If this heavy tank is encountered, try to shoot it in its sides and rear, where its armour is thinner and unsloped, though it will still have to be at a close range to penetrate the armour. Armored Thunderbolt: The U.S. Army Sherman in World War II Stackpole Books, 2008. The result was the implementation of the AMX-13's 75 mm gun, based off the Panther's KwK42 gun, onto the Sherman turret. The production for the Shermans began on October 1941 and would continue to be produced until the end of the war in 1945 with around 50,000 units produced, making it the second most-produced tank in World War II before the T-34 tank. Also the narrow tracks offer poor ground flotation, thus poor off-road capabilities. During the invasion of France, it was clear that the Sherman's current build with a 75 mm gun was no longer going to cut it against the German armoured forces. Though most high-end anti-tank weapons can cleave through the M4 Sherman's front armour rather easily, some smaller-calibre weapons less than 75 mm would have some trouble going against the front armour. On top of the commander's cupola is the distinctive .50 cal M2 Browning machine gun that is commonly seen on American vehicles. The Sherman was a proven design and was easier to maintain, more mobile, and reliable. I go over ALL the best ways to kill the M4 Sherman tank, including several ways to one shot it. Im getting my ween kicked in at the moment because I have no clue how to play the Sherman tank. The side hull have multiple layers of armour, some of which are weirdly angled and can absorb plenty of shells. Restrictions were made on the tank's height, width, and weight in order to make it able to be transported over bridges, roads, railroads, and on naval ships. Make sure to reposition your vehicle after every 2-3 shots as you may get spotted by a tank destroyer, which is one of the few dangerous foes even on longer ranges. This tank is the equivalent to the British Sherman Firefly, trading its top-mounted HMG and additional armour for a better main gun: the SA50 L/57 cannon, which is the same gun as the one featured on the . This was fixed on later models as well. The M4A3 plays more of a support role, use its powerful 76 mm as you assist your teammates during an advance or defense. While new units arriving in Europe were armed exclusively with 76 mm armed-Shermans, the veteran units kept the 75 mm Shermans, to which it continued to do well against softer targets with little threat from German armour due to their declining numbers. Zaloga Steven. Installed in very late war Shermans, and sacraficed all anti-armor capabilities for an even larger HE shell. A total of 8053 of these tanks were built. It was one of the first American tanks to be released with the American ground tree in Update 1.45 "Steel Generals". 75 mm M3 gun is a competent, well-handling gun for a medium tank. Between August 1944 and May 1945, 1,217 M4A3E8 (76) Ws were produced. The StuG's armour profile is also more complex than the Panzer IV, with less flat areas. Visually, the M4 748 (a) is identical to the M4A2 Sherman. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The M4 748 (a) represents a captured M4A2 Sherman in Wehrmacht service and was the first Sherman to be implemented in the game. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Are Sherman 105s actually god? For example the widely used. The only big distinctive feature of the M4 748 (a) is the paint coat on the tank, which is a combination of the yellow dunkelgelb, red-brown rotbraun, and green olivgrn, in a manner similar to the default scheme of the Panther G. Features on the M4 748 (a) are shared with its counterpart with a 47 front armour plate with a one-piece transmission housing. The M4 was a medium tank boasting a welded hull, a cast turret, and the 350 hp Continental R-975, a gas-powered radial engine. StuG III F/G - Another historical nemesis of the Sherman, and another big threat. Use your imagination: any tactic that doesn't rely on your armour is effective with the M4A4 (SA50). The standard 2 in (50 mm) gun shield had 5 in (127 mm) of armor added to it, increasing both the size and thickness of the mantlet. Even without any modifications, its ability to fulfil its role, though where it begins to shine is with the M61 shot. Description. These protrusions create "shot traps" as they were in a near vertical position that gave less protection on the front armour than the sloping areas. The new HVSS suspension with its horizontal volute springs replaced the VVSS and its vertical alignment. This will either end with 1) a successful out-manoeuvre and the M4 landing a shot on the enemy's side and weak point while it was preoccupied with the ally, or 2) the tank is forced to turn its attention to the M4, leaving allies able to advance and do the same to get on the enemy's side. [2] China obtained 812 Shermans, Brazil with 53, and New Zealand and Australia for 153 Shermans total. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. At the beginning of 1944 the frontal plate became one piece, moving the driver and gunner hatches to the top of the hull. Here's how you make them . If you haven't already, please subscribe, as it means the world to me and helps to support my channel. M4- play it like a less op t34 M4a1- same as above M4a2- hopeless bucket of turds that should never be played M4a1,2,3 76 wet rack- got a punchier gun, but armour becomes piss weak M4a3e2 Jumbo- the m4a2 but with more armour on the front. with a battle rating of 4.0 (AB/RB/SB). The new suspension system helped defeat the problems the Sherman's original tracks had with sinking in the mud from poor flotation and poor traction on slippery terrain. The rear and top armor remained the same, and the lower hull sides were also unchanged. The M4 748 (a) is a very versatile weapons platform that can be used in multiple roles and tactics. While most tanks in the BR range of the M4 748 (a) are quite capable of destroying the tank through the front, the most worrisome tanks are those that are quite immune to the 75 mm gun on the M4. A low-speed diesel engine gave the M4A2 good cross-country ability and a much larger maximum range than tanks with gasoline engines. so ive been playing around the shermans a bit looking forward to get the Pershing and superpershing, but i have yet to figure out how to play the shermans, i always die, idk how to use them, any advises ? [Devblog] M4A4 (SA50) - The Desert Warrior, https://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=M4A4_(SA50)&oldid=159971, Cast homogeneous armour (turret, gun mantlet, cupola, transmission carter, MG port). Another 2,020 units went on sale in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of German Unity. Shermans proved a strong option with good reliability and manoeuvrability in addition to armament and armour suiting its roll as a medium tank. The Sherman tank was given out in large numbers to American Allies during World War II under the Lend-Lease policy. [2] Though the early M-50 Continentals were retired by 1972, the Web. The engine was the same Ford GAA V8 as was standard on the M4A3. The M34A1 gun mount is noted as early due to the presence of lifting rings on the top of the gun mount as well as mounting bolts on the sides, both that are eliminated in the later model. Installing heavy weaponry and making other changes increased the tank's weight, also sacrificing manoeuvrability. Immediately after it began full-scale production, they began work on a new, more modern tank with a 75 mm cannon in a fully traversing turret. The M4 748 (a) tank's mobility can be used to travel the distance on the battlefield in a satisfactory fashion. First thing to do with a sherman is check what theBR range of the game is, especially with the 75mm ones - if you are top BR you can have a really good game, if you are bottom BR not so much! On a larger battle scale with multiple allies and enemies, work in cohesion with the others behind the front lines as the allies absorb most of the enemy shots, allowing the M4 to line a perfect shot on a spent enemy to land a penetrating shot into the hull and knocking out the crew. As they are modeled by sets of 3 or 4, shells disappear from the rack only after you've fired all shells in the set. No tank escapes the ever watchful eye of the Jackdaw! Another unique feature on the Sherman was the installation of a gyroscopic stabilizer on the gun and sight, making the Sherman one of the first produced tanks to incorporate those features. 3 However, once heavier tanks and contemporary medium tanks start arriving in droves, it is recommended to start withdrawing from the position or else the M4 will be overwhelmed and destroyed at the first priority due to being an easy target, even if allies are present to support the M4 on the position. However, this leads to the anti-aircraft power of the weapon as most formidable against low strafing attacking aircraft. The problem had to be addressed in the manufacturing plant and Ordnance Department set to work finding a better solution to fix the track flotation for better mobility. With its sloped frontal armour, many low-calibre shells will just bounce off the Sherman, though any actual anti-tank gun you will face at this BR will easily go through this relatively thin armour at medium range. Belly armour is 19.5 mm thick, though the tip near the transmission is 38.1 mm thick. This tank is a very good representative of the medium tank line, with average mobility, sufficient armour and enjoyable firepower. is truly mediocre - the gun is adequate, the armour is adequate, the mobility is adequate - almost everything else has something that is a bit better than adequate but losses something else less than adequate to make up for it - eg the P4 long 75's have a great gun, but weaker armour than the Sherman. The Allies mostly captured German vehicles for use in gun tests and target practice, with the Soviets going as far as fielding captured tanks in their own ranks such as the Panzer III as the T-III. Sometimes, entire tank battalions were made up of this tank. Jeeps_Guns_Tanks. Originally, this tank was provided with a vertical stabiliser but it was disabled with this new gun mount as the strain was too great for this piece. . The first fifty tanks with the 75 mm SA50 guns were added into a M4A4 Sherman hull converted to use a R975 radial engine by the French, these tanks designated as the