I never meant to cancel his vacation, but I wasnt going to put his needs before mine. All he was doing was opening the door so he could play a revengeful sarcasm game. So I gave them copies of checks and pay stubs for the last six months. So today I resign my position with immediate effect, which in turn, cancelled his vacation plans for next week. About a year ago, I was working the weekend shift, and we had been complaining for weeks about a particular machine, a very high-priority one, making weird noises and stalling without warning. I hope she enjoyed constantly itching her head and lice treatments causing damage to all that beautiful auburn hair. PettyPettyPatty. They came into our office and asked to speak to the building manager. I told her (through the front window) that something was going on, and Id be right back. The temp would be called into the office where David would look at them and say would a large, sh*t-eating grin: ITS JUST NOT WORKING OUT. Instantly, the cook makes eye contact with me and comes rushing over, practically falling over patrons. And if they say it's best to turn the other cheek, then sometimes it just doesn't work. Hi, I manage the building for my brother, Great, were from the Dublin Fire Brigade and we are here to have a look at your fire safety systems. His jaw dropped. MmmmBisto, 8. When I arrived home I promptly adjusted the dates on the unemployment forms I had filled out already in wait and submitted them. Securing a Brighter . I got up from the ground, and the father of the family business next door had heard me shout, and met me as I circled around to the front. In a matter of two weeks, 9 of 14 employees resigned after hearing I did. They mention the cafe has been pretty slow lately (it turns out the dad from the business next door had mentioned what happened to a few people already). Now thats Karma I had a buyer even before the sign was pushed into the snow. Im on my way. With the way business is right now things arent looking good, Id be stupid to take on more expenses, and Im owed over two thousand dollars as it is. I feel vindicated, its pretty rare the world is balanced, evil often wins. I thought that was a pretty good start. The only thing left to do is pay me, every single week. The boss paid me less than minimum wage pulling some bullsh*t excuse about how the job role wasnt defined and could pay me what he wanted. I left a note on the table in the back, calling him an inept moron incapable of managing a simple lunch diner and incapable of being a social person. People Look Forward To Our Verdict On Their "Am I The Jerk" Stories, People Seek Answers To Their Riveting "Am I The Jerk?" Occasionally, we had catering orders to do which added a significant chunk of time onto my day. I flat out told him No f*cking way. The only four who remained were deadbeats who barely bothered to the waiter. Over the 6 years Ive only called in sick twice. I was an engineer and he viewed me as a threat because he was a boss and I knew more about electronics than he did. That night, she personally proposed my cousin for marriage. Back in my early 20s, I worked as a delivery driver at a bar/pizza joint close to the main college drag. Ariel was still my boss, but I had more responsibility and authority over the coworkers I had previously been working alongside. The final insult: The boss had a crush on one of the prettiest female top employees. Granted his past behavior had factored into how angry I was over something pretty minor but, I was f*cking furious. The goofy friendly guy, my light is no longer dimmed by a dark presence and I can be myself without punishment. Divine_Squire. They had sent me all the checks I missed despite them paying me from the cash register! #13 Horrible Bosses troublemutt Report Final score: 144 points You are a bada** and a warrior for people who are over-worked, under-paid, and under-appreciated in the service industry. He wanted me to stay on; I knew how to run the place and how to make all of the sandwiches and so forth. Anyway I had planned to go out one night with a girl I had just met and wanted to get off work a bit early, go home and wash the pizza smell off me. He had to work insane amounts. Once he received my notice a couple of months later he called me up within a minute, begged me to stay. He accused me of patronizing him, and finally of sabotaging him. I was already leaving for a much better and more peaceful job, but I was and still am astounded at how she treated me. J K Dev Varma ? I told him Im not your wife, you dont talk to me like that and he flipped out. After I confirmed this was a job offer and not just an interview, I told them Id be available in two weeks after I resigned from Walmart, and they agreed. PD: This is (City name) police department, non-emergency line, how may we help you? The building owner got himself a conviction and a 10k fine (I had hoped it would be bigger) and had to pay a sh*t load to get a new fire alarm system installed. This pr*ck would ridicule new temps about the way they dressed (industrial temp workers usually are quite poor), talked, mannerisms, you name it, in front of everyone at shift meetings. Albert didnt treat me any better when she was around he snapped at me a lot in front of our customers, and a few of the guys had talked to me about it. I shook his hand with a smile and left without saying anything negative. Till finally, I said to him, what the hell man? Bossman jumped out of his office and asked me to call her back. Then in the third week, three days until the final payment, it happens. It looked like there was no power going into it. I worked at my previous job for over 3 years. A year later, Im very happy now, I enjoy my new job and my new boss. I was very good at what I did, and do know how to do a lot of the things her job involves, but it also comes with several responsibilities I had no interest in and she knew all of this. I ran over and found my buddy (who had been operating this particular machine) pale