Right swamp? We've all had masters to help us get better. I have everything under control. Prince Zuko: OKAY CUT IT OUT! It's just that, whenever I would imagine the face of the enemy, it was your face. [Depressed] My life's ambition is now full of sand. I'm gonna make a difference this time! It's our responsibility to get Appa back to him safely. Aang: But what about expressing yourself? On Sokka's orders, Toph earthbent an underground slide that took them directly under one of the tundra tanks, and the trio quickly seized control of the tank. Uncle Iroh: Oh yeah, good point! Aang: MONKEY FEATHERS! [the camera quickly pans to the left to show three stuffed animal heads hanging from a pillar]. The Kyoshi Warrior and her allies subsequently raided the pirate base. Aang: Sokka, this could be my only chance to meet a fire bending master who would *actually* be willing to teach me. All your life you've used fear to control people. Yung: Omashu Resistance Leader: We've got a problem. Aang: It's okay, Momo. But for now, daybreak it is. That's impossible! That's a lot of pressure. Sokka: Who would be free? Katara: But - I still want the *actual* reward. [Momo starts attacking some of the tokens]. It's selfish and stupid! Monk Gyatso: No! Sokka: Well, scientifically speaking there's no way to prove that Uncle Iroh: You have more than one great-grandfather, Prince Zuko. Strike me! Engineer: Oh hi, I work down in the engine room. I want in. Toph: Oh, sorry, didn't mean to offend you, Phoenix King of getting his butt whupped. [shakes wanted poster] They've nicknamed you 'The Runaway'. We're enemies of the Earth Kingdom, and fugitives from the Fire Nation. Only that it runs on and on out of his control. Uncle Iroh: So I was thinking about names for my new tea shop How about the Jasmine Dragon? [Aang flies on his glider]. I don't have sob stories like all of you. Not another word! Piandao: Your sword must be an extension of yourself. Untie me and I'll fight you right now! Things you think are separate and different are actually one and the same. Suki: Wow! Sokka: You see, Aang? King Bumi: And neutral jin when you do nothing! Sokka: [Toph bumps into Sokka] Can't you watch where you're Master Yu: Did they give you any indication where they were headed? Avatar Roku: 3.I have mastered the elements thousands of times in a thousands lifetimes. Sokka: That's just terrible. [Katara tries some food and groans] It's still pretty bad though. I joined the circus because I was scared of spending the rest of my life as part of a matched set. Katara: You need to get out of here. Happy, but confused. Aang: [to the fighting tribes] Guys! I am so sorry and ashamed of what I did. [Appa and Momo snarl at each other]. Sokka: Great job with the cloud camo. Haha! I only had a few days to get to know him, but he was smart, and brave and funny. Mayor Tong: [after Colonel Mongke invades the town] You! Azula: There's a simple question you need to answer then. Since beginningless time, darkness thrives in the void, but always yields to purified light. Aang: Yeah, nothing's cozier than dead animal skin. What's even funnier, however, is that he changes his mind immediately after Aang rescues him. These scams put us all at risk, and we don't need that. GO LEFT! [Turns and grabs nearby man] Hey, you. Don't take it personally. His sense of humor! These pools are like our charkas. Uncle Iroh: Trust me. I just saw you. Middle-aged. And we've got sick people that need shelter. They work together to keep balance. I'm a nomad. Or what are you going to do? The High Sage crowns Zuko]. I mean seriously, what's with you people? So when Aang shows up to rescue me, you can finally have him in your little Fire Nation clutches [no answer] You're a terrible person, you know that? The armies of the Fire Nation surged through the wall and swarmed over Ba Sing Se, securing our victory. Earth KingdomKyoshi WarriorsTeam Avatar Uncle: I'm begging you, Prince Zuko! I know who did it, and I know how to find him. Young Roku: [Angry] There are no possibilities. Prince Zuko: For so long I thought that if my dad accepted me, I'd be happy. Prince Zuko: Uncle you were unconscious. Zhao the Moon Slayer! Katara: If you two meatheads want to throw away everything we've worked for - fine! Thank you. Zuko: I wasn't planning to. Pao: [Interrupting the conversation] What's going on here? The great benders of the Water Tribe sometimes have this ability. We've been down this road before, Prince Zuko. Katara: You're being too hard on yourself. Katara: Maybe you can be free of it. Sokka: I just wanted to say: good effort out there today, Team Avatar. Aang: Nope! Uncle Iroh: [Drawing the Fire Nation symbol in the dirt] Fire is the element of power. Sokka: Who is this guy? He wants Aang. Who cares? Uncle Iroh: It's nice to see old friends. Sokka: It's not broken. Oh forget it. She's sweet, she's a bender, and her hair seems so manageable. This chakra deals with will power and is blocked by shame. Are we going ahead with the plan or are we waiting another night? He says that he will give up his two greatest loves in life, meat, and sarcasm if he manages to survive. For some reason, I thought you were an expert detective. You in? He's the first person to ever leave the army and live. What a disgrace! Maybe your time in here can do the same for you. Katara: [Talking about Zuko after he is forced to leave] And what was all that crazy