M-50 Sherman by Israel. Secondly, the Japanese forces' armoured units were rather inferior to the American tank forces by 1943. The olive-drab green M4 medium uses a welded construction for the hull, resulting in the sharp-edged hull shape compared to the cast M4A1 medium. Interested in purchasing something from the War Thunder Store? Weak ass armour at that BR and but good gun is the firefly the Brit one though you don't get the apds round like the other 76 mm Sherman's. Use it as a glass cannon. It can break tracks, foul main gun barrels, and disable crew through their vision slots. [2], The M4 Shermans were seen as adequate in the early 1950s conflicts, but the Soviet arms trade with the neighboring Arab countries in the 1950s caused the Israelis to focus on uparming their existing Sherman inventory. While the Japanese Type 95 Ha-Go tank was comparable to the M2A4 Light Tank, the Shermans out gun these tanks by a large margin. This became a contributing factor on the Sherman's reliability on the field, as most of the design flaws were ironed out with the previous tank designs. Here's how you make them go up in flames. On tier III Filters and Crew Replenishment are very important, and in tier IV further mobility improvements with the Engine and then Transmission should be prioritized. Sherman can usually one-tap T-34 through cramped turret or inflict crippling damage to easily follow up with a second. Captured serviceable tanks were used by the Wehrmacht as subdivision command vehicles and sometimes even full-fledged combat vehicles. The Shermans first saw combat in the North African Campaign in the Second Battle of El Alamein on October 1942 in the hands of the British. When to move, when not to, picking your shots, learning the maps etc. There are many instances on a War Thunder battlefield where two opposing tanks face off against each other on a corner of cover, waiting for the other to pop out so it can deal a crippling blow with its gun or waiting for the other to prematurely fire so it can advance unhindered to a prime firing location. However, it was at this stage that the Sherman's shortcoming began to take face in the advent of the newer German tanks, the Tiger Is and Panthers. Earlier deployment of such tanks did not take priority as military commanders did not take the 76 mm gun with much enthusiasm as the 75 mm gun could fire a much better high-explosive round to fight softer targets, which consists of more than half of the engagements the Shermans typically face. Posted February 21, 2020. Armed with a 75 mm cannon and a sloped front armour, the M4 Sherman gives the balance of firepower and mobility for the US ground tree. The iconic American medium tank has a very distinctive silhouette with its high front sloping armour, flat sides, and rounded turret shape. The "W" designation on the Sherman indicated that the vehicle had the "wet stowage" feature in response to complaints that the Sherman can easily catch fire due to exploding ammunition. The American M4A2 medium tank is a variant of the M4 with a diesel engine. Makes cresting ridgelines a good tactic, The gun mantlet is both large and V-shaped. M4 748 (a) is a premium gift rank III German medium tank with a battle rating of 4.0 (AB/RB/SB). The M4A4 (SA50) is a rank III French medium tank These tanks served in the Middle East conflicts that Israel had to deal with such as the 1956 Suez Crisis, 1967 Six-Day War, and the 1973 Yom Kippur War, where the "Super Shermans" proved itself as adequate against the superior and more modern Soviet tanks. You can use this link and get a 3% discount on your next purchase: https://goo.gl/mqVkc6 As we. Now it's the M4 Shermans time to die. Overall, the M4 Sherman can be considered as an armoured jack-of-all-trades - it will serve a tanker well, however it will not excel in any particular role. The shell should go in easily and knock out most, if not all of the crew. The reasonable mobility of the Sherman makes flanking a viable tactic. It was introduced along with the rest of the American ground tree in Update 1.45 "Steel Generals". Certain areas are sloped and very bouncy. The least important module to research is the M89 shell due to its extremely situational use. A 9.5 mm RHA plate separates the engine compartment from the crew compartment. [Vehicle Profile] M4 Sherman [Decal Included], [Tanks Encyclopedia] Medium Tank M4 Sherman, [Military Factory] M4 Sherman (Medium Tank, M4), https://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=M4&oldid=151883, Rolled homogeneous armour (Front, Side, Rear, Hull roof), Cast homogeneous armour (Turret, Transmission area). The Israelis cleared their stocks of M-50 and M-51 by this time, sold to collections, used as range targets, or repurposed to other usage such as engineer vehicles. To mitigate this problem, armour plates are welded in front of the interruptions for additional protection. Of the two, the Shermans prevailed with the better crew training and gun optics, allowing for an edge in a combat scenario. It was one of the first American tanks to be released with the American ground tree in Update 1.45 "Steel Generals". While not as fast as some of the lighter tanks at the BR, the M4 748 (a)'s upgraded mobility makes it usable as a vehicle to run towards the objective and capture the zone. Ideally, the enemy should be too busy focusing on allies attacking in the front to notice the M4 instantly. While it pales in comparison to the destructive effect of tank guns, it provides the Sherman with some flexibility over other comparable vehicles, who are restricted to their rifle-calibre coaxial machine guns. And don't discount that .50-cal machine gun! Web. As others have said, they don't really shine unless top-tiered but they certainly don't suck either. Oh, and its drivetrain issues took most of the rest of the war to finally fix.) It will punch holes in AA trucks and armored cars. The large quantities of Shermans produced during the war gave the Allied armoured units a major advantage of being fully equipped as the German panzer divisions were rarely in full strength, with some US infantry divisions having more tracked vehicles than some of the panzer divisions. 20112022 Gaijin Games Kft. It has problems vs heavy tanks (KV-1) and the 80mm armour Stugs, also against sloped armour sometimes (T-34). In Italy, the Shermans proved much more mobile than the German Panzers, able to travel cross-country on the hilly terrain with ease. The M4 Sherman has become a proven and well-respected tank design by 1944. This page was last edited on 23 January 2023, at 22:14. Here we have the early M4 Sherman in a few games. Some of the later models (like the (W) variants) store their ammo in the belly. M4A3 (76) Ws fought on the Western Front in 1945 and in the Korean War from 1950 to 1953. Small applique armour are placed on the side hull armour over ammunition that gives an extra 25.4 mm. With the G variant, it is more reliable to use AP at ranges over 500 m to ensure penetration. Chad. By Unlike the M4 Sherman model that has the same gun mount, the right turret side does not have a welded piece of applique armour, allowing for a more sloped contour on the 76 mm turret armour. The small calibre of the M1919A4 machine gun makes it largely ineffective against all armoured vehicles but the ones with an open compartment. Despite the time of production, the distance of the Atlantic Ocean between the American factories and Europe cause the delivery time of the first batch of the new models to be three months, meaning they would not see service until December 1944 the soonest. They eat any shells I throw at them, from 37s to 75s, they eat them all, no matter how much pen a shell has, or what kind it is, they just do not care, I aim for weak spots, they eat my shells, all I can do is track them, or break their 50 cal, what am I supposed to do, I'm never this bad at a game, maybe I just . The M4 was the most widely-used American tank ever developed, originally meant for World War II, but seeing service far after 1957, when the US retired them, with its latest retirement nation being Paraguay in April 2018. It was one of the first American tanks to be released with the American ground tree in Update 1.45 "Steel Generals". The suspension, like in real life, also seems to give the vehicle a much smoother ride across terrain, making it easier to acquire targets while on the move due to the stability. Bogies had two paired wheels, and the supporting rollers were attached to the side of the hull. Great firepower, and terrible armor. The M4 was the most widely-used American tank ever developed, originally meant for World War II, but seeing service far after 1957, when the US retired them, with its latest retirement nation being Paraguay in April 2018. Specifications on the tank design were strict in order to maximize logistical support. KV-1 and variants - A vehicle that the M4 Sherman will have trouble against is the KV-1. The M4A4 (SA50) is a rank III French medium tank with a battle rating of 5.0 (AB/RB/SB). The 8th rack is large and located at a weak spot: the bottom section of the armour. Some tanks were repainted to match the standard camouflage schemes of the German army. The Medium Tank M4 Sherman is a rank II American medium tank However better the Shermans were to the German tanks at the time, the Allied armoured units still suffered casualties against the German tanks and anti-tank guns, most notably in the Battle of Kasserine Pass. Armor is useless in both, unless you get deranked to 2.7 in the 75mm. Always aim for a crippling or defeating blow so that the enemy tank will not be an immediate threat to the rest of the team while it repairs or replenishes. https://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=M4_Sherman_(Family)&oldid=137221. Another program in the 1960s attached the larger 105 mm Modle F1 French gun from their AMX-30 into the Sherman. The divisions of the Wehrmacht had several such tanks which survived until Germany surrendered. with a battle rating of 5.3 (AB) and 5.7 (RB/SB). The hull's sloping glacis is at 56 degrees, as usual with the early model of M4 Shermans. Though in the bocage country of France, the Allies lost more tanks to hidden anti-tank guns and infantry weapons than to tanks. As a newly developed Sherman late in the war, the M4A3E8 did not see much use in the European theater until near the end of the war. Another feature about this Sherman is the access to the HVAP rounds (APCR) for the 76 mm gun. The British deployed the Sherman among their armoured squadrons in such a large number to become the standard tank of their armoured forces. Here are some of them: This tank has bad armour for the BR and the tank gives that away very clearly. No matter what game you find yourself in, you should be able to do something. To go into battle with the turret basket empty of ammo, pack 78, To go into battle with the turret basket and the flanks empty of ammo, pack 31. The new suspension was installed beginning in the mid-1944. 