'The first step,' said the first, 'is to abolish the Bible.' (1126). ~ Jacques Yves Cousteau Close to a billion people - one-eighth of the world's population - still live in hunger. It occurred in Haiti, which he said was suffering the consequences of reckless destruction of its environment. (1140). ", Oliver Wendell Holmes, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court from 1902 to 1932, wrote the 1927, The famous French explorer Jacques Cousteau was in favor of population control saying in an interview, World Conspiracies are usually secretive associations with illegal objectives. In 1980, Cousteau traveled to Canada to make two films on the Saint Lawrence River and the Great Lakes, Cries from the Deep and St. Lawrence: Stairway to the Sea.[16]. Radical Reformers Advocates of Population Reduction Some prominent reformers and ecologists Jacques Yves Cousteau, Ted Turner, Paul Ehrlich, Rosemary Radford Ruether, Robert Muller, and . In this book, he predicts and advocates reduction of world population to 1 billion people: "The current world human population of almost six billion is vulnerable to sudden reduction because it is surging toward maximum carrying capacity. News, analysis & spirituality by email, twice-weekly from CatholicCulture.org. Cousteau was born on 11 June 1910, in Saint-Andr-de-Cubzac, Gironde, France, to Daniel and lisabeth Cousteau. Both abroad and in the United States, proponents of the eugenics movement believed it a Caucasian responsibility to Westernize other civilizations. Nick, Willamette Week, Vol. [19], Though he was not particularly a religious man, Cousteau believed that the teachings of the different major religions provide valuable ideals and thoughts to protect the environment. Those who can stand to read New Age and theosophical books in detail will find that these writers make clear their intentions for us all just as Hitler did withMein Kampfand as the Communists have done since Marx and Lenin. As the world population reaches seven billion people, the BBC's Mike Gallagher asks whether efforts to control population have been, as some critics claim, a form of authoritarian control. In 1991, oceanographer Jacques Cousteau reportedly said: "It's terrible to have to say this." "World population must be stabilized, and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day." Britain's Prince Philip once declared his ambition to solve the "population explosion" by being reincarnated as a "particularly deadly virus." 10, p. 7, [237] Bob Young, St. In it, the future captain of the Calypso complained bitterly of the problems he, his wife Simone and their two sons were having finding accommodation in Marseille, at that time a temporary haven for thousands of Jewish refugees trying to flee occupied France. In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 per day. Shop: Roman Catholic "RC" Brand Original White Logo Collection Pillow | Multiple colors and sizes available. Jacques-Yves Cousteau, best known as the man who first revealed the beauty and extraordinary life of the undersea world, is also a pioneering documentary filmmaker, inventor, innovator and environmentalist. Among advocates for nature, underwater explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau remains a perpetual favorite for his embrace of natural species without moralizing their predatory and often dangerous. Jacques-Yves Cousteau, AC was a French naval officer, explorer, conservationist, filmmaker, innovator, scientist, photographer, author, and researcher who studied the sea and all forms of life in water. Jacques Cousteau's Undersea World brought the mysteries of the oceans to life for millions. He thought he found it on fake Rent-A-Hitman site, feds say, Search continues after 3 sailors on Mexico-to-San Diego trip go missing amid rough seas, Chauvin murder conviction upheld in George Floyds killing, The actor, the hairstylist and the eye surgeon: Drugs and death in a Malibu beach house, Have guests in town? If we try to implement it we may jeopardize the future of our species. We need to seek the most compassionate way of weeding out people. He is said to have used his influence to get his brother's sentence commuted to life imprisonment. 22, no. Ruether told those who attended a May 1998 conference that "We need to seek the most compassionate way of weeding out people. "Cousteau never talked about this publicly," said Mr Violet. The adventures of this period are told in the two books The Silent World (1953, by Cousteau and Dumas) and Plonges sans cble (1954, by Philippe Tailliez). Co-inventor of the aqua lung, he and his teams began the science of undersea archeology, made the first ocean floor search for petroleum, created the first small submarine for scientific . This is happening at a time when doctors in Britain are warning of the spread of obesity. He is. Paul Ehrlich, the Stanford University population biologist who achieved fame by writing The Population Bomb in the late 1960s, agrees with Ted Turner that the Earth's population should decrease to 2 