When I would ask, he would either resort to flattering platitudes or tout his own expertise, but he would not give me details when I was trying to better understand my own treatment. He will change what needs to be changed if a protocol does not work. I am not sure how I would have been able to get testing for something else and then send it to them without a written order. I would prefer that they pick up the calls. The front desk staff, the nurses, and my coordinator made such a difference in my journey. (Assigned nurse: Holli). A judge has sanctioned Fox News after claims it withheld evidence in a $1.6bn (1.3bn) defamation lawsuit. As a previous billing provider myself, I know that insurance has screwed up before. Every single nurse we met was wonderful, and we felt they truly cared for us and were invested in the best results for us. I knew something was wrong, as I'd been with my husband for about a decade at the time with no pregnancy in sight. From Dr. D to the Dominion staff, I felt like I mattered. There is so much to take in during an ivf cycle but they all do a great job to help you not to feel overwhelmedThey [nurses] were all very caring and compassionate. Being poked with needles for blood draws and having sonograms every other day during follicle monitoring can be unpleasant, but the nurses remain positive and calm - and they all seem to know how to draw blood very delicately. They felt your highs and lows with you. Appointments are made very efficiently over the phone, and I have never been kept waiting past an appointment time before seeing the doctor. He would tell us the good, the bad, and the ugly. I kept sharing with my friends and family that the entire process from the start of my cycle to the transfer was so straight forward and easy - which I did not expect it to be! I feel very well taken care of by all of the staff. He was younger, fresher and seemingly more up to date on the latest medical studies, Use all the doctors at Dominion. Very detailed, informative, and compassionate. They were always prompt with paperwork and everything we needed. So we went to Dominion and are very happy to have changed. The front desk staff, the nurses, and my coordinator made such a difference in my journey. Our insurance covered most costs, but we do pay for embryo storage, the injection teaching, visits after I was pregnant and couple other things. I had a missed miscarriage which showed itself in a monitoring ultrasound, and in retrospect I could not have been surrounded by nicer peopleWhen we were transferring to the next clinic, we requested our medical records. (Assigned nurse: Jackie (Coordinator)). However, in hindsight I would have done some more homework and selected Dr. Gordon as my primary endochronologist for a variety of reasons, Monitoring is by default a disorganized event. At my initial consult, she really oversold how quick the IVF process would be for me given my age and unexplained diagnosis, which made it emotionally harder as we hit unexpected roadblocks and she didnt have any answers (or adjustments to our treatment) to help address it. At times, this can take a few hours, but they never make you wait more than a day for a return call, so it's really a minor issue. I haven't had such a good experience with a doctor putting us at ease yet patiently answering all our questions in a long time We were generally in and out with about half an hour [at Dominion - Arlington]. We are highly educated people and have no problem being able to sift through this type of language, but the Dominion Financial aspects seem intentionally vague so that you spend more money than you need. He definitely exudes a command over these procedures, but does so in a very reassuring wayMy egg retrieval went perfectly. Breaking down every important topic relating to mental health & fertility. I think the time frame is very convenient. No complaintsThe clinic as a whole walks you through every step of the process, so there's nothing to tell a new patient. I interacted with multiple due to going between both Arlington and Bethesda clinic depending on where I was staying. After that, I had yet to hear from Leslie to inform me. He was willing to try when no other doctor would. I was very emotional after the egg retrieval, and the nurse helping us that day let me cry on her shoulder and called me later to check up on me. You can come in anytime during the window of about three hours. Dr. Waud was really friendly, warm, and seemed truly empathetic when I experienced multiple setbacks with each retrieval or my transfer ending in a miscarriage. She was kind, but never made me feel comfortable in her diagnosis or decisions. When I called the nurse line for after hours care during miscarriage, the nurse on call was incredibly nonchalant, and I actually never heard from my primary nurse during that period of recovery which was disappointing. The monitoring hours start early and end at 9AM. If you have questions, you have to contact the nurses. The staff is very professional and they have a nice large waiting room. Things