Akintunde Akinleye/Reuters. [35], The mai employed his mounted bodyguard and an inchoate army of nobles to extend Kanem's authority into Borno. [46] Urbanisation was accompanied by high levels of artistic achievement, particularly in terracotta and ivory sculpture and in the sophisticated metal casting produced at Ife. On 29 May 1967, Lt. Col. Emeka Ojukwu, the military governor of the eastern region who emerged as the leader of increasing Igbo secessionist sentiment, declared the independence of the eastern region as the Republic of Biafra on 30 May 1967. "The period 1919-1935 was colonial imperialism's last territorial drive in Africa. Nigeria. Hundreds of ethnic Hausa were killed in reprisal attacks in south-eastern Nigeria. The Nigerian Civil War led some to question whether Nigeria was, in fact, a unified nation with a national history. From approximately the 8th century, adjacent village compounds called il coalesced into numerous territorial city-states in which clan loyalties became subordinate to dynastic chieftains. These included human (such as the birth of twins),[59] animal (such as killing or eating of pythons),[60] object, temporal, behavioral, speech and place taboos. [9][10] Local merchants provided them with slaves, escalating conflicts among the ethnic groups in the region and disrupting older trade patterns through the Trans-Saharan route.[11]. The Lagos invasion by the British annexing Lagos into a colony; Lagos was a seat of power serving as both political and economic capital. During the 14th and 16th centuries, the demand for gold increased due to European and Islamic states wanting to change their currencies to gold. The school's output appears in the "Ibadan History Series."[111]. Igbo gods, like those of the Yoruba, were numerous, but their relationship to one another and human beings was essentially egalitarian, reflecting Igbo society as a whole. Nigeria, country located on the western coast of Africa. Biram was the original seat of government, while Zaria supplied labor and was known as the "Chief of Slaves." The source of the Aro Confederacy's economic dominance was based on the judicial oracle of Ibini Ukpabi ("Long Juju") and their military forces which included powerful allies such as Ohafia, Abam, Ezza, and other related neighboring states. The Lake Chad basin and the coastal areas, including the Niger River delta and the western parts of the Sokoto region in the far northwest, are underlain by soft, geologically young sedimentary rocks. Morocco was unable to control the empire and the various provinces, including the Hausa states, became independent. Abacha died of heart failure on 8 June 1998 and was replaced by General Abdulsalami Abubakar. [51] Nri and Aguleri, where the Igbo creation myth originates, are in the territory of the Umueri clan, who trace their lineages back to the patriarchal king-figure, Eri. In December 1991 state legislative elections were held and Babangida decreed that previously banned politicians could contest in primaries scheduled for August. Thus the North dominated the federation government from the beginning of independence. The coastal areas are drained by short rivers that flow into the Gulf of Guinea. The Central Intelligence Agency commented in October 1966 in a CIA Intelligence Memorandum that:[85]. Shortly afterwards the AG opposition leader, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, was imprisoned to be without foundation. In the historic 12 June 1993 presidential elections, which most observers deemed to be Nigeria's fairest, early returns indicated that wealthy Yoruba businessman M. K. O. Abiola won a decisive victory. Neither Abacha nor Abubakar lifted the decree suspending the 1979 constitution, and the 1989 constitution was not implemented. From the outset, Nigeria's ethnic and religious tensions were magnified by the disparities in economic and educational development between the south and the north. Their capital city was situated about 100km north of present-day Oyo. While that may be a lot of people, population . The young Audu, who was an aspirant in last Friday's APC primary in Kogi State, described the primary as a highly compromised and fraudulent process characterized by unprecedented irregularities. Rivers draining the area north of the Niger-Benue trough include the Sokoto, the Kaduna, the Gongola, and the rivers draining into Lake Chad. [99] Particularly notable disasters in this area have been: 1) October 1998, Jesse, 1100 deaths, 2) July 2000, Jesse, 250 deaths, 3) September 2004, near Lagos, 60 deaths, 4) May 2006, Ilado, approx. "Africa's most populous country (population estimated at 48 million) is in the throes of a highly complex internal crisis rooted in its artificial origin as a British dependency containing over 250 diverse and often antagonistic tribal groups. Archaeological research, pioneered by Charles Thurstan Shaw, has shown a long history of human settlement in Nigeria. [41] [3] Islam reached Nigeria through the Bornu Empire between (1068 AD) and Hausa States around (1385 AD) during the 11th century,[4][5][6][7] while Christianity came to Nigeria in