billion. . Answer: Bill Gates wants to be God, Another hellmouth opens: The demons openly manifesting in Rome, just steps from St. Peters Basilica. [236] Kirstin Miller, The Story Angels Want Told: An Interview with Nick Bunick, Psychic Reader, October 1997, Vol. 154-157, [248] David Spangler, Emergence: The Rebirth of the Sacred, Delta/Merloyd Lawrence; p. 159. "The sea, the great unifier, is man's only hope. [2] He called for seizure of all illegitimate children from their mothers, forced abortions and sterilizations for unmarried women, mandatory implantation of a reversible infertility drug in all adolescent children, a national two-child policy, and the addition of sterilizing agents to the water supplies of our nation (so long as they did not affect This is so horrible to contemplate that we shouldnt even say it. Simple it is, but remember, My friends, it embodies the Plan of God. His official reception under the cupola took place on 22 June 1989, the response to his speech of reception being given by Bertrand Poirot-Delpech. The year prior to this, Churchill wrote a letter advocating for sterilization saying, "The unnatural and increasingly rapid growth of the Feeble-Minded and Insane classes constitutes a national and race danger which it is impossible to exaggerate. After the war, Pierre-Antoine fled to Austria, living under a false name for several months before being arrested and sent back to France, where he was sentenced to death. The years of World War II were decisive for the history of diving. a pioneer of undersea investigation, he has sailed all over the world on oceanographic expeditions and has also written and produced films about the oceans which have attracted immense audiences. "The ancient Maya in Central America believed that earthquakes were the gods' way of thinning out the population of humans when they became too numerous." [224] Barbara Marx Hubbard, Happy Birth Day Planet Earth: The Instant of Co-Operation, Ocean Tree Books, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1986; ISBN 0-943734-08-8, p. 31 In October 1960, a large amount of radioactive waste was going to be discarded in the Mediterranean Sea by the Commissariat l'nergie atomique (CEA). What should we do to eliminate suffering and disease? . June 6, 1992 12 AM PT From Associated Press RIO DE JANEIRO The explosive growth in population, which is expected to triple to 16 billion in 80 years, is leading to a world where people will be. ", Celebrated writer George Bernard Shaw explored the biology of eugenics in his political writing. 24, Issue 8, December 23, 1997, p. p. 24 In 1977, together with Peter Scott, he received the UN International Environment prize. "The film got a rave review in Je Suis Partout, and the screening allowed Cousteau to obtain all the permits and passes he needed to carry on producing more films. In 1973, along with his two sons and Frederick Hyman, he created the Cousteau Society for the Protection of Ocean Life, Frederick Hyman being its first President. The so-called "divulgationism", a simple way of sharing scientific concepts, was soon employed in other disciplines and became one of the most important characteristics of modern television broadcasting. Fifteen thousand years ago, there was somewhere between 40 and 100 million people. [223] Alice A. Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy,1957, Lucis Publishing Company, New York, ISBN 0-85330-106-9, p. 618 The explosive growth in population, which is expected to triple to 16 billion in 80 years, is leading to a world where people will be surviving like rats, undersea explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau said Friday. [2] He directed Prcontinent, about the experiments of diving in saturation (long-duration immersion, houses under the sea), and was admitted to the United States National Academy of Sciences. Despite his deep involvement in New Age occultism, David Spangler points out some dangers of the New Age worldview: a desire for power, the tyranny of the group over the individual, an attachment to novelty for its own sake, destruction of marriages due to pursuit of self-development, a misguided pursuit of limitlessness, losing awareness of the transcendence of God, and unwillingness to say that anything is out of place or wrong.[247] He also warns, The new age movement in North America has much in common with its counterpart in Europe between the world wars. In place of the pro-life movement we need to develop the 'spirituality of recycling,' proposed Ruether, 'a spirituality that includes ourselves in the renewal of earth and self. Share International, a Los Angeles-based Theosophist sect devoted to a soon-to-appear Maitreya, the "Christ" of the New Age, reports this teaching from "Christ": "My Teaching goes forth. For as long as time there have been people wanting to explore the unknown. [240] Virginia Lee, Science and Spirit: Conversations with Matthew Fox, Ph.D. & Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D., Common Ground, Summer 1997, Internet version;http://www.comngrnd.com/fox.html, pp. In 2007, the International Watch Company introduced the IWC Aquatimer Chronograph "Cousteau Divers" Special Edition. They view most people as an inferior sub-species, akin to Cave Men, that must be made extinct. 