to know are the same for all fertility offices - be prepared to pay prior to receiving services. We had a lot of procedures that did not result in a pregnancy, and he was there for my pregnancies that ended in miscarriage. It is very evident (and so very appreciated) that she cares about her patients. Under my insurance (so far!) Dr. Waud is sensitive and friendly, but it's very hard to get to see her or talk to her. As someone nervous with needles, this was HUGE. Home I have always felt very comforted by the staff at Dominion. Still though, it wasnt bad. It's very convenient, clean, easy to schedule appointments, and organized. There is so much to take in during an ivf cycle but they all do a great job to help you not to feel overwhelmed. The billing folks are not super clear, but having encountered others at other clinics, that seems to be par for the course. It helped us make the most informed decision and made us feel empowered and confident that we were doing so. Describe the protocols Susan Sarajari used in your cycles at Dominion Fertility and their degree of success. He will be very honest and not sell you a procedure or a statistic that won't work. In total we spent 16,500. By the time it was over, I wanted to only see Dr. Gordon. When you call the nurses, you always have to leave a message and then they will call you back. The financial counselor is clear and upfront about costs, and she has been very helpful with communicating with the insurance company on my behalf. Natalie Sophia (who runs the donor egg program) was one of the most ethical and professional nurses I have ever met. The Delaware judge overseeing Dominion We likely invested $25-30k for our cycles. The clinic does have fairly rigid rules about only doing frozen transfers and they almost mandate PGS testing. and Dominion Fertility and Endocrinology Institute; and, Robert E. Cumberland v. O. Riley Boone, M.D., et al. They were always supportive, always positive, and even sprinkled me with fairy dust. The place seems well-run and we have never had to wait too long to be seen. There is only one nurse who is not very good at drawing blood, and I wince every time it's her turn because she has trouble doing it and it's very painfulDuring my first cycle, I was told three different numbers at various points regarding how many of my eggs were mature. Ask this reviewer a question about their experience with Michael DiMattina at Dominion Fertility. When we were transferring to the next clinic, we requested our medical records. Describe your experience with your nurse at Dominion Fertility. He is very blunt too. They don't give you lab results or even basic information about procedure outcomes unless you chase them down. I am currently 11 weeks pregnant and remaining hopeful! Billing is even around the corner and incredibly helpful - they will answer any and all questions you have about costs of treatment on the spot. I wanted and needed someone who could show compassion but also focus on the plan and the future and that's exactly what he does. During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Susan Sarajari at Dominion Fertility? They are your cheerleaders all the way thru! From my understanding with insurance and my own research, I wouldnt have to pay more and the insurance company actually would pay less. This past March, we had our egg retrieval- 21 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 5 fertilized, 5 blasts, and 4 PGS normal. With Natural IVF there is only one egg produced at a time. It was very frustrating. I finally go back to Leslie who claimed that her colleagued submitted the bills for reprocessing. He was the perfect doctor for me. If and when it does not work out, the solution is always to try again the next month. I called my insurance later to follow up and found she had requested an auth the day after I contacted my coordinator but never heard from her that she did so. I'm so bad with needles she spent 1 hour on my cycle review showing the medications, mixes and how to administer, she loves what she does because she teaches so well. He remembers details about those little things on each visit. I want to switch to another provider but feel stuck. From the first time he came in to monitor me, he was asking me personal questions about my career and interests. Holli and the nursing staff took great care of us. Describe your experience with your nurse at Dominion Fertility. No complaints. By Melissa Quinn. Every nurse was a little different. I had to come back another day, wasting an additional day and taking time from work. She thought none looked indicative of an inability conceive and carry, so we were sent on our way to try on our own. During my first cycle, I was told three different numbers at various points regarding how many of my eggs were mature. My husband's sperm has morphology issues so we'll probably end up doing ICSI. He was straightforward, blunt, and gave just the right amount of sympathy without making me feel more sorry for myself. If I had just one issue, and it's a slight one, it would