Romance continuation: Players can resume their romance with Mako after completing the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion and the To Find a Findsman Alliance Alert. Among technologists, he earned accolades for solving a technical paradox that revolutionized computer slicing; despite his achievements, however, Tharan isnt taken seriously by the galaxys scientific community, which looks down on him as a playboy rather than a serious researcher. Mako will ask the player if they still feel love for her. If the player chooses to break up, Mako will understand, but still request that she and Akaavi join the Bounty Hunters crew. Romance continuation: Players can resume their romance with Corso after completing the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion and the To Find a Findsman Alliance Alert. The Smuggler jokingly mentions a marriage proposal and Lenn gets very flustered, and the romance can not be continued later as his family duties are not yet fulfilled, but he says maybe one day they will meet among the stars. If the player is in a romance, and also tries to kill her later in the chapter, there is a bit more additional dialogue. Choosing to resume will have a box pop up that says This choice will resume your romance with Corso Riggs. Although there are no full guides to romancing Lana Beniko, the general advice is to continue choosing the [FLIRT] option whenever it is available as it shows up throughout the expansions, and that the most important choice to lock in her romance arrives on the ninth chapter of the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion. Are you sure you want to proceed? and clicking Continue will lead to a kiss. She spent her days living in alley ways, stealing what she needed to survive from day to day. Strangely, the No response will still have Quinn join the alliance. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You. When Lana asks who the player thinks betrayed them, the player can say You. or Theron. or Acina. The player can accuse Theron and still continue the romance if they choose, Theron is just angry about it when he is accused. Videos: Nadia Grell female Jedi Consular new romance on Ossus, Nadia Grell male Jedi Consular continued romance on Ossus, Reject Nadia on Odessan, Romanceable by: Jedi Consular female characters. If the Bounty Hunter chooses him, Raffid offers to make the Bounty Hunter a Baroness, and invites her to become to lady of the house with no obligation towards fidelity. And "Commander token" boosted characters do, indeed, get no romance options from earlier in the story than where they begin. How to start single-cutscene romance: When the player gets a chance to speak with Samara Mindak on Dromund Kaas, the Agent and [FLIRT], and Mindak will invite him to dance and then go off in private, and the romance ends with a short peck on the cheek. The first reply in that dialogue will be the option to say [FLIRT] Im ready for a kiss. which will lead to another kiss cutscene. Vette asks her how shes doing, and she says shes been working there two years an that its killing her, and that she has been sold in to working there. Hopefully a few scenes will be added for Empire players in the new story content. If you dont do this, going 2 times for light side (Sabotage Chemishs plan, protect whoever you can) will not get you the romance. Lana will force push the knights, and the player can choose [Kiss her] in the dialogue wheel for a parting kiss goodbye. Videos: Ashara romance, Ashara continued romance A Padawan No More,Ashara Zavros Angry Reunion and Separation, Romanced break up scene, Romanceable by: Sith Inquisitor female characters. The lieutenant has also been overlooked for promotion several times. Although there are no full guides to romancing Theron Shan, the general advice is to continue choosing the [FLIRT] option whenever it is available as it shows up throughout the expansions, and that the most important choice to lock in his romance on the ninth chapter of the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion. Although the romance is not continued, there are some very touching lines from both Tharan and Holiday in the final companion conversation. How to start romance: To start Zeniths romance on a Jedi Consular character, you need to play the Relentless Ambition Quest and be on a Jedi Consular. Proud, young Jedi Padawan Jaesa Willsaam discovered the unprecedented ability to discern any beings true nature and uncover a persons most secret intentions. There is a small [FLIRT] option after the battle, but the mood is sobre. Romance conflicts: If you have romanced a companion through the companion stories and the originally game, you can still start a romance with Koth in the expansions. Before long, Nadia was serving as her fathers personal assistant during trade negotiations. Later in the storyline, the Jedi Knight will meet her again. This is far from a complete list. There are some other romances available in the game that are not continued or completed. Choosing to resume will have a box pop up that says This choice will resume your romance with Mako. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. Her romance is quite long for being a single-planet romance, and Cedonia arranges a special meal in the parlor and invites the Smuggler for some private time afterwards. But Torian long ago learned to armor himself against contempt, and others doubts regarding his loyalty have only driven him to strive harder to prove his worth. Torian will send the player a letter in the mail about his feelings titled A Debt of Honor. Cannot. At the end of the Rishi storyline in the prelude, in a cutscene with the player, Lana Beniko, Theron and Jakarro in it, Theron Shan will angrily mention being thrown to the wolves. After that [FLIRT] option the player can confirm their romance by choosing I feel the same., or choose I cant be with you anymore. to break up. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commanders Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Masters Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.). Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. He has been meticulously hunting and killing the mutineers who betrayed him ever since. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. They can flirt again when the player returns, and invite Lord Zavrasha out to celebrate, where she will join the player on her ship for some private time. How to continue minor non-romance: Players can NOT resume their romance with Tharan Cedrax in the Onslaught expansion, but will meet him during the course of the storyline. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. Lord Scourge will explain that his emotions have taken hold of him, and when he says But I would do anything to keep you safe. In the casinos of Nar Shaddaa, he is cursed as a card-counting mathematical genius. If the player chooses to break up, Vector will devote himself to making life better for the Killiks. During the Nathema story arc, before the player leaves for Nathema, Arcann will have a brief conversation, and if they are in a romance, they will share a parting kiss. Later, when the Smuggler completes the mission, Lenn invites the Smuggler for a private dinner with musicians and dancing, and some private time afterwards. You're welcome to message me with any comments about my guides or with questions about the game! A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Jedi Consular storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companions head. However, when the Smuggler meets with him again in person in a tent, he speaks to the Smuggler about poetry and love, and he will share a romantic poem with the Smuggler, and he tells her that he has a wife. The player will meet up with Doc very early in the Ossus storyline and be able to choose Same old Doc. or Talk, talk talk. It seems he might want to take Theron on a night out as well. Press N on your keyboard to open the Companions & Contact menu. Corso also has a soft spot for damsels in distress, even when its clear theyre up to no good. Videos: Vette light side romance, Vette KOTFE reunion, Vette KOTET romance compilation, Choosing Vette romance over Jaesa, Choosing Jaesa over Vette and the both option. Only the most persistent friend has any hope of meeting the real Risha hiding beneath the surface. A Lore-Appropriate Togruta & Togruta Naming Conventions, Break up with Lana Beniko in Shadow of Revan, Break up with Lana Beniko in Knights of the Fallen Empire after starting or restarting a different romance, Kick Theron Shan from the Alliance after Saving Him in Nathema Conspiracy, Not mentioning Therons proposal but keeping the romance, Declining to resume the romance with Theron after he returns after Nathema, Breaking up with Theron Shan because you started a new romance, Force Choke Theron Shan for Betraying You on Crisis on Umbara, Accuse Romanced Theron Shan of Being the Traitor, Scaring Theron on Iokath by saying Boo! on different characters, Jace Malcom Dies and Encourage Theron To Kill Him, Telling Theron Shan that youre a double agent for the Republic (Imperial Saboteur), Imperial break up as enemies with Theron at the end of Yavin 4, Imperial break up as friends with Theron at the end of Yavin 4, Republic break up with Theron at the end of Yavin 4, Koth saves you from Arcann and kisses you, Hearts and Minds romance additional dialogue, Threatening to kill Koth later if the player romances Lana, Choke and kill Koth when he returns from the Gravestone, Romanced Koth leaves after choices made with Kaliyo and the Spire, Punch Koth for stealing the Gravestone but keep him as part of your team, Koth is a Traitor (after he Stole the Gravestone) on Iokath, Lana gets jealous when you flirt with Koth, Koth break up if you start or renew another romance, Zakuul exiles Chapter 4 Knights of the Fallen Empire all fates with Koth and Lana, Lieing to Koth about blowing up the Spire in Chapter 10, Discussion about how to romance Koth and have him betray the alliance later, another thread discussing Chapter 10 and Koth leaving or staying, Arcann full KOTET romance and saving Arcann and Senya, Letting