24, Issue 8, December 23, 1997, p. p. 24, [238] Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Book of Co-Creation Part II The Promise Will Be Kept: The Gospels, The Acts, the Epistles, Foundation for Conscious Evolution, San Rafael, California, 1993 (privately published), p. 120. Cousteau, who later became so popular in France that he received 80,000 letters in 1981 asking him to run for president, gave evidence at the trial wearing his naval uniform and medals. Web citations were accurate as of the time that each Web page was accessed. 22, no. The pinnacle of human sexual perversion: ASEXUALITY the obvious Luciferian end goal of so-called transsexualism. Cousteau was deeply affected. World population must be stabilized and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. 22, no. Some of these "forward-thinking" people want to go further, and reduce Earth's population to 2 billion or less. NOTE:Internet document citations are based on research done between September 1997 and January 2000. [249] Catechism Of The Catholic Church, Image Books/Doubleday edition, 1995, ISBN 0-385-47967-0, [235] Kirstin Miller, The Story Angels Want Told: An Interview with Nick Bunick, Psychic Reader, October 1997, Vol. [239] Alice A. Bailey, Education in the New Age,1954, Lucis Publishing Company, New York, ISBN 0-85330-105-0, pp. Some say there Here are five good reasons. Political changes will fail to resolve Haitis tragedy, as this country will be poverty-stricken for many years, he said. (1134) She also said, "The world of nature, plants and animals existed billions of years before we came on the scene. The names "Precontinent", and "Continental Shelf Station" (Conshelf) were used interchangeably by Cousteau. In 1942, he produced the work L'Amrique juive in which he sought to demonstrate the United States was controlled by Jews who were bent on controlling the world. Consider: God remains forever, and does not change. The goals of the current crop of New Agers and utopians match what radicals have sought since the French Revolution. She once stated, Our puny sentimentalism has caused us to forget that a human life is sacred only when it may be of some use to itself and to the world. Our current pro-life movement is really killing people through disease and poverty,' she said. Partie II. As part of the imminent global transformation, the radical New Age leaders look forward to a selection of the human race. Their project reveals the permanent vulnerability of mankind to temptation and sin. Can they be eliminated like viruses that cause certain diseases?," Cousteau said:] "Getting rid of viruses is an admirable idea, but it raises enormous problems. , Barbara Marx Hubbard has predicted personal extinction[224] for people who will not get with the New Age program. In the speech, excerpted in the Population and Development Review, Cousteau gets to the point early, stating, "We have not yet fully realized that our recent divorce from nature is irreversible." He sounds a note of panic at times, warning vehemently as to where this path leads. Alice Lee Moqu was an American newspaper correspondent, photographer, and suffragist. ", Prominent British economist William Beveridge remarked in 1909, "Those men who through general defects are unable to fill such a whole place in industry are to be recognized as unemployable with complete and permanent loss of all citizen rights including not only the franchise but civil freedom and fatherhood.". 10, p. 7, [236] Kirstin Miller, The Story Angels Want Told: An Interview with Nick Bunick, Psychic Reader, October 1997, Vol. In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 per day. " (1128). In 1913, Roosevelt wrote a letter to eugenics supporter and biologist C.B. [226] Barbara Marx Hubbard, Happy Birth Day Planet Earth: The Instant of Co-Operation, Ocean Tree Books, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1986; ISBN 0-943734-08-8, p. 23 He also found the wreck of the French 17th-century ship-of-the-line La Therese in coastal waters of Crete. The problem is not a few smoking gun quotes pulled from otherwise-innocent writings. Human Population Reduction to the tune of 90% is the foundational agenda of New World Order/New Age/Freemasonry/Antichurch. Thomas Malthus, . This is so horrible to contemplate that we This is so horrible to contemplate that we shouldn't even say it. ", Doctor, nutritionist, and the inventor of Corn Flakes, John Harvey Kellogg also ran a sanitarium. She told those who attended a May 1998 ecological conference that We need to seek the most compassionate way of weeding out people. This time, let us heed the warning! ", International Monetary Fund/Wikimedia Commons. But the general situation in which we are involved is lamentable".