died. "Amidala" also said to be an existing name with Italian origins meaning "beautiful flower". [90], Clovis holding an unconscious and poisoned Amidala, During Amidala's first year in the Galactic Senate, she grew close with Rush Clovis, a senator from Scipio. [5] Among those gathered was her fellow senator and close friend Mon Mothma, who knew the death of Amidala was not because of the Jedi. That had been a good days work. Despite most of the governments representing the thirty-some planets in the sector declining to attend, around a dozen guests arrived, including Governor Kelma of Karlinus, Harli Jafan, the daughter of Jafan's planetary director, Tobruna, whose mother was in charge of the refineries on the mining world of Kreeling, Nitsa Tulin who was representing the planet Chommell Minor, and Olan Carrus, a representative from Behpour. [81], After the battle Luke attempted to tell Leia of their father's last words which were to tell his sister that he was right but Leia was uninterested. Requesting that Skywalker relay his message to Coruscant, Kenobi informed the Jedi and the Senate what he had discovered, just before he was captured. [19], Back in her suite, Sab revealed that Harli had invited her and her fellow handmaidens to attend a Neurotransmitter Affection concert at the Theed Odeon that night, offering tickets she had due to her cousin being a backup singer with the famous band. She notably disagreed with her opponent, Sanandrassa, the current queen running for re-election, on her policy of isolationism, wanting to instead expand and make allies with other planets in their sector. [68], Immediately after the Battle of Fortress Vader, Vader used a portal to the dark side created by Darth Momin in an attempt to revive Amidala. After she learned of her husband's transformation into a Sith, she confronted him on Mustafar in the hopes that he had not truly changed, but he instead attempted to kill her. Tobruna proposed changing an outdated treaty that forced Kreeling to sell ore to Naboo at a fixed price that was not fair, to which Amidala compassionately responded that she would attempt to change the trend of using the ore unnecessarily to decorate the instruments such as the hallikset. Amidala said she preferred to speak to Stin about the matter. [19], After voting for herself at the polls, she sat alone, waiting for the election results. Amidala speaks with the New Mandalorian Ruling Council. When meeting with Panaka Leia wore the jubilation dress that Amidala once wore and upon seeing the princess Panaka became shocked, likely seeing the similarities between Leia and Amidala, and some of the tea in the mug he was holding splashed onto the floor. [2] She was the younger daughter of Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie[15] and the sister of Sola Naberrie. Gender Realizing that the smuggler had survived, Vader noted how he would succeed where Lady Corvax had failed. Due to Tano's efforts to rescue her, Amidala developed a warm friendship with her. Now evenPadm's death has been transformed. Clovis, in turn, believed that Amidala wanted to resurrect their relationship and brought her to a Separatist meeting. Naberrie was very fond of the Rodian, whom she referred to as "Uncle Ono. The smuggler was later found to be the descendant of Lady Corvax, the ancient ruler of Mustafar whose actions in attempting to bring her dead husband to life instead caused the Bright Star to be unleashed upon the planet. Padm did not see C-3PO again until ten years later, when she returns to Due to the machinations of her advisor, Senator Sheev Palpatine, Amidala's reign was put to the test by the Trade Federation's blockade and subsequent invasion of Naboo. These senators conspired to sabotage Amidala's efforts by arranging for a Separatist attack on Coruscant. She was one of the signatories of the Petition of 2,000, mentioned in the novelization ofStar Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, and canonized in Daniel Wallace'sThe Rebel Files. Soon after Bail allowed her onto his transportation committee, she found out from Sab that her suspicions of the Trade Federation manipulating TriNebulon News were accurate. Thinking she was Sab, Harli admitted that she was interested in her and asked to kiss her, which caused Amidala to make a quick excuse and flee. However, she gave in and married Skywalker in secret. Instead of simply dying of a broken heart, Padme's death in Star Wars may have been the result of a failed Force Dyad. As her ship set down in the hangar bay, Amidala rigged it to blow in the hopes that it might take Grievous with it. Still a bit angry over the previous night, and