Senya and Arcann go at the end of KOTFE, Shooting Arcann and Senya down at the end of KOTFE, Interrupt Arcanns healing on Voss and kill Senya, Stopping Arcann After Killing Senya on Voss and all three reveal options, Killing unhealed Arcann on Zakuul at Vaylins party dark side, Killing unhealed Arcann on Zakuul at Vaylins party light side, Arcann romance all three choices in Unmasked Regrets, Nadia Grell female Jedi Consular new romance on Ossus, Nadia Grell male Jedi Consular continued romance on Ossus, Felix Iresso Odessan Jail Broken reunion romance, Felix Iresso Odessan Jail Broken return non-romance, Tharan Cedrax companion story with short romance scene, Scene where you can flirt and have a fling with Tharan Cedrax, Reunion with Tharan Cedrax (Long-Awaited Genius) has no romance, Kira Carsen female Jedi Knight new romance after Onslaught. How to start single-cutscene romance: When the player gets a chance to speak with Ki Sazen in person on Taris, he will fight her, and when she is defeated he can invite her to join the Sith. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. How to start single-planet romance: On Belsavis, the Smuggler can romance Marshall Cavarat, and the Smuggler can flirt with her throughout the storyline and via holocall. ]], Romanceable by: Jedi Consular male characters. Often accompanied by his lovely holographic companion, Holiday, Tharan has spent his credits freely, enjoying the very best Nar Shaddaa has to offer while staying just shy of its dangers. Later, the Bounty Hunter can choose who becomes the Baron of House Girard, and the Bounty Hunter can name him the successor of the house. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Smuggler storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companions head. The player can have a brief but touching reunion scene with Andronikos, where he will promise never to abandon the Inquisitor and that they are forever, and the player can reply Youre damn right we are. to resume the romance or We cant rekindle this. to break up. In Chapter 16 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, the player will be asked to make a choice about Kaliyo and Aric Jorgan. Lord Scourge female Jedi Knight new romance after Onslaught, Ranna Taoven romance both options and ending. Later, the player can pick up the Balmorra Bonus series to interact with her again, including some [FLIRT] options, and at the end she will will whisper some secrets of what she wants to do with the player in their ear. A considerable amount of story content was added with Onslaught, with new quest areas in the new Onderon and Mek-Sha. While those under his command may not particularly like the brooding Cathar, they almost always respect him. About: Originally from Alderaan, Jaesa was a former Jedi Padawan who possessed tremendous strength in the Force, including the unique ability to discern a persons true nature and intentions. However, if you start or renew a romance in Knights of the Fallen Empire, Knights of the Eternal Throne, or Onslaught, Theron Shan will speak with you and consider your relationship over. The Jedi Knight and Nadia will then share a romantic moment. How to start romance: The male Jedi Consular can romance Nadia during the Jedi Consular story as well as the companion conversations with her. Later, the Bounty Hunter can choose who becomes the Baron of House Girard, and the Bounty Hunter can name her the successor of the house. About: An officer in the Imperial military, Malavai Quinn is loyal to the Empire and everything it stands for: order, the glory of the Sith and the conquest of the Republic. The scene ends with Doc and the player spending some private time together in Docs new quarters. One important thing to know is that light-side Jaesa is not receptive to a true relationship she will offer to bear your children, but she considers it an honor, and not part of a romance, and there are no [FLIRT] options. Later, when the player returns to the Odessan base for the Umbara story, the player can inquire about the state of finding the traitor, and there will be a [FLIRT] option available and a kiss scene. However, few realize his surly demeanor belies a genuine concern for the well-being of his troops. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commanders Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Masters Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.). How to continue romance: Players can resume their romance with Doc on Ossus (Jedi Under Seige), after the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion and before the Onslaught expansion. Also I think you have to choose at least one light side option, otherwise I think Chemish will kill him, because youre better. The best way to reach me is by messaging me on Twitter. In Chapter 4 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, the player can first [FLIRT] with Koth in the swamps, after Koth expresses that he appreciates that the player understands that all of Zakuul does not need to suffer in the pursuit of Arcann. In Chapter 16 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, the player is in their shuttle and Senya takes Arcann to try and save him in her own shuttle. The Agent requires sacred carvings which are locked away in the Voss capital building, but they an only be seen by Voss. The Smuggler wakes up to a note that says Leave Belsavis now. How to start romance: The male Sith Inquisitor can romance Ashara during the Sith Inquisitor story as well as the companion conversations with her. The player can also let her know they are in a relationship with Theron. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. Dark side Jaesa is quite aggressive about having a relationship with the Sith Warrior and she makes it very clear that she wants the Sith Warriors attention. Note if your character instead chooses not to kiss her as you are upset about the departure, the game may treat you as if you had never been in a romance in future expansions. The Smuggler will have a chance to [FLIRT] with her right away, and the Smuggler will have more options to talk to her alone throughout the Alderaan Smuggler story. Are you sure you want to proceed? click Continue to continue your romance with Kira, or Cancel to return to the two dialogue options. How to start romance: Lemda Avesta can be romanced by Republic characters as part of the Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion which can be started from the players ship at level 50. Unite with your friends or battle alone against deadly enemies both new and old as you aid the faction of your choice in the reignited war for the future of the galaxy. How to start romance: *MAJOR TROOPER SPOILERS* Seargent Jaxo is a key character in the Trooper story, and the player will meet up with her many times throughout the story for information. Videos: Arcann full KOTET romance and saving Arcann and Senya, Letting Senya and Arcann go at the end of KOTFE, Shooting Arcann and Senya down at the end of KOTFE, Interrupt Arcanns healing on Voss and kill Senya, Stopping Arcann After Killing Senya on Voss and all three reveal options, Killing unhealed Arcann on Zakuul at Vaylins party dark side, Killing unhealed Arcann on Zakuul at Vaylins party light side, Arcann romance all three choices in Unmasked Regrets, Arcann romance refusal. A female JK can start a romance with Kira after the Onslaught Corelia FP and both male and female JK can start a romance with Scourge at that moment too. Choosing Jaesa over Vette and the both option, Speaking about Jaesas children and raising them as your own, Light & Dark Jaesa Romance Reunions All Choices, Sith Warrior Reunites with Dark Side Jaesa with previous Romance, Sith Warriors Reunion with romanced Quinn on Iokath, Sith Warrior sides with the Republic on Iokath, Sith Warrior side with the Republic with romance, Quinn begging for his freedom on Iokath all three options if you ally with the Republic (accept begging and ally, imprison, kill), Sparing Quinn on Iokath but answering no to trusting him, Lieutenant Pierce original romance and all companion conversations, Tivva Vettes sister sampling and buying her freedom, Tiva Vettes sister sending Tivva to the crew as a female character and still not freeing her, Ashara continued romance A Padawan No More, Ashara Zavros Angry Reunion and Separation, Urtel Moren brief romance, ending and vision on voss, Corso Riggs romance reunion all answers and breakup, Risha / Akaavi romance confrontation where the smuggler doesnt choose walking in on Akaavi, Risha / Akaaavi romance where the smuggler chooses Akaavi walking in on Akaavi, Risha / Akaavi romance where the smuggler chooses Risha walking in on Risha, Risha meets romanced Beryl Thorne on Quesh, Senator Dodonna Romance with active Risha romance, Lokir-Ka smuggler romance with Corso Riggs watching and Guss watching later, Skavak flirts while Corso has to go stand in a corner, Smuggler romances Lenn Teraan in front of Corso, Smuggler playlist of romance with Darmas with Corso in the room, Numen Brock romance where Corso says Shes allergic to candles., Aric Jorgan Knights of the Fallen Empire romance Chapter 11, Killing romanced Aric Jorgan in Chapter 13, Forgive romanced Aric Jorgan in Chapter 13, Romance reunited with Elara Dorne on Iokath, Elara Dorne breaks up with the Trooper on Iokath over moral incompatibility, The Trooper breaks up with Elara Dorne on Iokath, Elara Dorne Romance on Odessan (Patch 6.1), Trooper Seargent Jaxo Romance before ending, The trooper tells Jaxo about Elara on the second night, Torian left to die in Chapter 8 of Knights of the Eternal Throne, Torian saved by his wife the Bounty hunter in Chapter 8 of Knights of the Eternal Throne, Bounty Hunter Asks Gault about Romanced Torian, Talk about the different titles on forums, Knights of the Fallen Empire Agent reunites with Kaliyo romance, Knights of the Fallen Empire the Agent speaks with Kaliyo in the cantina romance, Forgive Kaliyo and Jorgan Nobody Dies or is Punished (KOTFE Chapter 13), Agent kills his wife romanced Kaliyo in Chapter 13, Kaliyo and Jorgan are confired/grounded in Chapter 13. 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