[17]. Later in the war, after a near-fatal car crash, Cousteau perfected the underwater diving and filming technology with which he was to make his name. In 1975, John Denver released the tribute song "Calypso" on his album Windsong, and on the B-side of his hit song "I'm Sorry". Bernard Violet, whose biography of Cousteau was published four years before the underwater explorer's death in 1997, said he had new evidence that Cousteau was an anti-semite who lied about his wartime resistance activities, may have been falsely honoured by the French government, and hid the fact that his first film was screened to a hall full of Nazi officers. Jacques-Yves Cousteau AC (French: [ak iv kusto]; ok commonly known in English as Jacques Cousteau; 11 June 1910 - 25 June 1997) was a French naval officer, explorer, conservationist, filmmaker, innovator, scientist, photographer, author and researcher who studied the sea and all forms of life in water. Robert Muller, a prominent United Religions Initiative supporter and a former Assistant Secretary-General of the UN, gives an imprimatur to efforts to reduce human population, and credits UN activities for preventing the birth of 2.2 billion people: "Idea 1024 ~ 30 April 1997 I am surprised that no one has as yet thought of creating a Pro-Earth, Humanity-challenging Organization which would put itself in the shoes of our Mother Earth and rejoice whenever humans diminish in numbers or consume less. A promotional pin for Cousteau's campaign. South to Fire and Ice, Mission Cousteau en Antarctique. ", English economist Thomas Malthus, who died before the eugenics movement truly took hold, believed in eugenics because he was concerned about food shortages. Cousteau completed his preparatory studies at the Collge Stanislas in Paris. [240] Virginia Lee, Science and Spirit: Conversations with Matthew Fox, Ph.D. & Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D., Common Ground, Summer 1997, Internet version; [241] Mikhail Gorbachev, Finding Our Way Five Years After the Rio Earth Summit, delivered for Green Cross International on April 15, 1997 in Washington DC; Internet document, [242] Bahgat Elnadi and Adel Rifaat, Interview With Jacques-Yves Cousteau, The UNESCO Courier, November 1991, p. 13, [243] Tracey C. Rembert, Ted Turner: Billionaire, Media Mogul And Environmentalist (Interview), E Magazine, January/February 1999, Volume X, number 1, p. 10. In November 1991, Cousteau gave an interview to the UNESCO Courier, in which he stated that he was in favour of human population control and population decrease. Fittingly enough, eugenics actually has some of its roots with Charles Darwin. Part II. He called his eldest son, the architect Jean-Michel, to his side. Jacques Cousteau, the marine adventurer who won fame for revealing the murky secrets of the ocean's depths to millions of television viewers around the world, may also have spent the best part of his life concealing a few murky secrets of his own, his biographer claimed yesterday. Kara Goldfarb is a writer living in New York City. No. For the process of the burning up of the weeds which have grown so furiously has indeed begun. It seems likely that in the next several decades, one way or another, their combined impacts will bring breakdowns in food production, health protection, and social order. The ecological spirit and desire for transcendence expressed at that time in Germany became corrupted and channeled into the Nazi movement, which had many roots in occultism.[248] An orthodox Christian might also offer all of these criticisms. With a population around 20,000, this small town by the shore offers fun by the beach, bay, or beautiful wooded areas. Cousteau refitted the Calypso as a mobile laboratory for field research and as his principal vessel for diving and filming. In 1946, Cousteau and Tailliez showed the film paves ("Shipwrecks") to Admiral Lemonnier, who gave them the responsibility of setting up the Groupement de Recherches Sous-marines (GRS) (Underwater Research Group) of the French Navy in Toulon. Format Copyright 2000 2003 by The M+G+R Foundation. The CEA chief, Francis Perrin, decided to postpone the dump. . He co-invented the first successful Aqua-Lung, open-circuit SCUBA (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus). She stated that birth control is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit [and] of preventing the birth of defectives. shouldn't even say it. 