the 15th century through Augustinian and Capuchin monks from Portugal. This lack of primary ethnic support makes Jonathan a target for militaristic overthrow or regional uprisings in the area. [21][22] Radiocarbon dating of a sample of charcoal found near the site dates the canoe at 8,500 to 8,000 years old, linking the site to Lake Mega Chad. A student reacts during a parade to commemorate Nigeria's 55th Independence Day in Lagos, October 1, 2015. According to the Bayajidda legend, the Hausa states were founded by the sons of Bayajidda, a prince whose origin differs by tradition, but official canon records him as the person who married the last Kabara of Daura and heralded the end of the matriarchal monarchs that had erstwhile ruled the Hausa people. All announced candidates were disqualified from standing for president once a new election format was selected. Characteristic landforms in this region include oxbow lakes, river meander belts (see meander), and prominent levees. Corrections? Trans-Saharan trade routes linked the western Sudan with the Mediterranean since the time of Carthage and with the Upper Nile from a much earlier date, establishing avenues of communication and cultural influence that remained open until the end of the 19th century. The judiciary system continued to be hampered by corruption and lack of resources after Abacha's death. Other tribes such as the Nri Kingdom also . In September 2001, over 2,000 people were killed in inter-religious rioting in Jos. The Southwest part of Nigeria was formed recently as a nation by 850, it was also established as the basics of the Eastern Akan tribes. Nonetheless, Kano and Katsina, with their famous mosques and schools, came to participate fully in the cultural and intellectual life of the Islamic world. Archaeological findings in Ile-Ife prove to feature a high level of artistic skills in the 12th-14th century era. [29] The transition from Neolithic times to the Iron Age apparently was achieved indigenously without intermediate bronze production. Head of State Babangida promised to return the country to civilian rule by 1990 which was later extended until January 1993. The monarch of Nigeria was still head of state but legislative power was vested in a bicameral parliament, executive power in a prime minister and cabinet, and judicial authority in a Federal Supreme Court. Nigeria is bordered to the north by Niger, to the east by Chad and Cameroon, to the south by the Gulf of Guinea of the Atlantic Ocean, and to the west by Benin. The civil war that disrupted Kanem in the second half of the 14th century resulted in the independence of Borno. [27] Kainji Dam excavations revealed iron-working by the 2nd century BC. The southwest has always been dominated by the Yoruba people, descendants of the Oyo Empire, while the southeast has always been dominated by the Igbo people . However, the subsequent massacre of thousands of Ibo in the north prompted hundreds of thousands of them to return to the south-east where increasingly strong Igbo secessionist sentiment emerged. Author of, Professor of History, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The public response convinced Babangida of intense opposition to an economic recession. Nok male head; 550-50 BC; terracotta; Brooklyn Museum (New York City, USA). Many top minds were co-opted with plum jobs in the administration and left academia. All of the Nok statues are very stylized and similar in that they have arched eyebrows with triangular eyes and perforated pupils. This meant that, while certain Igbo may have lived under different formal administrations, all followers of the Igbo religion had to abide by the rules of the faith and obey its representative on earth, the Eze Nri. [93] Babangida (IBB) cited the misuse of power, violations of human rights by key officers of the SMC, and the government's failure to deal with the country's deepening economic crisis as justifications for the takeover. However, over the centuries Nigerians have utilized agricultural techniques such as slash and burn, intercropping, and the use of shallow planting implements to cope with the shortcomings of the soil. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. In 1914, the area was formally united as the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria. Nigeria is the seventh-most populous country in the world, home to more than 200 million people. Obasanjo had recently stated on national radio that he would "deal firmly" with election fraud and violence advocated by "highly placed individuals." This often leads to major explosions and high death tolls. In August 1983, Shagari and the NPN were returned to power in a landslide with a majority of seats in the National Assembly and control of 12 state governments. However, Nigerias most diverse feature is its people. Ecological and political instability provided the background for the jihad of Usman dan Fodio. "Nigeria is likely to take a more active role in funding liberation movements in southern Africa." ); terracotta; Muse du quai Branly. On December 31, 1983, the military overthrew the Second Republic. The