stuff about setting Appa free? They're not acurate protrayals. Kind Wei Jin promised to send help for the man as soon as he could, but as Wei Jin crossed the border to return the orb into Gan Jin territory he was arrested! Aang: The monks used to say that revenge is like a two-headed rat-viper. The bird returned with the Fire Lord's plan to avoid the ambush, resulting in Suki hastily preparing everything for Zuko's arrival. You told me that you didn't know if you were worthy, but I believe you to be more worthy than *any* man I have *ever* trained. They don't call it "Na Sing Se." We need to destroy their hope. I know those guys. Toph: Hey loudmouths! But I warn you - even a single step out of line will result in your *permanent* end. [Toph encases Azula's body in an Earth prison] But you really ought to consider telling me the truth anyway. Note the inscription and the superior craftsmanship. You're the Avatar, ain't ya? Sokka: Yup. If only I could have helped you. Isn't he cute? Actually there is a better way. It doesn't matter. Suki went on to manipulate the rudder of the airship she had fallen onto, thereby taking control of the entire vessel. You have to be more careful. Step aside, filth! Send me to my room? What was I thinking Could you imagine that? Sokka's sense of humor might account for the majority of his most memorable lines in Avatar: The Last Avatar, but he also has serious moments. Sokka: [Sokka arrives on Appa] It will be safe - *without* you! Katara: Sorry, Toph. But you said yourself, that was impossible. Aang: That's what the game was called, Redemption. Guru Pathik: Be warned: opening the chakras is an intense experience and once you begin this process, you cannot stop until all seven are opened. Senior Monk: I fear that war may be upon us, young Avatar. ", Sokka: Stealing is wrong [Sokka hands Katara the scroll]. [Jet has a flashback]. Zuko's Actor: [pushes Iroh to the ground and then walks back over to Azula] I hate you Uncle! Aang: But once they find out I'm the Avatar Sun Warrior Chief: Have you forgotten that you vanished? Katara: [Blushing] Well, what if we kissed? Aang: You're just saying that because you're going to make yourself unhappy your whole life. He started the tradition of hunting dragons for glory. You are not ready! Prince Zuko. It is the strength of your hearts that make you who you are. Grabbing his head, turning him around and sitting him on the ground in front of painting supplies] Now paint it! "My first girlfriend turned into the moon." - Sokka 4. Same thing really. After a few hours, she boarded a submarine along with Iroh to meet the Fire Lord's ship at sea. Pfft. And when I say head on, I mean like THIS! I sense he's filled with much wisdom. [Suki walks away. No one has ever believed in me. But there's a big crowd. I feel like a child. Good night Momo. Princess Yue: You already saved the world. You go to Chamelon Bay. This is amazing to watch. We can't sit here and cower while Aang waits for some monster to show up. She was just in time to prevent her boyfriend and the Avatar from launching an attack on an unbound Azula, telling them to be patient and to allow Zuko to explain. Herbalist: Your friends have to suck on those frogs to get better. Young ladies, I rocked ya! Thanks again for the tea. Azula: It's not too late for you, Zuko. The Earth King: Dai Li. Uncle Iroh: Colonel Mongka, What a pleasant surprise. Maybe it's friendly! Aang: Every minute I'm in that classroom, I'm learning new things about the Fire Nation. Look what you did! Fong, Sokka, and Katara, look hopeful. If you start stirring up trouble, we could lose all the good things that are happening for us. Sokka: [In a hole] It's so dark down here. Prince Zuko: [Uncle is soaking in a hot spring] Enough! Calling it "a rematch [she had] been waiting for", she clashed with Ty Lee in an even duel. Katara: Really? Wei Jin? [Uncle looks at the girl] Didn't I say "don't look?". Aang: I have an idea. Where am I going to get a firebending teacher? I *won't* underestimate him again! Makapu will remain dormant for another year, or if it will erupt. Chong: Actually, it's not just one tunnel. [Zuko, Sokka, Hakoda and Chit Sang run up] We've got the warden. Aang: [In a burned forest] Why would anyone do this? Great Sage: We know [shoot fireballs at Aang]. [Appa sits up and yawns loudly] Not that there's anything wrong with fuzzy. They call him the "Face Stealer." Three days prior to the arrival of Sozin's Comet, Suki and the rest of Team Avatar held a beach party on Ember Island. Why didn't I just say Azula did that? I know who I am. While the Fire Lord did so, Suki passionately reunited with her boyfriend. Junior. Mrs. Bei Fong: We are doing this for your own good, Toph. Uh, yeah, I guess I should apologize for that But anyway, I'm good now. [Katara launches some reeds at Aang. Sokka: Army? My favorite prisoner used to mention you all the time. [Cut to Tom Tom]. Suki apologized for not supporting Mingxia before, but her friend said that it was all right, and introduced her to her friends Dandan, Fenfang, and Peng, as well as her girlfriend Meilin. It's my destiny to Jeong Jeong: Destiny? But we're not. [Hangs his head] I haven't seen him awhile ok? Chong: [singing] Two lovers, forbidden from one another a war divides their people, and a mountain divides them apart. Prince Zuko: But I don't have the Avatar. "Boomerang! Sokka: Sure you can. I'm back home now; my dad talks to me. I also said to use spirit magic and made funny noises. Toph Beifong: We can take 'em. Sokka: If I sweat any more, I don't think sticking together will be a problem. June: Make it *your* weight, and we've got a deal. A confused Giya said she thought they all wore face paint, but Suki replied that they only did so on duty. This amulet contains water from the spiritual oasis. Jeong Jeong: Destiny? It's not far. Why don't you take a closer look? Some days later, Sokka and Suki were glad to find Toph, as they had not been able to find her. After Zuko left the tent, Sokka called out to Suki and, seeing Zuko was still there, whistled guiltily to make him go away.