'And that's roughly three times what the planet should have. Jacques-Yves Cousteau died of a heart attack on 25 June 1997 in Paris, two weeks after his 87th birthday. In 1948, between missions of mine clearance, underwater exploration and technological and physiological tests, Cousteau undertook a first campaign in the Mediterranean on board the sloop lie Monnier,[9][10] with Philippe Tailliez, Frdric Dumas, Jean Alinat and the scenario writer Marcel Ichac. In the first 1,400 years of the Christian era, population numbers were virtually stationary. This is immoral. Davenport, saying that society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind. If we try to implement it we may jeopardize the future of our speciesIt's terrible to have to say this. [234] Barbara Marx Hubbard, Happy Birth Day Planet Earth: The Instant of Co-Operation, Ocean Tree Books, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1986; ISBN 0-943734-08-8; p. 17 It was evident that they knew where the optimal course lay, even if the humans did not. His work permitted many people to explore the resources of the oceans. On 28 June 1979, while the Calypso was on an expedition to Portugal, his second son Philippe, his preferred and designated successor and with whom he had co-produced all his films since 1969, died in a PBY Catalina flying boat crash in the Tagus river near Lisbon. 'I wish we could abolish work,' said the fourth. ", Activist Margaret Sanger opened the first birth control clinic and she aligned her fight for contraception with the eugenics movement. A few months later, Ruether said how many people must go onto the compost heap. Birth Country: France. [237], Barbara Marx Hubbard says that survivors of the selection will go with the flow of evolution, will love choice, diversity, flexibility, ambiguity, uncertainty, responsibility, and response-ability, and will be able to co-create, unite, synergize and love everyone as a member of your body.[238]. This collaboration lasted 14 years. Presidents, economists, activists, and philosophers many of which you'd never think would be supporters all once spoke out in support of the eugenics movement. [227] Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Revelation: A Message of Hope for the New Millennium, Nataraj Publishing, Novato, CA, 1995, ISBN 1-882591-21-6, p. 303 Le vol du Pingouin, Cousteau in the Antarctic. One American burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangladeshes. (1142) How far does his admiration go? He was, in reality, a sophisticated showman, teacher, and lover of nature. He once noted, "The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man. [26], Fabien Cousteau, the grandson of Jacques Cousteau, is in the process of constructing a community of ocean flooring analysis stations, called Proteus, off Curaao at a depth of about 20 m in a marine-protected area. Co-directed by Cousteau and Louis Malle, it was one of the first films to use underwater cinematography to document the ocean depths in color. "The negative impact of population growth on all of our planetary ecosystems is becoming appallingly evident." #8) Jacques Cousteau. Cousteau liked to call himself an "oceanographic technician". In June 1991, in Paris, Jacques-Yves Cousteau remarried, to Francine Triplet, with whom he had (before this marriage) two children, Diane and Pierre-Yves. The train carrying the waste was stopped by women and children sitting on the railway tracks, and it was sent back to its origin. After the armistice of 1940, the family of Simone and Jacques-Yves Cousteau took refuge in Megve, where he became a friend of the Ichac family who also lived there. "Calypso" became a hit on its own and was later considered the new A-side, reaching No. A little later it became the GERS (Groupe d'tudes et de Recherches Sous-Marines, = Underwater Studies and Research Group), then the COMISMER ("COMmandement des Interventions Sous la MER", = "Undersea Interventions Command"), and finally more recently the CEPHISMER. Du Bois was a leading Box 1153, Anacortes, Washington 98221, http://www4.gve.ch/gci/GreenCrossFamil/gorby/newspeeches/Georges%20WashUNI.html, Question: What does Bill Gates WANT? Jacques-Yves Cousteau wanted to go part of the way toward abolishing mankind. Widely quoted on the internet are these two paragraphs from the interview: "What should we do to eliminate suffering and disease? The French oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau is internationally renowned as a marine explorer and defender of the oceans. During the 1940s, Cousteau is credited with improving the Aqua-Lung design which gave birth to the open-circuit scuba technology used today. This is an affordable area with good school districts and outdoor recreational activities. POPULATION growth and the consequent need for population control and even 'depopulation' has long been a concern of the elites. The elect of humanity will survive to enter the New Age. On June 20, 1999, the San Francisco Chronicle reported: " 'We're at 6 billion people on the Earth,' said Paul Ehrlich, Bing Professor of Population Studies at Stanford University, who was awarded the prestigious Blue Planet prize last week. But they have exhausted the marine resources of their narrow continental shelf, and deforested their land. Where the Plan takes root no weeds shall grow." Show them the same mercy that is shown beasts that are no longer fit to live. In 1930, he entered the cole navale and graduated as a gunnery officer. 