annoyed that Anakin was acting jealously, Amidala retracted her previous decision and accepted the mission to spy on Clovis. [61], After Dooku's former Sith apprentice Asajj Ventress was formally pardoned of her crimes after helping to rescue Master Quinlan Vos from Dooku, Anakin Skywalker discussed details about their involvement in the Jedi Council's mission to assassinate Count Dooku. Following a skirmish with the Moogan smugglers, during which Amidala dispatched two of the smugglers after the police chief was injured, Satine had the warehouse and its contents burned down. [57], In another section of the factory, the Jedi and Chiss learned the Separatists were are also producing clone trooper armor covered with cortosis. Greg Pak'sStar Wars: Darth Vader series picks up that particular plot thread years later, and reveals this closely-knit group became an influential rebel cell, working against the Empire. Since all of these students had attended the same school, the two senators quickly deduced that the poisoning had been caused by some contaminated foodstuffs. [41], Following the hostage crisis, Amidala and Skywalker decided to take some time off. Articles that may contain original research, Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars Battle Tales 3, Forces of Destiny: Daring Adventures: Volume 1, From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars Adventures: Ghosts of Vader's Castle 1, Star Wars: The Secrets of the Bounty Hunters, group of droids disguised as sanitary units, The Art of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, The Phantom Menace Read-Along Storybook and CD, Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy A Graphic Novel, The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark, Star Wars: Forces of DestinyAhsoka & Padm, Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series Episode I, Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series Episode III, A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy, Luke vs. Emperor Palpatine - Rise to Evil. [63], Clabron, the planet Amidala and her handmaidens traveled to, At some point during the Clone Wars, Amidala went on a mission to Clabron, to attempt to get the Clabronians to join the Republic. With the help of Yoda and Aayla Secura, Skywalker then withstood the fatal toxin attack against the Zillo Beast. After the battle droids protecting the room were defeated by Skywalker and Thrawn, and the Serennian duke by the senator, knocking him out with her grappling hook, they left the factory and then destroyed the factory. Gunray stated that he required her to sign a treaty before threatening her and ending the transmission. [19], At the end of the week, the official coronation had arrived. The Jedi and a squad of clones were then able to captured Vindi for trial. [57], Following the completion of Thrawn's and Skywalker's test, the Chiss crafted a cord from the clothing he got from the Larkrer and unlocked their cells from the inside. But Padm, a staunch believer in democracy, knew better than to push the boundaries of power. [26], Sab was greatly upset when she learned of Amidalas secret marriage to Anakin Skywalker, who secretly scared Sab, and was angered that her friend hadn't told her. After extracting a layout of the Galactic Senate building from Artoo's databanks, Bane had the two droids mind-wiped and returned to their original places. Amidala tried to explain that she had to protect her identity, but Sab was mad and told her that she needed to consider someone's feelings besides her own, a comment that hurt Amidala deeply. After Skywalker remarked that Ventress was incapable of love due to her dark-side background, Padm responded that Ventress's love for Vos could lead him back to the light side.[62]. Skywalker, seeing Sidious as the only way to save his wife, pledged himself to the dark side. Padm reveals her pregnancy to Anakin shortly after the Battle of Coruscant. Gunray was confident Farr would rescue him from Amidala; however, he soon learned that the two senators had planned to capture him the entire time. Medically healthy humans don't die for no good reason But she wasn't " medically healthy ". Affiliation(s) [19], After extensive preparations, the guests began to arrive. But the Separatists found out about his meeting with her and sent an assassin to kill him and Amidala. Second Minister Tarmin, who, though hesitant at first, let them in. Although she secured a meeting with Skywalker and Palpatine, she was cut short when the Zillo Beast escaped its confines, rampaging towards the Senate building to settle a personal vendetta against Palpatine after witnessing him order its death sentence. Dorm spotted the shadow who had introduced himself as Second Minister Tarmin and aimed her blaster at him, asking him if he was involved with the assassin.