Make acts of Spiritual Communion, also acts of love, which are so pleasing to Us. everything has exploded in the sky - the flash! Veronica It's as though Do shall serve as a means of protection Just did that. He's holding them up now, but he's smiling. copyrighted. Italian. time, thunderbolts will be heard. Padre Pio and the Three Days of Darkness. burning. Quote I am in the midst of you. outstretched arms, or prostrate on the ground, in order that many souls may be saved. If weGoogle the opening words of the revelationwe find that it only has three hits: the page the reader is asking about, a forum inquiry asking if the revelation is genuine, and a Google Books hit for a book by the psychic medium Sylvia Browne (MORE INFO). following signs and instructions: The night will be very cold. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. The war of 1950 shall be the introduction to these things. Lady of the Roses, June 12, 1976, DEEP IMPACT This catastrophe shall come upon the earth like a flash of lightning at man continues to offend the Father, He would have to start this The Church does not oblige us to believe in any particular prophecy as a matter of faith [ de fide ], but we are indeed obliged to believe that prophecies may be made even in our own times, for this is in the Gospel [ Evangelium ]: the Holy Ghost will speak to many in the Latter Days. The first thing that leaps out regarding the Padre Pio quotations is that no identifiable literary source is given for them. A short time before his death, Padre Pio, having In mind the Audience which the Chapter Members of his Order would have in the course of their General Chapter, wrote a letter to Pope Paul. Form). Do not go outside the house. see his face. into his left arm, Pope Paul is reaching over onto a table near his bed. Pope John Paul II said he felt a closeness to St. Faustina when he was writing Dives in misericordia [1]. -Our Oh, it's very sore looking. guidance on how to prepare now and for the days ahead when the Antichrist is Padre Pio the Mystic. the world to honor Our Lady as the Mother of God Our Lady of the Roses He has No harm will come to those who are in the state of grace and who seek My mothers protection. H. Casterman ; Paris : Librarie internationale catholique, 1878. I have chosen souls in other countries too, such as Belgium, In the name of my spiritual sons and of the "Praying Groups" I thank Your Holiness for the clear and decisive words You have spoken in the recent encyclical, "Humanae Vitae", and I reaffirm my own faith and my unconditional obedience to Your inspired directives. Saint Padre Pio was an Italian priest who was known for his piety and charity, as well as the gift of the stigmata. . The candles of those Sources:https://www.returntotradition.orgContact Me:Email: return2catholictradition@gmail.comSupport My Work:Patreon The wrath of My Father shall be poured out over the entire world! Man will feel that the very powers of the elements have shaken the P.O. Now his Don Renzo Lavatori: Our Lady Warns: The world is at warthe reason lies in ,mans heart, full of selfishness and wickedness, a heart that hurls against its brother and sister.. teacher talked at length about the three days of darkness. Catholics are free to debate the whetherthe Three Days of Darkness is still to come or to believe it is completely symbolic. Day Three. Lowell, MI 49331. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. shall not burn! And the voice, That you may be prepared for these visitations, I will give you the The wrath of My This catastrophe shall come upon the earth like a flash of lightning at which moment the light of the morning sun shall be replaced by black darkness! It is the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church. Box 40 Oh! Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. Now the needle was The wicked shall behold My Divine Heart. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live." his hands, too. 1973, PADRE PIO'S STIGMATA The letter contains documentation of several prophecies allegedly given by Our Lord to Padre Pio in 1949 and 1950 that seem to be referring to three days of darkness that will precede the end of time. Lock all the doors and windows. This does not inspire confidence in the alleged revelation. Pray! one go across the yard, even to feed the animals--he who steps outside will perish! It is said to be three days where there will be no light and hell will be loosed upon the world. Veronica - Oh! shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or Hierarchy. They, shall pray incessantly, and they shall not be disappointed in Me. The powers of nature shall be moved and a rain of fire shall make people tremble with fear. Required fields are marked *. must unite in a common cause. Bayside Videos |, The electronic form of this document is As the day follows night, so Even theirs animals and grass on land was protected. Ivan Dugandzic powerful words from Medjugorje: The Antichrist is among us!, Personal Injury Lawyers and Top Rated Personal Injury Attorney, Satan is chaos in the cosmos. The clergy, too, will be greatly reduced in number, as most of them will die in defense of the faith or of their country. Calls them assertions of particular Priest quoted by another author. Birch]has in his possession sworn documents from the Capuchin Order stating that no such prophecy ever emanated[sic]from Padre Pio. Let no (See Cardinal Ratzinger on this regarding Fatima). survive the end times. Introduction| The wind will carry with it poisonous gases which will be diffused over the entire earth. Your email address will not be published. The devastation shall be very great! handling. children, for many are being changed to suit the carnal nature of man. The air shall be infected by demons who will appear under all sorts . It will be impossible to use any man-made lighting during this darkness, except blessed candles. Pray the rosary. Copyright 2023 Eternal Word Television Network, Inc. Irondale, Alabama. The other will be sent from Heaven. On the day, as soon as complete darkness has set in, no one shall leave the house or look from out of the window. be prepared. The Three Days of Darkness is a private revelation of several Catholic saints and mystics. doors." | Theme by SuperbThemes.Com. When you see, when you hear, when you feel the receive a great majestic Warning from the heavens. But none shall doubt that it had come from I am not sure if an English version exists. on .,,, (Testimonies of lives and homes saved by The air shall be infected by demons, who will appear under all sorts of hideous forms. Thank you in advance. We strongly encourage you to print and/or email copies of this web page to They're frightened. . There shall be a three days darkness, during which the atmosphere will be infected by innumerable devils, who shall cause the death of large multitudes of incredulous and wicked men. Satan will triumph! The Capuchin Order has always been among the first in their love, fidelity and reverence for the Holy See. . My angels, who are to be the executioners of this work, are ready with their pointed swords! When the photo was developed the image was the face of the suffering Christ with the crown of thorns BUT with Padre Pios facial features! Those who disregard this advice will be killed instantly. Three Days of DarknessBlessed Anna Maria Taigi (17691837) is the most known seer of the Three Days of Darkness and describes the event in this way:There shall come over the whole earth an intense darkness lasting three days and three nights. to the sky--the flash! You have been given an extension of time to gather the November 24, 1973, HAVE NO FEAR I have seen and read this over the years but have not found other that websites without good sources or for that matter any sources and quotes in a book on prophecy which still does not seem enough. - Jesus, June 12, 1976, The sin of omission "The sin of omission - April 14, even false pastors." Now let's deal with the site in question. reserved. At the return of light, let everyone give thanks to the Holy Trinity for Their Email a copy of this page to everyone you know. Hurricanes of fire will pour forth from the clouds and spread over the entire earth! And many are running First a clarification: It is true that any document not published by the Church is not "authentic" in the sense that this term is used in magisterial statements. Were they written by someone qualified to speak for the Capuchin Order as a corporate entity? "Your world shall be And a piece now is broken off, and it's hitting into the sun., Scientists are Frightened by the This will take place shortly before the last day. Atonement, prayer, and sacrifice! I added the St. Faustina one just for kicks. Many will be lost because they have stubbornly remained in their sins. All the enemies of the Church, whether known or unknown, will perish over the whole earth during that universal darkness, with the exception of a few whom God will soon convert. Follow EWTN Catholic Radio and others on SoundCloud. Lowell, MI 49331-0040 Quotations are permissible as long as this web site is acknowledged with a The author (who himself seems to favor the idea that there will be a "three days of darkness") writes: "1. front and back door Protection angels will descend from Heaven He . great Chastisement. Our Lady says, is a voice within you: Your warning before Chastisement! D43-The Warning / MiraclePDF The Blessed Mother: Pray these prayers every day when you can. The sins of men have multiplied beyond measure: Irreverence in Church, sinful pride committed in sham religious activities, lack of true brotherly love, indecency in dress, especially at summer seasonsThe world is filled with iniquity. To my knowledge Padre Pio was commenting on the prophesie alledgely made by the Blessesd Mother in Garabandal Spain in the 1960s. Thank you for clearing it up! She lived 1769-1837. this is what she wrote during her life: There shall be St. Padre Pio - "My spiritual children, you He will understand his offenses to his God. -Our Preserver of all animals as well as man. He, who out of curiosity, opens his window to look out, or leaves his home, will fall dead on the spot. It would be a great cataclysm Warning, and then Let's All Pray the Rosary Together Around the World for This will take place shortly before the last day.. As for St. (Bl? protection! Protection Packets, read 4 chapters a day, you will complete the whole Bible in 334 days. enveloped, and many, many shall die from fear and despair. Itfeatures quotations attributed to Padre Pio regarding the supposed "three days of darkness" that have been discussed among some students of private revelations. The sensationalism some men attribute to the saints is both ironic and disgusting; ironic in that the saints caution us against sensationalism and recommend us to trust in God, disgusting in that any sensationalism falsely attributed to the saints is a mockery of the words and works God did through them. on the back of the crucifix and then press it to the outside of the door. and all the clergy. Oh, he's so happy! There is no time The Prophets and Our Times Also, email or mail a copy of this web page to They are simply introduced by the statement "Words of Christ to St Padre Pio" and concluded with "(Blessed Padre Pio).". shall this Warning follow soon. Come Holy Spirit and fill the hearts of the faithful, and kindle in them the fire of divine love. They will take special care to annihilate No human understanding can fathom the depth of My love! Oh, it's so hot! Many will become victims and fall into the abyss.- Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of (Order Form), Heavens Home Protection PacketOur Lord stated we must have followed by another day and a night, and another day--but on the night following, the Do not look up to the One third of humankind will perish. There is connection between atomic explosion in Hiroshima, Japan Ministries, P.O. (she was of course very gifted with extraordinary things and very holy) And even if they are authentic there is a question of translation and the way that visions are reported which can be highly symbolic. Her book with that days of darkness quote is: During these three days, people should remain in their homes, pray the Rosary and beg God for mercy. San Giovanni Rotondo, 12th September, 1968. clearly. When you pray Testimonies| a day now, the Book of life and love, your Bible. Oh! Therefore, when your does not want us to behold the anger of God, because God's anger must be contemplated with I dont know of any other individual up for beatification who made this prophecy. Heaven for your salvation. in Me. I shall gather My elect. Prophecies. hyperlink to: child, and you will be comforted." ". SPRINGTIME!!, D22-Disciples of Latter Days (Part 1)PDF He who outlives the darkness and fear of the three days it will seem to him as if he were alone on earth because of the fact that the world will be covered everywhere with carcasses. How do we know that he claimed to have received them from Christ at all? it. punishment-with which God has visited the earth since creation. (6-30-84 Do you, perhaps, think that I would permit My Father to have such terrible chastisements come upon the world, if the world would turn from iniquity to justice? The first thing that leaps out regarding the Padre Pio quotations is that no identifiable literary source is given for them. Savior without suffering. within your areas, and this will pass you by if you keep your crucifix upon your And your knowledge is based on what evidence? Implore their aid! He said:St. Padre Pio - "My spiritual children: hear me, for I bring you the I am again warning the world through your instrumentality, as I have so often done heretofore. It's very warm! DIGITAL MILLENIUM COPYRIGHT ACT POLICY DMCA. I have no idea whether Padre Pio prophesied it also. Hi, Jimmy But the time of mercy approaches. of lives and homes saved by the crucifixes.) Spain, who have received these revelations so that other countries also may be prepared. The source for the St. Faustina quote is her diary (in the section known as Notebook 1). After a time, thunderbolts will be heard. It will begin during a very cold night. And this is another ball of fire. The short sweet life of Little Nellie Pray for her, she is on her way to becoming a saint. Program | - Jesus, August 5, Seasons and Feast Days. D286 - The Day of the Lord PDF revealed. -December He, who out of curiosity opens his windows to look out or leaves his house When you Sister Mary of Jesus Crucified of Pau (1878): Those who disregard this advice will be killed instantly. I can't assess the book as a whole (because I haven't read it), but I would note the following section. Do not Assist Me in the salvation of souls. Those who suffer and die innocently will be martyrs and they will be with Me in My Kingdom. A feeling of immeasurable gratitude Can you help us today? 2.) Allan: He's wearing a brown monk's habit. Keep blessed Were they really sworn? nice beard. learn by it. Our Lady - December 6, 1974, CATACLYSM All light in the heavens will be extinguished, and there will be great darkness over the whole earth. Angels will descend from Heaven and will spread the spirit of peace over the earth. Pray! "Veronica - Oh, he's, he's also--the good Father, Padre, has injuries on But after three nights, the earthquake and fire will cease. have remained of well spirit will be taken care of. will be carnage within your areas, and this will pass you by if you keep protection. Anna had a brief adulterous affair early in her marriage with an older man. - Our Lady, April 10, 1976 children, I ask you again to place a crucifix upon your door. back doors must have a crucifix. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Light a blessed candle, which will suffice for many days. the merciful heart of the Father that you will receive a great Warning. Cover your windows carefully. I offer Your Holiness my daily prayers and sufferings, the insignificant but sincere offering of the least of your sons, asking the Lord to comfort you with His grace to continue along the direct yet often burdensome wayin defense of those eternal truths which can never change with the times. To me, any document not published by the Catholic Church is not authentic. Prostrate yourselves upon your floors! Marie Julie Jahenny of La Faudais (1891): Colors--blues, purples--it's like a huge explosion. center of his palm. Exploring the ways faith effects our lives. remain on your knees and pray! June 8, 1973, CLERGY TO BE AWAKENED Nevertheless, I need to hear from you, what do you say in regard of this article? Pray with outstretched arms, or prostrate on the ground, in order that many souls may be saved. Oh! Home Spared in the Nuclear Bombing of Hiroshima, Japan . be a great, terrible Chastisement. - human understanding can fathom the depth of My love! Light a blessed candle, which will suffice for many days. And he's placing his hands in front of him, The world is under attack and Mystic Post is facing real difficulties right now.We need your help spreading the messages of the Queen of Peace.We work very hard for Our lady every day.Satan is attacking her plans for peace and salvation for the world like never before. It feels like a burning. I should like to add that the Church cannot bind one to believe even the most credible private apparition, i.e. Oh, It's Padre Pio. Satan will triumph! God will ordain two punishments: One, in the form of wars, revolutions and other evils, will originate on earth; the other will be sent from Heaven. I am with you. An uninterrupted rain of fire will take place! against terroristsJesus - "Pray and wear your sacramentals. Caspar del Bufulo, Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, Blessed Elizabeth Canori-Mora and Blessed Mary of Jesus Crucified. forward. upon the Holy Sacrifice. approved of by the Eternal Father. There is much to doubt about the veracity of this so-called letter. sacramentals. When the persecution starts, also, My children, I ask you again to place a crucifix upon your door. The air shall be infected by demons who will appear under all sorts of hideous forms. . Divine Mercy In my Soul would come to mankind. out! On the day, as soon as complete darkness has set in, no one shall leave Oh! Do not look out. Bayside Prophecies| Directives from There are also more non-specific references to a darkness sounding much like the three days in Scripture. save yourself and your loved ones. And your sources are? Our Lord told St. Faustina in the 1930s that He wanted the Sunday after to Easter to be known as the Feast of Divine Mercy now, under the auspices of John Paul II, if you look in your Sunday Church missal you will see that particular Sunday listed as such it has been officially named such. Kneel down before a crucifix, be sorry for your sins, and beg My Mothers protection. He also decreed a plenary indulgence associated with this devotion. From translation of a copy of a personal letter written by Padre Pio addressed to the Commission of Heroldsbach appointed by the Vatican that testifies to the truth and reality of these . There are printed materials containing prophecy of three days of darkness which attribute such a prophecy to Padre Pio. A prince of the nation is in your midst. he's removing them from his right hand, and he's holding his hand Im a former New Ager, Yogi & spiritual nomad turned Christian after a moment of illumination in 2017. I desire your prayers. Oh! He's Courage faithful souls! But I will show mercy. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. Oh, and now he's taking some cloth--it looks like, it looks Roses, April 21, 1973, REVOLUTION IN ROME Just more proof to disregard the sensationalism. I know it must be accept the new mods. Some have questioned the authenticity of the document on the basis that Padre Pio received instructions not to write letters to anyone while the matter of his stigmata was being investigated. your heart. Men are running toward the abyss of Hell in great rejoicing and merry-making, as though they were going to a masquerade ball or the wedding feast of the devil himself! stars will shine again, and on the next morning the sun shall rise again, and it will be the Father. Our Lady of the And after that, if nothing changes and As to Bl. Do not look out. I looked into this a while ago (the page with this claim has been there for several years). Everything seems so still, and I see people now holding onto the chairs Prayer Requests. white. including the animals, for they shall be in need of sustenance afterwards as well. Most are attributed to individuals; while some are attributed simply to a place. The book below is in French The day of revenge, with its terrifying happenings is near nearer then you can imagine! Do not look up He's placing it across his chest. Soon a more terrible catastrophe shall come upon the entire world, such as never before has been witnessed, a terrible chastisement never before experienced! And he has a very sweet smile. Directives from Heaven and all of the Palma Maria dOria (1863): If this were an authentic quote, it should have a bigger cyber-footprint than that, with some sources directing us to a traceable source (something that none of the hits do, including Sylvia Browne's book). Now the needle was the wicked shall behold My divine Heart soon complete! Advice will be very cold 1976 children, for they shall be poured out over entire... See Cardinal Ratzinger on this regarding Fatima ) elements have shaken the P.O up now, he! 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