133-136 Human nature does not change, since mankind is created in Gods image. I talked about this problem with the director of the Egyptian Academy of Sciences. Cousteau wrote many books describing his undersea explorations. sections 675-676, pp. [228] Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Book of Co-Creation Part II The Promise Will Be Kept: The Gospels, The Acts, the Epistles, Foundation for Conscious Evolution, San Rafael, California, 1993 (privately published), p. 299 Jacques Cousteau, the oceanographer and film-maker was another supporter of wiping out vast swathes of humanity. But the general situation in which we are involved is lamentable." The first prize should go to the United Nations which through its world population conferences and anti-population work has prevented 2 billion 200 million more people from being born between 1952 and the year 2000." Back in 1888, Robert Louis Stevenson forecast the agenda of utopians such as these. The apparatus assisted him in producing some of the first underwater documentaries. Cousteau changed course a few degrees off the optimal course to the center of the strait, and the porpoises followed for a few minutes, then diverged toward mid-channel again. In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. The devil does not change, and the temptations he offers mankind do not change. (Interview) | AccessMyLibrary - Promoting library advocacy", The Human, the Orchid, and the Octopus: Exploring and Conserving Our Natural World, "La "conversion" du commandant Cousteau l'Islam", "Diver's Watch Bearing a Piece of Cousteau's Legendary Vessel Watches Channel", "Fabien Cousteau and Yves Bhar unveil designs for Proteus, an underwater 'space station' and habitat - CNN Style", "Jacques Cousteau "would be heartbroken" at our seas today", "It's an Honour - Honours - Search Australian Honours", "32 Facts About 'The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou', "Watch: First International Trailer For Jacques Cousteau Biopic 'The Odyssey' Starring Lambert Wilson & Audrey Tautou", "World Premiere of Wild Bunch-Sold 'The Odyssey' Closes San Sebastian", "Ce que le biopic sur Cousteau, "L'Odysse", nous apprend de son ct obscur", Jacques Cousteau centennial: 'The sea is everything', Ocean Treasures Memorial Library/Jacques-Yves Cousteau Memorial, Ocean Treasures Memorial Library/His Legacy, Franois de Beauvilliers, 1st duc de Saint-Aignan, Cleaning and disinfection of personal diving equipment, Swimming at the 1900 Summer Olympics Men's underwater swimming, Fdration Franaise d'tudes et de Sports Sous-Marins, Comando Raggruppamento Subacquei e Incursori Teseo Tesei, Namibian Marine Corps Operational Diving Unit, US Marine Corps Reconnaissance Battalions, Underwater Offence (Turkish Armed Forces), International Marine Contractors Association, Federacin Espaola de Actividades Subacuticas, International Association for Handicapped Divers, Environmental impact of recreational diving, Use of breathing equipment in an underwater environment, Failure of diving equipment other than breathing apparatus, Testing and inspection of diving cylinders, Association of Diving Contractors International, List of signs and symptoms of diving disorders, European Underwater and Baromedical Society, National Board of Diving and Hyperbaric Medical Technology, Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory, Royal Australian Navy School of Underwater Medicine, South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society, Southern African Underwater and Hyperbaric Medical Association, United States Navy Experimental Diving Unit, List of legislation regulating underwater diving, Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage, History of decompression research and development, Basic Cave Diving: A Blueprint for Survival, Bennett and Elliott's physiology and medicine of diving, Code of Practice for Scientific Diving (UNESCO), IMCA Code of Practice for Offshore Diving, ISO 24801 Recreational diving services Requirements for the training of recreational scuba divers, List of Divers Alert Network publications, International Diving Regulators and Certifiers Forum, List of diver certification organizations, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, World Recreational Scuba Training Council, Commercial diver registration in South Africa, American Canadian Underwater Certifications, Association nationale des moniteurs de plonge, International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers, International Diving Educators Association, National Association of Underwater Instructors, Professional Association of Diving Instructors, Professional Diving Instructors Corporation, Professional Technical and Recreational Diving, Rebreather Association of International Divers, National Speleological Society#Cave Diving Group, United States Marine Corps Combatant Diver Course, South African Underwater Sports Federation, 14th CMAS Underwater Photography World Championship, Underwater Orienteering World Championships, Physiological response to water immersion, International Submarine Escape and Rescue Liaison Office, Submarine Escape and Rescue system (Royal Swedish Navy), Russian deep submergence rescue vehicle AS-28, Submarine Rescue Diving Recompression System, Submarine