[22]. Calm Man: We used to have a tradition once a year of going up the mountain to check the volcano ourselves, but, ever since Aunt Wu moved to the village twenty years ago, we have a tradition of not doing that. Prince Zuko: Well, you're just a teenager. I can't believe [after Toph leaves] I yelled at my own earth-bending teacher. Aang, practice your firebending while I'm gone. If you stay on this path, I know that one day, you will become and even *greater* master than I am. Toph Beifong: What? We can't fight fire benders with fun. It's only a matter of time before I run into Azula again. She brought the prisoner to a spot in the courtyard where she had seen the plant growing, and after grabbing a few pods from the plant, the other prisoner brought her to a blind spot where the guards could not see. Aang: You did the right thing. It means the Fire Nation won't be hunting us anymore. Bureaucrat: [Unimpressed] Ah, I see fifty Avatars a day, and by the way, not a very impressive costume. Sokka: My dad might be here! The guards started bending at the prisoners, but Suki fought back using her martial arts skills. Warden: You! Naw my thongue ith thuck thoo my thath! Kyoshi Warrior Sokka: [loudly] You're doing great. Sokka: Really? Win Jei didn't steal the ball, he picked it up and started running it back toward the other goal. We shouldn't go to the market. [23] She occasionally showed jealousy, such as her annoyed expression when Sokka shushed her while watching the Ember Island Players. Jet: [after robbing an old man] Have you forgotten that the Fire Nation killed your mother? You're still hurt, and you have to stay secret. Jet: We are. Scribe: Sir, should I hold off sending that speech to the Fire Lord? I think you miss them. I don't want you to get too excited over nothing. You don't see the family resemblance? Xin Fu: [to Toph] Quit your banging. Toph Beifong: No for us, Katara. And it was wrong. Aang: [In music class] I know. How's that a trick? Toph Beifong: [to herself] This is the worst fieldtrip ever. But-but we were just so lost without you. Katara: Why didn't I think of that! You're powerless right now, so you're in no position to refuse. Sokka: I know, but I've got a good feeling about this. Prince Zuko: You can't sacrifice an entire division like that! The great city was named Omashu as a monument to their love. Katara: Sokka, let me see what you got from the library. Uncle Iroh: Zuko, I only meant that in our family, things are not always what they seem. Aang: I guess I need to find someone else to teach me earth bending. Sokka: [after learning that Katara is setting out to get revenge on her mother's killer, only to have Aang tell her to let her rage go] Katara, she was my mother to, but I think Aang may be right Katara: Then you didn't love her the way I did! Mingxia then proceeded to take a pan of steamed buns from the village communal kitchen, but Oyaji approached the group, asking the girls about the missing buns. Jeong Jeong: Are you deaf? Sokka: Yeah, you two were pretty much jerks. [chuckles ruefully] Toph Beifong : You can go ahead and let me drown now. Father's realized how important family is to him. Heh. And then they kicked your butt. They have to know. Of course I knew from the beginning that Sokka was Water Tribe. [Both leaders draw their swords and approach each other. Where are we going? Commander Zhao: Two years at sea have done little to temper your tongue. Aunt Wu: [while telling Aang's fortune in a dramitic voice] You will be involved in a great battle, an awesome conflict between the forces of good and evil! Aang: This is *exactly* why I didn't want you to come. By reading your energy, I can sense where Aang is. Now don't blow the dam until I give the signal. [Continues rambling, now to Katara] And you need to start wearing your hair up. Azula: He doesn't need to, Zuko. I have never known my brother to regret anything. It was such a conflict with your image of yourself that you are now at war within your own mind and body. Sokka: The whole world minus the Fire Nation that is. If I hadn't blocked my chakra I'd probably be in the Avatar State right now! Young Roku: [Firmly] No. The mark of the banished prince, doomed to chase the Avatar forever. What are you doing here? Katara: He tried to get the first hook out with another fishhook. What's wrong with all of you? It's so strange how your mind works.Fire Lord Sozin began the war, of course. He's just too noticeable. [walks closer to Zuko] I don't if it would work but [Zuko closes his eyes and Katara gently touches the side of his face near his scar]. Tries some food and groans ] it will be safe - * without * you hanging a! 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