as a f*cking ghost, leaning on the wall, no harm done to him but scared sh*tless. He would argue, sometimes red in the face mad. Here are some of the stories people have revealed about their unforgettable revenge. I had to make hundreds of baked goods and sandwiches, and about 30 quarts of 3 types of soups. The fruit of my labor will do the talking for me shortly. She told him that I was not in the country and had a job in the USA. You expect me to do you a favor when you wont do me one? He shook my hand, was very charming to my mother, told her I was a hard worker (but how did HE know? A&W breakfasts are real breakfast made to order, eggs, bacon, French toast, none of it premade and there was no time to premake it anyway because the store was packed pretty much round the clock, so with 1 person full time in back and one floater it was taking 8+ minutes per breakfast and the store was lined to the doors and the drive-through lined up right into the street. 309 Petty Revenge Stories That Show Why You Should Never Be An Asshole To Other People (Add Yours) Greta Jarueviit. I can tell thats what youre doing so you need to leave. She was on to her third monitor, feeling thoroughly humiliated and in tears. We had 30K in the bank and yet I was living in constant fear and insecurity. Working 8-10 hours a day with your best mates is quite all right. This wasnt an easy task as Id have to mask my face to empty that entire thing. Stories, People Allow Us To Comment On Their "Am I The Jerk?" Mike: Do you think you intimidate me Officer Jones? its a cool-ish idea and theres not a whole lot going on for an audio-editor type right now in 2003 and applied. He realized how f*cked he was without me and tried to do whatever he could to keep me for at least another week. Two other employees, or should I say, the ONLY two other employees who werent his wife or cousin up and quit on him later that week. While they were talking the cops came over to talk to me. Some of our kitchen staff quit and instead of replacing them he just moved around the 3 remaining kitchen staff so that we only had one person in the kitchen per shift. I finished out the day without reacting somehow. I told them over the phone., I was super skeptical but I trusted her. The 3rd week came and no checks. The co-worker after leaving the meeting would go back to his office from where I had a view and I could just see the stress and misery in his face. At the year and a half mark, I got promoted! metaspoon.com. I was pretty psyched when I got a job at A&W because it was my first real job and the pay was really good (great compared to my former province, sh*t compared to the pay scale in this province). Lucky me, I also have lice. Whether dumping a cheating lover's laptop in the pool or unleashing laxative hell on a lunch thief, these people took their revenge to wicked levels of creativity. Mike: This is a free country, I can go where I please. No one else was responsible for it but me. He cut critical shifts, sometimes leading to three employees holding a Saturday rush. She had a bucket of water and a sponge. She was sent around to be interviewed in several departments. Maybe if you talked to him before then he might have not been a complete d*uche. IGoRawrs. Were talking 60-70 tonnes of pressure, rotating parts, and other things to keep your fingers away from. However, if I was laid off I would qualify. Everyone had stopped going. Apparently, when the place went from being Tire Shop A to Tire Shop B, they remodeled the shop. So I had my own personal Taxi driver for the few calls we had over the next two weeks. I took the orders from all the smaller coffee shops around town that the local chain owned, and baked all the bagels, cookies, muffins, wraps, etc. Unless I personally spoke to big boss, and then their boss, and accused Ariel of lying, it would just be assumed I screwed up as there was no way Ariel would defend me or admit her lie. I was told that my missing 2 checks would be mailed to me. He promised to fix things. He put his arm around me and wanted me to come into his store, and I saw Albert watching us through the front window of the cafe. His boss was the CEO/Chairman of the company. He lied 16 times in total on this matter. Since the promotion, I had been dealing with her unprofessional and outright terrible behavior of me and taking it all in stride. He Had To Pay Me Over $30,000 As Punishment. I had to chant that in my mind to keep control. Stories, People Defend Their Reputation By Telling Their "Am I The Jerk?" However, when he saw where I was taking one of the pizzas, he ordered (not asked) me to pick him up a chocolate shake from a drive-through joint close by. Sometimes the most appropriate revenge is to simply work your way up in life. Then eat what I brought, if I didnt finish it he had no opportunity. We spent that weekend in the lunchroom, playing cards and having food delivered. I was wondering where you were! David was married to some big-shot at a hospital in town; she was the breadwinner so he had no problems with keeping some low-level super job; to top it all off David was also the only minority with a supervisory position so Logistics Company didnt want to fire him (EEO FTW!). Anyways, he would always make fun of my clothes and my accent, and one day he went too far by telling my boss about my private Instagram account pictures. The jealous miserable b*stard was shocked speechless because he did not imagine that this would happen. I walked out without preparing an ounce of food. and I was completely right in going to the government. It was always tucked way back from the main road nobody driving by would notice it and think to stop in. A couple days later, Albert starts texting me like mad. Neither of us like Mike, and he wants to be the one to deal with him if anything should arise again. Bravesfan417, 9. And I saw my old section manager working on the floor, dressing a mannequin. He also made me work 6 days a week, but only paid for 5. I was in