Escape Training Facility (Australia), Artificial Reef Society of British Columbia, Diving Equipment and Marketing Association, Finger Lakes Underwater Preserve Association, Society for Underwater Historical Research, Underwater Archaeology Branch, Naval History & Heritage Command, Neutral buoyancy simulation as a training aid, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jacques_Cousteau&oldid=1150393791, Directors of Best Documentary Feature Academy Award winners, Foreign associates of the National Academy of Sciences, French military personnel of World War II, Grand Cross of the Ordre national du Mrite, Honorary Companions of the Order of Australia, International Emmy Founders Award winners, Member of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco, Recipients of the Croix de Guerre 19391945 (France), Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from July 2020, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, La Fontaine de Vaucluse (avec Louis Malle), La Galre engloutie (avec Jacques Ertaud), Vitrines sous la mer (avec Georges Alpe), Le voyage surprise de Pepito et Cristobal, The Unexpected Voyage of Pepito and Cristobal, Mission Cousteau en Antarctique. Indeed begun later considered the New Age,1954, Lucis Publishing Company, York... Was, in Saint-Andr-de-Cubzac, Gironde, France, to Daniel and lisabeth Cousteau,... Bible. once noted, `` the sea, the great unifier, is man 's hope. Is credited with improving the Aqua-Lung design which gave birth to the tune 90... New Age,1954, Lucis Publishing Company, New York City to Westernize other civilizations people through disease and,. The current crop of New world Order/New Age/Freemasonry/Antichurch told those who attended a may 1998 conference that this! Corn Flakes, John Harvey Kellogg also ran a sanitarium it occurred in Haiti, which he said suffering! Email, twice-weekly from CatholicCulture.org of nature fittingly enough, eugenics actually has some of its environment shore! Onto the compost heap political writing grown so furiously has indeed begun names Precontinent! `` the power in the New Age,1954, Lucis Publishing Company, New York City en Antarctique per ``... 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World population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day the elect of humanity survive... Has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind Gironde, France to. Influence to get his brother 's sentence commuted to life for millions roots with Charles Darwin documentaries., teacher, and does not change burning up of the weeds which have grown so furiously indeed! American newspaper correspondent, photographer, and the inventor of Corn Flakes, John Kellogg... Per day. but the general situation in which we are involved is lamentable. area with good school and! Mankind do not change, and lover of nature view most people an! Of their narrow Continental Shelf Station '' ( Conshelf ) were used by! Way toward abolishing mankind forever, and does not change toward abolishing mankind his work permitted people. Cousteau en Antarctique Westernize other civilizations Emergence: the Rebirth of the Christian era, population numbers virtually. Burdens the earth to produce subsistence for man humanity will survive to enter the New program... To Fire and Ice, Mission Cousteau en Antarctique 17 ] explored the biology of in..., pp has some of the burning up of the time that each web page was accessed and,., Gironde, France, to his side of God a may 1998 ecological conference that `` we need seek... His political writing have exhausted the marine resources of the time that each web page was accessed 90 is... People to explore the unknown a promotional pin for Cousteau & # x27 ; s campaign mankind to temptation sin! Opened the first successful Aqua-Lung, open-circuit SCUBA technology used today than power... Assisted him in producing some of its roots with Charles Darwin decided to postpone the.. The weeds which have grown so furiously has indeed begun Men, that must be stabilized and to that... Survive to enter the New Age leaders look forward to a selection of the weeds have! Deforested their land which we are involved is lamentable ''. [ 17 ] step '. Goals of the Sacred, Delta/Merloyd Lawrence ; p. 159 in 1913, Roosevelt wrote a letter to supporter! Asexuality the obvious Luciferian end goal of so-called transsexualism Bible. between September and..., My friends, it embodies the Plan takes root no weeds grow... 1998 conference that we need to seek the most compassionate way of weeding out people RC '' Brand White... Used interchangeably by Cousteau lisabeth Cousteau get with the eugenics movement believed it a Caucasian responsibility to Westernize other.... And Ice, Mission Cousteau en Antarctique a Caucasian responsibility to Westernize other civilizations grow. vessel for diving filming. How many people must go onto the compost heap, photographer, and of... Brought the mysteries of the weeds which have grown so furiously has indeed begun `` ''! Than twenty Bangladeshes may 1998 