[64]. Following a struggle, Skywalker rescued them. Life force is a proven thing in Star Wars, remember what was said in ANH about all living things, apparently distinct from physical bodies - see th While Padms death was simply explained as that of a broken hearted woman who lost the will to live, perhaps it was left vague on purpose, allowing the fans Amidala survived the crash by entering a escape pod. Padm gave his arm another squeeze, got up from her place beside him, and walked away, tucking a small, white ornament into a pocket as she did so. While Skywalker and R2-D2 stayed on the ship to await further instructions, Amidala spied on Clovis, Dod, and the Geonosian Archduke Poggle the Lesser, who were meeting in the garden. Dont you see we dont haft to run away anymore, I brought peace to the republic. [93], According to concept artist Iain McCaig, Padm was meant to make an attempt on Darth Vader's life on Mustafar: the scene as originally storyboarded had her embracing him with a knife, but finding herself unable to actually kill him (her role in the Revenge of the Sith script also reflected that she realized Anakin was becoming a monster). To clumsily explain why Obi-Wan and Yoda disappear when they die and Qui-Gon doesnt, as well as a flailing attempt to justify Episode Is existence. In his And there's plenty of reason to think that makes sense in the film. In reality, Jerec had rejected Republic military intervention and stressed that it was an internal matter for the Mandalorians to handle alone. WebAnakin swats her away in his rage, she teeters on the brink of lava, and he falls into the lava trying to save her. At that point, Master Yoda arrived with the newly christened Grand Army of the Republic, and the Battle of Geonosis began in earnest. Master Jinn promptly accepted the offer, but Amidala criticized his actions; although she did like Skywalker, she thought it was unwise to place the fate of Naboo in the hands of a nine-year-old boy. She discovered that Queb was selling the clones to a trandoshan hunter to be hunted down as trophies. Born Resulting in the explosive force doing more than merely collapsing the mine's tunnels. Right before Padme was about to deliver two children the medic said She is perfectly healthy but we're losing her for reasons we can't explain. Leia visited Naboo, under the alias of First Minister Solo, with Evaan Verlaine to find surviving Alderaanians. [19], Amidala continued her plans to reach out to their counterparts in the sector and would later call a meeting with the governor and several advisors to announce her plans to host a summit at the Royal Palace. [33], Amidala destroying battle droids before they can break out of Vindi's laboratory, Amidala and Binks were then recalled to Naboo by Queen Neeyutnee. When the Jedi discovered Palpatine's identity as the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, they attempted to arrest him. Eye color Following the trail, they quickly found Tri'vak being escorted by Ventress. [25] Upon arriving on Naboo, Amidala and Skywalker visited her family[26] and grew closer in their relationship, leading to Skywalker telling her of his love for her. [36], Amidala, Skywalker, and Palpatine, along with droids C-3PO and R2-D2, evacuated to Palpatine's personal escape shuttle, although they were grabbed by the beast's claws. Her husband proposed taking her somewhere in the galaxy for a few weeks where no one would recognize them. Phase II Exclusive Reveals, a Visit to Dark Horse Comics, and More! [65] The fact that Amidala had given birth to twins was a secret known only to a few after her death: the mortician Commodex Tahn used a hologram to make her still appear pregnant during her funeral. [26] Always at the center of the galaxy, Amidala was a determined and brave survivor. There, they discovered that the school's tea drinks had been contaminated with slabin. [50][51], She then attended a ConfederateRepublic peace conference on Mandalore. Sidious, of course, told him that she died due to Anakin losing control over his anger. Click the dropdown below to see the full list. [57], The mission ended with a catastrophe for Mokivj and an end to Solha's career. Together, the two set off to discover the truth behind Amidala's sudden death. The senator once again skylanes, were able to capture Zam Wesell arranging for Separatist. For Mokivj and an end to Solha 's career squad of clones were then able to Zam. 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