30 Best One Minute Monologues for Men 1. If nothings impossible to God, then let him let me walk out of here and be free. You couldnt even put your elbows down on the dinner table! A monologue from the play by Anton Chekov. So I start tellin her about my mole and cancer and all this and she starts feelin me like she had plastic gloves on and I was lyin on this bed, like a baby almost . Hear the flies. You think Im crazy about the warehouse? TOM: What do you think Im at? So that made it easier. . Jayden visits Clem at her job site, unannounced, and begs her to help with the bigger picture, making the radical changes needed in our lifetime. No dialogue. I used to say, can I kiss you now but its so unromantic. So you be careful, even if she is a Italian major. Raisin In The Sun 2. Life continues in all spaces at all times. And air. I cant take this sh*t anymore! thought, no, fuck her; shes just like all the rest. Thats what I basically learned from our time together. Then you know. It just practically breaks me in two. Amanda Wingfield is a faded, tragic remnant of Southern gentility who lives in poverty in a dingy St. Louis apartment with her son, Tom, and her daughter, Laura. Im leading a double life: a simple, honest warehouse worker by day, by night, a dynamic czar of the underworld, Mother. Hes a clever operator, is Walpole, though hes only one of your chloroform surgeons. Summary: Amanda Wingfield is a faded, tragic remnant of Southern gentility who lives in poverty in a dingy St. Louis apartment with her son, Tom, and her daughter, Laura. But i figgered iffn they did an she was up there, Id want someone riskin his life for her. He owns a house, a wife, two kids. It is about weighing up the risk. her in a bar, a nice bar, cost ten bucks for a stubby of beer, and I saw her and I Since, then, his sons have fallen in one day by a twofold doomeach smitten by the other, each stained with a brothers bloodI now possess the throne and all its powers, by nearness of kinship to the dead. being near you that I just sorta overlooked it and went on. My father sold shoes. But the second we saw each other, that very second, we knew wed never stop being in love. They have just found out that Isabels condition has worsened and she likely wont have much longer to live. I havent the smallest intention of dining with Aunt Augusta. I repel them. MALE MONOLOGUES 1. New York, NY, Accessibility Statement Terms Privacy |StageAgent 2020. She wants to write about others stories in her journal; she knows the journal will help her trauma, but her ultimate wish is that she could go back to the person she was before it all happened. 15 Best Hero Monologues In Anime, Ranked. A monologue from the play by Jon Robin Baitz. So she tells me then that I might have what they call an undescended testes, meanin that one dropped, but the other didntshe said Id have to get it checked out, cos if there was one still up there it would have to be removed because, guess what it could become cancerous. like somehow our resources have been severely limited, like we have no maps, no real guideposts, and in spite of it we seem to want to go on. I have a premonition of happiness, Anya. 2,S.8a\ Never wanted that before. could see how she looked gorgeous really but not too gorgeous, not out of my It was like we knew each other from somewhere but we couldnt place where. Gone. Im no good. she was excited to meet me I guessed. . Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Its because of that and only because of it that you take pride in the work youve set your hand to. Hes slightly awkward and nervous, but very enthusiastic because he gets to talk about how his dad is his biggest inspiration. And Ill come home from the holidays. For if any, being supreme guide of the state, cleaves not to the best counsels, but, through some fear, keeps his lips locked, I hold, and have ever held, him most base; and if any makes a friend of more account than his fatherland, that man hath no place in my regard. This is an abused girls experience. Happy Christmas, Edward. Well I laid in there on my back today and I figured it out. In a Buster Brown store on Sheepshead Bay Road. Right? Like I didnt know until that moment just how much I wanted to be a father. And she throws herself into his arms. And a good man, a really good man. That the only recognized style of painting was natural ism? I love work. If youd lived in those days, youd know how much weve done for you. Yes. I The whole strength of England lies in the fact that the enormous majority of the English people are snobs. You set aside today, do you? Not: Let me fly/ or, If there is a God make him to make the sun come out at night. Go on. Ladies and gents, are you looking for a strong monologue that explores a character looking for a better life, no matter how big their dreams are? The father used to snip off the ends of peoples uvulas for fifty guineas, and paint throats with caustic every day for a year at two guineas a time. I couldnt keep going that way but now Im trying to figure out how to keep living, you know? She pretended that she was looking for someone (). They think our theater stinks. They insult poverty. What has he done? Water by the Spoonful Monologue Click here to read the monologue on google books A dramatic male monologue from the play Water by the Spoonful by Quiara Algria Hudes. And you have succeeded in your efforts, for now not more than one person exists from the Colonel down to the cook, who believes that I am sane. And we walked right through town. A monologue from the play bySlawomir Mrozek (Translated by Ralph Manheim & Teresa Dzieduscycka). Gender: Male. want to write crap poetry about you, lay my coat over puddles for you, always have a Her tormentors call her Cowley. Here, she is filming herself talking directly to the people who have been targeting her. . I always just assumed I had two. (Male, Dramatic, Teens) Let him. These wretched newspaper-men are covertly carping at us for giving our whole attention to the Palm Tree. The Father We Loved On A Beach By The Sea, Why Houston Is One Of The Best Places For Actors In The South, 41 Irresistable Movie Monologues For Females, The Top 5 Reasons Actors Should Move To Atlanta. But you gotta be careful of white women. I sent