500 units were also for sale during the 5th Anniversary event. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. Most of the tanks were marked with an Iron Cross to show they belonged to the German army. with a battle rating of 3.7 (AB/RB/SB). The Firefly is one of the moremediocre out of the bunch. The Pressed Steel Car Company kicked off production of the first M4 tanks in July 1942. The armor was also increased to 6 in (152 mm) all round, but the area under the rear turret basket was only 2.5 in (63 mm). The Sherman Tank Site. The only tanks in their inventory at that time was the M2 light tank and the M2 medium tank, both are inadequate against the German Panzer IIIs and the Panzer IVs. Reduces the swing of the gun in one plane while moving. Another reason why these tanks did not see service earlier was the lack of battle need. Of course this applies to other tanks too, but the 75mm Shermans seem to have this unique quality of being much better/worse at . These Shermans serve as a symbol of how desperate Israel's situation is with their neighbors, and also an example of how the Sherman is a proven design able to keep up with the arms race with adequate upgrades in its armaments. [2], The M-50 Sherman was used by Israeli during the 1956 Suez Crisis and the 1967 Six-Day War. While the L-11 is underpowered, the ZiS-5 is potent enough to punch through the Sherman's front, and the Sherman is unable to penetrate the KV-1's thick frontal armour. When used by the Germans, the Shermans were often painted with Balkenkreuz cross symbol of the Wehrmacht to distinguish between friend and foe. War Thunder Game play With American Sherman M4 Tank in Ground Realistic Battle,game play Cinematic montage shortsThank you For watching : After the war, the Shermans continued serving America and its allies as the M4A3E8 with a new suspension and the 76 mm gun. An attempt to fix this was improvising "extensions" on the tracks, but these were difficult to add and there were never enough to go around. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Make sure not to expose your flanks unnecessarily. In April 1942, the first M4A2 prototype was tested, and the tank was put into production. Luckily, there is a big weak spot. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. In my experience, the strengths of the Shermans are: I try to playto those strengths. While accelerating up to this speed can be sluggish at first, the M4 takes to a running start after Gear 4. As for the turret, some angles may deflect shots but don't count on it. Skins and camouflages for the M4A3 (76) W from live.warthunder.com. The thickness was from 4 in (101 mm) to 5.5 in (129 mm). The German captured M4 Sherman's most notable combat performance was in the Ardennes Offensive in December 1944, the Baltic Offensive against the Soviet Union in late 1944, and the Battle of Berlin. Suspension wheels are 15 mm thick, bogies are 10 mm thick, and tracks are 20 mm thick. This page was last edited on 15 September 2022, at 06:44. This vehicle was actively used in combat operations on the Eastern Front. One of my favorite tanks in the game is the French SASO (Sherman variant with a good gun) Everything dies from the side Tigers, Panthers, Jumbos, IS's etc so at no point will you want to expose your flanks. Kocant12, February 21, 2020 in Army Academy, Hello i need help playing American sherman tanks because im just really bad, edit: thank you guys for the help im getting better. Armed with a 75 mm cannon and a sloped front armour, the M4 Sherman gives the balance of firepower and mobility for the US ground tree. It can use its decent armour and gun to support friendlies against enemies, use its mobility to outmanoeuvre and exploit undefended location to reach an unsuspecting area, and a combination of the traits to deal with its contemporary medium tanks with the 75 mm gun with its APCBC and APCR ammunition. The StuG III packs the same punch as the Panzer IV line with its long barrel 75 mm gun, whilst losing the turret, which turns out to be both an advantage and a disadvantage. The Shermans have to hit the side of these tanks for penetration and at ranges that were considered suicidal. For a M4A4, there are 2 apparent bulges on the upper front plate, a penetration through there can guarantee a knock-out most of the times. In battle, try to use terrain as cover. The driver and bow gunner sat in the front driving compartment, the fighting compartment in the middle housed the turret its three crew member, and in the back was the engine compartment.

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