be that you can almost never reach a nurse directly in real time - you'll have to leave a voicemail at the nurses' desk, and they will return your call. Unforunately, science does not always match what happens in human existence, and I think Dr. Waud would agree that our case turned out to be more complicated than it appeared, resulting in a misdiagnosis which ultimately led us to change clinics. I used an antagonist protocol with estrace starting on Day 19 before the IVF cycle, then 150 of Follistim and 150 of Menopur nightly until starting Ganirelex around mid-cycle. The clinic is well organized and everybody is very polite. Describe your experience with your nurse at Dominion Fertility. Dr. Kay is extremely thorough in her consultations. They would not offer us a guarantee package due to my low ovarian reserve even though I was only 34. When we heard the heartbeat for the first time, I cried, and so did our nurse. I like that. However, She wasnt a good fit for our journey. My FETs failed and again she just kind of shrugged. Just trust him. She told me to expect a high number of eggs retrieved, then when I responded poorly to stims in my first cycle she just kind of shrugged and repeated the exact same protocol for my second cycle. This may not work for all patients. I don't like that. I'm so blessed to have gotten pregnant the first FET. I love the nurses at Dominion. Not sure if that was the intention, but that put it in perspective for me that this was a medical issue that we were treating not some failure on our part. I will be nervous, of course, given that I have lost a son at 32 weeks due to unknown causes. While I tried to advocate for myself, I felt she was very hand wavy when I asked about new protocols or diagnostic tests that I had come across in FertStert or other journals. We only got 1 PGT-A normal embryo in the first cycle, so we did another one. I consulted with multiple groups before undergoing fertility treatments. Dr. Kay diagnosed me with PCOS without having my test results based on the fact that my periods were "irregular" (which they really aren't). Had to call next day to find out results. I always felt like they had my best interests in mind and they remembered things and followed up. We really appreciated that he set his expectations for our care. Can you believe he remembered us! Since more drugs will be out of pocket, Dominion said they'd help me shop around for the best prices. The wait time is relatively insignificant [Nursing Staff] Very nice and very responsive over email, which is good for me, especially during the business hours. Heather Harris v. Michael DiMattina, M.D. They always greeted me with a smile and would greet me by my first name the moment I started my treatment. This is the second defamation lawsuit the company has filed in recent weeks. Describe the costs associated with your care under John David Gordon at Dominion Fertility. Sometimes there has been no wait at all. I have found no weaknesses. He [Dr. Dimattina] almost always only does single embryo transfersis very knowledgeable and explained everything in person. 941923, Judges, Home | Dr. DiMattina will recommend the best treatment for you. They forgot to bill my insurance several times. A long period of time passes, I hear nothing, I call my insurance to see if the bills were submitted for reprocessing. My embryo transfer also went perfectly. He can be really blunt, he won't hold your hand and cry with you. I believe Dominion offers a lot of advantages for patients with DOR or who otherwise want to try a more mini IVF approach. I felt safe (in every sense of the word, emotionally, physically, etc.) Dr. Sarajari recommended we use ICSI for fertilization, which resulted in 100% of our eggs being fertilized. The BCP reset worked. The nursing staff was very prepared and professional at all times. Unfortunately they failed to keep a proper accounting of the deposit and billed me for things that should have been paid from the deposit, even threatening to postpone my procedures if I didn't give them more money. Heather Harris v. Michael DiMattina, M.D. And competent (which sounds like a given, but at many doctor's offices sometimes I wonder). The day of the egg collection I was beyond nervous, and they kept rooting for me. While waiting for my transfer I was prescribed progesterone and estrogen. I was lucky that my egg retrievals were during the week so he was able to do them. WebVirginia Supreme Court Records, Volume 250. I can only talk about the Arlington location since all my visits where there. I am excited to move forward with him, once we have the all clear from the COVID19 pandemic. I agree with this approach. He will try different approaches quickly if something is not working [Dominion -Arlington clinic is] Very organized, convenient locations and hours, accommodating and competent medical staff. However, for us it was more important to feel we were receiving the best medical treatment and he is highly competent. I believe Dominion offers a lot of advantages for patients with DOR or who otherwise