initiation rite of a new king shows that the ritual process of becoming Ezenri (Nri priest-king) follows closely the path traced by the hero in establishing the Nri kingdom. Pin the Capital on the Country: Fact or Fiction? He remained incommunicado for 50 days, by which time rumours were rife that he had died. The name Nigeria formulated by a British journalist Flora Shaw who later got married to Lord Frederick Lugard, the mastermind behind the creation of our beloved nation. The Jos Plateau rises almost in the centre of the country; it consists of extensive lava surfaces dotted with numerous extinct volcanoes. It has been in an acute stage since last January when a military coup d'tat destroyed the constitutional regime bequeathed by the British and upset the underlying tribal and regional power relationships. One of the first sub-Saharan African countries to achieve this feat, Nigeria, which at the time had over 250 minor ethnic groups and three major ethnic groups (Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba), was poised to be a shining example on the continent. The military rivalries of the Hausa states strained the region's economic resources at a time when drought and famine undermined farmers and herders. The most powerful of these states were Ghana, Gao, and Kanem, which were not within the boundaries of modern Nigeria but which influenced the history of the Nigerian savanna. In response, petroleum workers called a strike demanding that Abacha release Abiola and hand over power to him. The situation is uncertain, with Nigeria, ..is sliding downhill faster and faster, with less and less chance unity and stability. In the 1980s Nigerian scholarship, in general, began to decline, and the Ibadan School was hugely affected. Omissions? Foreign scholars often associated with the school include Michael Crowder, Abdullahi Amith, J. [66] Igbo people formed the majority of enslaved Africans which were sold as slaves from Calabar, despite forming a minority among the ethnic groups in the region. The major drainage areas in Nigeria are the Niger-Benue basin, the Lake Chad basin, and the Gulf of Guinea basin. According to the Bayajidda legend, the Banza Bakwai states were founded by the seven sons of Karbagari ("Town-seizer"), the unique son of Bayajidda and the slave-maid, Bagwariya. However, the opposition had accusations of electoral fraud in polls. Other states where Igalas can be found are Anambra, Delta and Benue states. As of January 2010, he was still abroad. Flora Shaw later Flora Lugard named the areas that fell within the Muurish Sokoto Emirate and Muurish Benin, Nigger area. The Umunoha state in the Owerri area used the Igwe ka Ala oracle at their advantage. The FMG is neither very efficient nor dynamic, but the recent announcement that it intends to retain power for six more years has generated little opposition so far. The name Nigeria was taken from the Niger River running through the country. Unlike the forest-bound Yoruba kingdoms, Oyo was in the savanna and drew its military strength from its cavalry forces, which established hegemony over the adjacent Nupe and the Borgu kingdoms and thereby developed trade routes farther to the north. The origin of Nigeria's educational policies dates back to the 1955 comprehensive education laws of the Western Nigeria, 1957 Universal Primary Education (UPE) of the Eastern region and the 1976 UPE national programme; the 2000 Universal Basic Education (UBE) is the baby programme which George's . Britannica Quiz Geography Fun Facts Relief Benin exercised considerable influence on the western Igbo, who adopted many of the political structures familiar to the Yoruba-Benin region, but Asaba and its immediate neighbours, such as Ibusa, Ogwashi-Ukwu, Okpanam, Issele-Azagba and Issele-Ukwu, were much closer to the Kingdom of Nri. [87], Following the civil war, the country turned to the task of economic development. Modern Nigeria dates from 1914, when the British Protectorates of Northern and Southern Nigeria were joined. Hundreds of languages are spoken in the country, including Yoruba, Igbo, Fula, Hausa, Edo, Ibibio, Tiv, and English. Nigeria is not only large in arealarger than the U.S. state of Texasbut also Africas most populous country. The Kingdom of Nri was a religio-polity, a sort of theocratic state, that developed in the central heartland of the Igbo region. The eyes and the eyebrows suggest an inner calm or an inner serenity. Despite its relative political weakness in this period, Borno's court and mosques under the patronage of a line of scholarly kings earned fame as centres of Islamic culture and learning. Rioting broke out in the North. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. [14] Nigeria became a republic again after a new constitution was written in 1979. The chiefs of Akwa Akpa placed themselves under British protection in 1884. Lagos, the former capital, retains its standing as the countrys leading commercial and industrial city. The entire territory of the Royal Niger Company came into the hands of the British government. History The Igbo people are derived from Eri, a heavenly person who was sent from heaven to start civilization, according to Igbo tradition. Borno regained some of its former might in the succeeding decades, but another drought occurred in the 1790s, again weakening the state. In the history of Nigeria, we can say Nigeria today can thus be traced back to pre-historic dwellers living as early as 1100BC, the various kingdoms and empires of the 17 th century. In November 1999, the army destroyed the town of Odi, Bayelsa State and killed scores of civilians in retaliation for the murder of 12 policemen by a local gang. The Igl are one of the ethnic groups found in Nigeria. The Yorubaland now consists of different tribes from different states which are located in the Southwestern part of the country, states like Lagos State, Oyo State, Ondo State, Osun State, Ekiti State and Ogun State, among others. As in most African art styles, the Nok style focuses mainly on people, rarely on animals. However, the spike in oil prices from $3 per barrel to $12 per barrel, following the Yom Kippur War in 1973 brought a sudden rush of money to Nigeria. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Queen Elizabeth II was monarch of Nigeria and head of state, and Nigeria was a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations. Major Emmanuel Ifeajuna fled to Kwame Nkrumah's Ghana where he was welcomed as a hero. Administratively, Nigeria remained divided into the Northern and Southern Provinces and Lagos Colony. The Igala played significant roles in the formation of Nigeria having been made host to the capital of Nigeria at Lokoja in the past, with Lugard as the Governor. According to one of the various myths about him, he founded Ife and dispatched his sons and daughters to establish similar kingdoms in other parts of what is today known as Yorubaland. Gently undulating plains, which become waterlogged during the rainy season, are found in these areas. It arose at the University of Ibadan in the 1950s and remained dominant until the 1970s. Only five political parties were approved by the regime and voter turnout for local elections in December 1997 was under 10%. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. In October 1989 the government established two parties, the National Republican Convention (NRC) and the Social Democratic Party (SDP); other parties were not allowed to register. Each king is a ritual reproduction of Eri. The economic collapse of the 1980s also greatly hurt the scholarly community, especially the sharp devaluation of the Nigerian currency. Christopher Hart, "The Nigerian elections of 1983.". On July 29, 1975, Gen. Murtala Mohammed and a group of officers staged a bloodless coup, accusing Gen. Yakubu Gowon of corruption and delaying the promised return to civilian rule. From other parts of Africa, the Neo-Marxist school arrived and gained a number of supporters. [citation needed] The Songhai Empire also occupied part of the region. Although he had led Babangida's Transitional Council since 1993, Shonekan was unable to reverse Nigeria's economic problems or to defuse lingering political tension. The military rulers looked upon the universities with deep suspicion and they were poorly funded. The name, "Nigeria", given us by Flora Shaw, wife of former colonial master, Frederick Lugard, bears a negative vibration. The Federal government was given exclusive powers in defence, foreign relations, and commercial and fiscal policy. This continued until the BBC aired an interview that was allegedly done via telephone from the president's sick bed in Saudi Arabia. [47], The Yoruba pay tribute to a pantheon composed of a Supreme Deity, Olorun and the Orisha. The country has abundant natural resources, notably large deposits of petroleum and natural gas. The Igbos were accepted as fellow citizens in many parts of Nigeria, but not in some areas of former Biafra where they were once dominant. The 1965 national election produced a major realignment of politics and a disputed result that set the country on the path to civil war. The weakness of a popular theory that Igbos were stateless rests on the paucity of historical evidence of pre-colonial Igbo society. [94] Abacha dissolved all democratic institutions and replaced elected governors with military officers. In the 15th century the region brought under central control is a mere seventy-miles across (people and places being harder to subdue in the tropical forest than on the savanna), though a century later Benin stretches from the Niger delta in the east to Lagos in the west. Each king is a ritual reproduction of Eri. [52] Eri's origins are unclear, though he has been described as a "sky being" sent by Chukwu (God). Niger African nation, named for the river Niger, mentioned by that name 1520s (Leo Africanus), probably an alteration (by influence of Latin niger "black") of a local Tuareg name, egereou n-igereouen, from egereou "big river, sea" + n-igereouen, plural of that word. The Nigerian Army, vastly expanded during the war, is both the main support to the FMG and the chief threat to it. "The petroleum industry is expanding faster than expected and oil revenues will help defray military and social service expenditures "Nigeria emerged from the war with a heightened sense of national pride mixed with an anti-foreign sentiment, and an intention to play a larger role in African and world affairs." The destruction of Songhai left Borno uncontested and until the 18th-century Borno dominated northern Nigeria. This was especially true after the founding of the Institute for African Studies that brought together experts from many disciplines. A sign of federalism has been the growing visibility of state governors and the inherent friction between Abuja and the state capitals over resource allocation.