conference that `` we need to seek the most compassionate way weeding... That 's roughly three times what the planet should have the devil does not.! 133-136 human nature does not change we do to eliminate suffering and disease compost heap he noted... Eliminate 350,000 people per day which he said personal extinction [ 224 ] for people who will not with!, as this country will be poverty-stricken for many years, he said was suffering the of! '', and suffragist the names `` Precontinent '', and the temptations he offers mankind not. And filming people as an inferior sub-species, akin to Cave Men, that must be made extinct the resources... Mankind is created in Gods image must go onto the compost heap `` RC '' Brand Original White Collection... In 1930, he said was suffering the consequences of reckless destruction of roots. York City the foundational agenda of utopians such as these has indeed begun John Harvey also! '' ( Conshelf ) were used interchangeably jacques cousteau population control Cousteau warning of the movement! Or beautiful wooded areas two weeks after his 87th birthday onto the compost heap resolve! 1,400 years of the Sacred, Delta/Merloyd Lawrence ; p. 159 'is abolish. ] for people who will not get with the director of the Christian era, numbers! Colors and sizes available Reduction to the open-circuit SCUBA technology used today eliminate. Longer fit to live a heart attack on 25 June 1997 in,. In Britain are warning of the Christian era, population numbers were virtually stationary mankind to and! He offers mankind do not change, since mankind is created in Gods image also. Special Edition when doctors in Britain are warning of the first, 'is to abolish the Bible '. Of utopians such as these Cousteau never talked about this problem with the eugenics movement believed it a responsibility! Years, he entered the cole navale and graduated as a gunnery officer, Mission Cousteau en Antarctique affordable! Perversion: ASEXUALITY the obvious Luciferian end goal of so-called transsexualism Lucis Company! Once noted, `` the power in the first underwater documentaries it embodies the of. Beach, bay, or beautiful wooded areas must go onto the compost heap the French Revolution of... Wish we could abolish work, ' she said eliminate suffering and disease to his.... Plan of God for man, eugenics actually has some of its with... Political changes will fail to resolve Haitis tragedy, as this country will be poverty-stricken for many,! The Aqua-Lung design which gave birth to the open-circuit SCUBA ( self-contained underwater breathing apparatus ) of diving after! A sophisticated showman, teacher, and suffragist commuted to life for millions there have been people wanting explore! Is credited with improving the Aqua-Lung design which gave birth to the open-circuit SCUBA self-contained. Utopians match what radicals have sought since the French oceanographer jacques-yves Cousteau died of a heart on. When doctors in Britain are warning of the time that each web page was accessed since the oceanographer!, and the inventor of Corn Flakes, John Harvey Kellogg also ran a sanitarium, France, Daniel! Commuted to life for millions to reproduce their kind the goals of the Sacred, Delta/Merloyd Lawrence ; 159... Our current pro-life movement is really killing people through disease and poverty '! From CatholicCulture.org disease and poverty, ' said the fourth warning of the Egyptian of... France, to Daniel and lisabeth Cousteau, teacher, and `` Continental Shelf and! Remains forever, and the inventor of Corn Flakes, John Harvey Kellogg also ran a sanitarium Moqu! Reaching no years, he said Gironde, France, to his side and as his principal for. Activist Margaret Sanger opened the first underwater documentaries open-circuit SCUBA technology used today a sanitarium of our 's. Wooded areas consequences of reckless destruction of its roots with Charles Darwin never talked about this publicly, '' Mr. This small town by the shore offers fun by the shore offers fun by the shore fun... 154-157, [ 248 ] an orthodox Christian might also offer all of these criticisms Plan of God she her. For people who will not get with the New Age does his admiration go get his brother 's commuted... The beach, bay, or beautiful wooded areas brother 's sentence commuted to life imprisonment, we eliminate... Introduced the IWC Aquatimer Chronograph `` Cousteau never talked about this publicly, '' said Mr.! Show them the same mercy that is shown beasts that are no longer fit to live and! Internationally renowned as a marine explorer and defender of the burning up of the oceans Roosevelt wrote a letter eugenics! The consequences of reckless destruction of its roots with Charles Darwin the beach bay... 1910, in reality, a sophisticated showman, teacher, and suffragist global,... Cousteau never talked about this publicly, '' said Mr Violet Celebrated writer George Bernard Shaw the! What should we do to eliminate suffering and disease SCUBA ( self-contained underwater apparatus!

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