want to try a more mini IVF approach. She is patient, thorough, accessible, and kind. See comments related to financial conflicts. My first transfer was from natural cycle ivf, so it only produced one egg. I wanted to go to an expert. It was a few hundred dollars for our first few rounds of IUI. Limited activities during the two week wait after transfer. I'm so blessed to have gotten pregnant the first FET. I'll be sure to update as I progress through everything. I didn't immediately remember this, but she did and was very kind a compassionate about it. I feel that so many times, doctors' offices have rude receptionists. My experience was pretty mediocre. As someone who is seeking answers, he has done his best to give us answers to the extent that he could and if he couldn't, he would explain why. The staff and doctors knew us by name, especially the nurses whom you see a lot during monitoring. At my initial consult, she really oversold how quick the IVF process would be for me given my age and unexplained diagnosis, which made it emotionally harder as we hit unexpected roadblocks and she didnt have any answers (or adjustments to our treatment) to help address it. Describe the costs associated with your care under Kay Waud at Dominion Fertility. Trial is set to begin on Monday in the $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit Dominion Voting Systems has filed against Fox News and its parent company in Delaware Superior Court. I had to always initiate questions or do research online to figure out information. It is an aggravating experience where you wish they would just combine it all into one visit Dr. D was a warm and caring Doctor. It has not. Our process was particularly difficult because my partner and I had experienced a stillbirth following difficulties becoming pregnant. They are only counting a part of the copay I paid to the clinic, it created a discrepancy between what I paid and what insurance counted. Download Strengths: the clinic is conveniently located, clean, and very nice. They were always prompt with paperwork and everything we needed. Dr. Sarajari recommended we do IVF within six months after seeing mine and my husband's diagnostic test results. The place seems well-run and we have never had to wait too long to be seen. Dr. Waud is sensitive and friendly, but it's very hard to get to see her or talk to her. I ultimately sought second opinions after feeling like we were just going to be put through the same wringer with no better results. Weve been through several losses, which was not something she was dismissive of. He always took the time to explain things during meetings when a transfer did not work. She only wanted to sell us on the IVF Guarantee program, which wouldn't make sense for us with the outcome of our testing. However, most women will probably conceived with Dr. D in 1, 2 or maximum 3 cycles so this is not an issue, Nurses were amazing - like family. A few of the nurses I saw for bloodwork were so kind but overall the care felt very impersonal. I have low ovarian reserve despite my age, so we're doing this as soon as possible to get as many good eggs from me as possible. If you're the kind of patient who wants your hand held and wants to understand in detail every step of this process, he may not be your guy. If I ask a question over email before 2pm, I can expect an answer same day. If all of this checks out as it did for me, and you want to proceed with Dr. Kay - DO! He was encouraging and made me feel confident about the treatment plan (NC-IVF). We were always promptly seen. The costs are high, although I found Dominion to be less expensive than other practices. It is not difficult to get an appointment with your doctor; however, doctors don't provide you their emails. I called my insurance prior to see if an auth was requested. They have available clinic hours for weekend visits to obtain certain treatments or tests. I never have to worry that I will not receive a call back when I have to leave the nurse or finance dept a message. But talking was not going to ever change the outcome of our failed fertility cycles. He always called me back when I asked to speak with him. The nurses even gave me the advice that if I was more flexible on leaving, 8:30 would mean a less full waiting room. The strategy he used that ultimately led to pregnancy for me was putting me on birth control pills to reset my hormones. Describe your experience with Dominion Fertility. They had no idea what she was talking about. Each visit they asked when we usually come for monitoring, so they can be prepared for staffing at peak hours. FILE - A headline about President Donald Trump is displayed outside Fox News studios in New York on Nov. 28, 2018. His bedside manner is very blunt, and he seemed personally offended by any questions I had about the process, like he expected me to have blind faith since he was the expert. 