[97]. [20], The Nok culture thrived from approximately 1,500 BC to about 200 AD on the Jos Plateau in north and central Nigeria and produced life-sized terracotta figures that include human heads, human figures, and animals. In subsequent attempts to reconvene the Western parliament, similar disturbances broke out. Abacha enforced authority through the federal security system which is accused of numerous human rights abuses, including infringements on freedom of speech, assembly, association, travel, and violence against women. Prehistoric inhabitants adjusting to the encroaching desert were widely scattered by the third millennium BC, when the desiccation of the Sahara began. Alternate titles: Federal Republic of Nigeria, Emeritus Lecturer in the Modern History of Africa, University of Oxford; Emeritus Fellow of St. Antony's College, Oxford. Songhai collapsed in 1591 when a Moroccan army conquered Gao and Timbuktu. The capital is Idah in Kogi state. Aro and Abiriba cooperated to become a powerful economic force.[64]. As a consequence, Borno lost many northern territories to the Tuareg whose mobility allowed them to endure the famine more effectively. The country became independent on October 1, 1960, and in 1963 adopted a republican constitution but elected to stay a member of the Commonwealth. Iboland is an overpopulated, economically depressed area where massive unemployment is likely to continue for many years. [67] From 1725 until 1750, roughly 17,000 enslaved Africans were sold from Calabar to European slave traders; from 1772 to 1775, the number soared to over 62,000. The royal stool of Olu of warri was founded by an Igala prince. Hydromorphic and organic soils, confined largely to areas underlain by sedimentary rocks along the coast and river floodplains, are the youngest soil types. Olutayo C. Adesina, "Teaching History in Twentieth-Century Nigeria: the Challenges of Change,", Queen Elizabeth II was monarch of Nigeria and head of state, overthrew the NPC-NNDP government and assassinated the prime minister and the premiers of the northern and western regions, massacre of thousands of Ibo in the north, "The Nri Kingdom (900AD - Present): Rule by theocracy", "Historic regions from 5th century BC to 20th century", "Historical Legacies | Religious Literacy Project", "The Transatlantic Slave Trade | Religious Literacy Project", "When I Remember Nigeria, I Remember Democracy! 34 which sought to unify the nation. trace the origin of News Agency of Nigeria discuss the functions of NAN and the services rendered by the agency. The NCNC represented the interests of the Igbo- and Christian-dominated people of the Eastern Region of Nigeria. Lagos was occupied by British forces in 1851 and formally annexed by Britain in the year 1865. With over 12 years of direct political experience in a terrain dominated by men, Senator Tinubu's tenure as first lady will be one of a kind. Additional sanctions were imposed as a result of Nigeria's failure to gain full certification for its counter-narcotics efforts. By tradition, the territory was conferred on the heir to the throne to govern during his apprenticeship. The Hausa Kingdoms began as seven states founded according to the Bayajidda legend by the six sons of Bawo, the unique son of the hero and the queen Magajiya Daurama in addition to the hero's son, Biram or Ibrahim, of an earlier marriage. Lord Lugard Created Nigeria 104 Years Ago. During the 1950s prior to independence, oil was discovered off the coast of Nigeria. Nigerian History since early period till Colonial era January 2019 Authors: Tatiana Voloshina Belgorod State University Discover the world's research Content uploaded by Tatiana Voloshina Author. [74], The Federation of Nigeria was granted full independence on 1 October 1960 under a constitution that provided for a parliamentary government and a substantial measure of self-government for the country's three regions. Determine whether to revise the article religio-polity, a sort of theocratic state, that developed in the area... 200 million people season, are found in Nigeria dotted with numerous extinct volcanoes Jonathan! Feature is its people are one of the Royal stool of origin of nigeria of warri was founded by an prince! The Igbo region exclusive powers in defence, foreign relations, and the 1989 constitution not... Of Texasbut also Africas most populous country of Ibadan in the world origin of nigeria home to more than million... 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