the middle of a project for him when I quit, and I tried to do the good thing about it, I said, I start in 2 weeks, so Ill finish up this project or at least prepare it for a new employee. He said to me no, youre leaving now, give me back my boots (he made me buy steel-capped boots for safety, again, nothing to do with my work), I told him to f*ck off. We sold them and bought 2 other much bigger ones in much better locations. That night it was snowing heavily. Did you not read the email I forwarded?. Working 8-hour shifts every day in your jeans and ruining pair after pair with oil and grease the only clothes you own, spending money you dont have on gas to get to work is bad enough when you have to wait more than a month for your first checkbut then being denied a paycheck and treated like its no big deal week after week is straight bullsh*t. I would have called the labor board after the first failure (US Dept of Labor). Fail To Pay Us On time? Best life advice I can give after this experience. Well. Donna Pilar Mel 3. Normally, my new boss Ralph wouldnt mind, he would always just let it go. Two weeks he paid two people, me and the admin to drive and watch me work. I cried harder, I told the dad what happened in big gulping sobs, I held my leg and was overall pretty pathetic. Theres a lot of prep work that goes into making a thousand ham-and-cheese sandwiches. You ask where its out, he says next week you explain he already said that last week, then hed play coy. I pull out my phone and call the non-emergency line for our local police department. One particular hotel I worked at was located really close to the downtown area and so we got a large number of young, very Jen Hartnett 15kfollowers More information 30 minutes pass and we call him again. I told him that I want a copy of the paper that says I was paid from the registerhe could produce no such paperwork. I can live perfectly fine on 32.5k. By the time I walked out my brains were buzzing and I could barely see straight. Then the idea came to me that night, did my research and odds was in my favor that it could work. I had the boss from hell back when I worked for a logistics company (We will call him David). Before the term "circus" was officially coined by Charles Dibdin in November of 1782, circus-like events have been held as early as ancient Rome. I dreaded coming to work, which was too bad because he had me working every day but one. So He claimed he fired me for poor work performance. Do you have a bad boss story you want to share with us? Our A&W was right downtown so needless to say it was a very busy week. I treated them like fellow human beings, and it really feels great when people trust you enough to talk about their problems, both work-related and not. DUGGAN BOSS IS BACK FOR REVENGE | GTA V GAMEPLAY #152 TECHNOGAMERZtechno gamerz gta 5gta 5 techno gamerz techno gamerz new 152 episodetechno gamerz latest ne. This time I insisted they pay me what I was owed for that pay period from the cash register. 5-10 minutes pass by where I help out a few customers while Mike scopes out more prices. They paid me from the register and I told them I wouldnt be back. So he lost control of me and I already had a job here that paid better than the one I left. But the hours were good, the tips were good, and I met some of my best mates there. He didnt give a f*ck if I stayed until 3 am on a school night (I was in high school). Here is a brief snippet of any given day of what its like to be selected as his target. The company lost millions in delayed production, all because they wouldnt listen to the guys (and girls) on the factory floor. iArsonist, 1. This was a huge huge deal and he knew that. I had a workstation and a little office/studio I shared with the web developer and while he fixed bugs on the site and coded up new features, I would edit & upload the talk shows. That day D*ck had a meeting with me and set up a payment plan to pay the money back. He invited her to a romantic candlelit dinner and proposed her. I had to be earning a living. My cousin. Anyways, its a small town, who is it? He also had lost trust in us, because here I am, talking to him like he knows about it and is just as surprised as him when he doesnt. I didnt mind much since everyone was the shop b*tch at one time.you gotta pay your dues. Just at that time, I got my green card to immigrate to the USA and was given 10 days to cross the border (who knows why such a short time?). Bully boss found some excuse to fire me. I will get even in a lawful way, somehow. Original Story By Melodia_Violin - August 8th, 2021. But not 60 seconds after I clock back in, Im told by someone in inventory that Bill is looking for me and is p*ssed. 15 Petty Revenge Stories That Prove Karma Is 1,000,000% Real. I look at the day manager and said f*ck it, I quit. Id finish the beverage and the side. Two weeks after the dance in the doorway, I go back to the neighborhood and stop by the garages and shops to say hello to everyone. School was starting up soon, so I had given my two weeks notice. I could press charges and I was pretty young and now unemployed, so I didnt really want to do that or the cops would go have a long heart-to-heart with him. At the same time, the married secretary and her husband had a conversation and they decided not to mess around anymore. However, I did at least get him to stop asking if I used the spray. Maybe we can just talk to them on the phone to get them to leave. You could see his look of disappointment when he would scan my plate. I have to beat him at his own game while providing the illusion he is in control. I have to make him want to fire me, its the only way. He told me that he knew I got paid from the register and that he wanted his money. We lost their account. I hadnt seen you over at (old store name) in a while! I could start throwing as fast as I could from one end, and by the time I got to the other, the side I started at was empty.

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