941923, Hon. They do all of the pre-authorizing and tell us what is and is not covered by insurance. Describe your experience with your nurse at Dominion Fertility. Critical when undertaking a large financial commitment like IVF. The team of nurses are very skilled and nice. (Assigned nurse: Amy (called me the most)). May 19, 2021 / 10:06 AM / CBS News. We experienced one loss and one hysteroscopy under her care, and her bedside manner at surgery was the mix of humane and confident that I want in those stressful situations. Prior to my graduation from the clinic, Dr DiMattina performed my pregnancy sonogram himself. Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent billing department. Dr. Dimattina knows his medicine and never made me feel that any question asked was silly or I was wasting his time. Dominions lawsuit against Fox Corporation is one of numerous defamation suits the company has brought in response to the 2020 election, alleging far-right He's progressive (first to offer PGS and PGD along with natural cycle IVF, which worked for us on our 2nd pregnancy). It is an aggravating experience where you wish they would just combine it all into one visit. We had a few bumps in the road with billing and some communications that weren't clear. The wait time is relatively insignificant. Fortunately, I was lucky. This wasn't typical for themThey had a long time window for monitoring so you can easily pick a time convenient for you. We first decided to see Dr. Di back in 2016 after years of unexplained infertility. The statute provides that in an action affecting title to real property, the plaintiff at the Doe and Mr. Doe are haunted by questions about what became For any new patient entering this journey don't move forward until you understand the medical and financial component. Also my best friend got pregnant at Dominion Fertility. If I ask a question over email before 2pm, I can expect an answer same day. Billing is even around the corner and incredibly helpful - they will answer any and all questions you have about costs of treatment on the spot. If you like to know details about your treatment, she's not a good doctor for you. They [staff at Dominion Fertility] are very honest and forthcoming with any information about my history and future cycles. I was on the antagonist protocol for both IVF cycles. He was communicative therefore I never had questions. The clinic [Dominion] is well organized and everybody is very polite. The cost quoted is not exactly the same as the cost billed per natural cycle IVF. I love the monitoring hours, and the nurse hotline too. Ratings of 1 mean it was difficult to schedule appointments with this clinic. Dr. Gordon is very honest and is great at explain procedures and what to expect with each procedure. The clinic started early which was very convenient for my work schedule. Dr D is very knowledgeable and explained everything in person. I'm able to contact her via the phone or email and so far she's been greatThere's only metered street parking, but there are tons of spaces so you don't have to worry about driving around the block multiple times. From the first time he came in to monitor me, he was asking me personal questions about my career and interests. My coordinator sat with me and my husband for +1 hour at our kitchen table teaching us how to mix the meds, practice using the needle with a tester to get a feel for things. That made my husband feel more at ease. Weaknesses: getting a hold of the front desk on the phone (it was easy through the portal). Overall, no one was terrible nor exceptional. He remembers details about those little things on each visit. > Donna Jove! Dr. DiMattina is, as I mentioned before, kind, calm, controlled and clearly an expert in his field. WebDominion Fertility 61% strongly recommend 18 Reviews Rated 7.2 7.2 This clinic has 4 offices Visit clinic website Arlington Arlington Office 4040 North Fairfax Drive Arlington, Dr. D also does frozen embryos only, because he states frozen embryos are more successful. We did a hysterosonogram (water sonogram), hysterosalpingogram (HSG), couples genetic testing, and semen analysis - which I think is all standard for the clinic. I was put on a daily dose of baby Aspirin to help with the lining of my uterus. The clinic as a whole walks you through every step of the process, so there's nothing to tell a new patient. write down all the questions you have ahead of time. If you're like me and need to know every detail - I'd always make sure to have a notepad with you. Get there early for monitoring hours. I got a second opinion from another area-clinic and while I did not pursue care there, I wish I had found them first as the RE I spoke with gave me more confidence in their knowledge of up-to-date research and laboratory quality. We used Natural Cycle IVF. It's ok to be nervous going into the appt and to be overwhelmed with all of the information you're getting. She has been a superstar from the very beginning. They mostly seemed annoyed that I was contacting them or asking questions at appointments. Describe the protocols Michael DiMattina used in your cycles at Dominion Fertility and their degree of success. 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