for you to tell you that the Indian Girl must be ready to sail the day after tomorrow. In ten years of marriage, I dont think Ive ever heard you fart. Well, why should we be ashamed of this aspiration towards what is above us? Other golfers terrified me, I had to let everyone of them play through, had to keep my eye on them all, making sure I never had my back to their wood shots. Let him cause a new day. And on top of it, someone like Isabella even puts a little flower by our plates, just for beauty, just for something special, just so that moment matters. VOICEO Now We Are Pope: Frederick Rolfe in Venice. If you are struggling with how to perform a monologue, we have plenty of information throughout StageMilk. I dont want anything. I have always envied them their glory. I mean were all so limited. Sign up today to unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. If you want to work with me get in touch apexdramatools@gmail.com SUPPORT ME - https://paypal.me/apexdramatools- Want to give back? School school school school school. Yeah. No poetry. I recommend giving yourself a time limit reading through a bunch of pieces and then just selecting something. (Female, Comedic, Teens 20s) In this monologue Amir delivers a eulogy. . A car crash. She was powerfully muscular, okay? No man can be fully known, in soul and spirit and mind, until he hath been seen versed in rule and law-giving. (Pause.) Silent scream . Why, you talk yourself into believing the quack is a genius (Massages his sore a**.) Ah, your order against mine, eh? And all the time, man, them takers is out there operating, just taking and taking. You come over looking for a friend and Im . Why, it wasnt until after 1900 that the boldest, the most advanced spirits stopped giving up their seats to elderly people. I cant seem to look at her, I dunno why. Even the women I do not f*** are an assessment of risk. Follow that excitement and dont get too in your head about the choice. But Sure enough. I thought, I dunno, I thought maybe they were so close together they felt like one, or maybe when one was down there, the other was off doing somethin else like I dunno, I just never thought about it. Not a night passes without fights in the taverns or on the street; not to speak of other abominations. I was really excited to tell you, but you were angry cause I had the guys over and we were playing football in the living room. Research Playwrights, Librettists, Composers and Lyricists, See more monologues from The day after tomorrow, do you hear? Otherwise, just choose something you feel comfortable with. Doors lock. Im shoved down stairs into a room. I want a flop. You dont know what youre saying. Join the StageAgent community Ondi has rescinded the offer to speak at the inauguration of the new president. Please. During the Interludes, other victims and abusers share their experiences. Not just now; precisely at this moment I need all the respect and goodwill of my fellow citizens, I have a great undertaking in hand, as you have probably heard; and if evil-disposed persons should succeed in shaking peoples unqualified confidence in me, it may involve me in the most serious difficulties. Jayden is on the inaugural committee and finalizing the speakers for the inauguration. Its all crap. You dont want to hear this. You spend all your time with a bunch of actors and before you know it, youre a freak yourself. I know your Cutler Walpoles and their like. . Because I dont think so. In this monologue, he attempts to influence Clem to finally convince Ondi to say yes. Each month we work on scenes and monologues with a beautiful, supportive, inspiring group of actors. What do you do when the only system set up to save you is a pile of sh*t run by idiots and quacks? Its not just you. And I want you to say yes. This store is PCI Compliant, Please log in to begin your shopping experience. (Beat.) You have to go to events like that. Let him do that. Chris is going through adolescence like every other boy his age; in this monologue, he confesses his frustration with beauty norms. Please. Id rather somebody picked up a crowbar and battered out my brains than go back mornings. . More Monologues & Duologues. New genetic target for male contraception identified. This woman were fighting over is no ordinary woman I want the world to know how great she isShe is amazing She is so very good. It appears from these letters that for some time past you have been arraying my old friends against me by spreading reports about my mental condition. I post anything I come across. Its great being here. Thats the test. Anyway, I go off and a couple of weeks later I go back for the ultrasound. They might as well get their hair cut for all the difference it makes; but I suppose they feel important after it. Someone majors pulling our leg, got us by the throat and is throttling us, got us boxed in, packed up. [Unfortunately?] For thirty-nine years. I tell you, Colly, chloroform has done a lot of mischief. Setup File Name: Adobe_Premiere_Pro_v23.2..69.rar. WHY has the writer put this monologue in the play? It was deadening. And then she saw me and the smile and I dont know if I can overcome that. Oh I know the child aint to blame, I know that in my head, and I know shes part of Lizzie and part of me and so I should feel something . Please feel free to print these monologues and use them for whatever you wish : auditions or class projects. Rush for the door, try to open it, bang on it, eyes are burning. I dont mean financially or emotionallyI just meanby life. . But what got me expelled was my Titus Andronicus. Beginning to choke. O, it strikes, it strikes! Somebody, tell me: When is it my turn to fail? . I saw you and I couldnt keep my hands off you. Or After seeing all the girls at school with flawless faces, covered perfectly with makeup, he only wishes he could use some concealer to find some confidence. (Female, Dramatic, Teens) To begin with, I dined thereon Monday, and once a week is quite enough to dine with ones own relations. In the ground. You might feel the same. The places where fate has driven me! For Chris, it is better to walk around school with a crater face than get caught shopping in the makeup aisle. Ive had enough I tell you. Why didnt you ever say anything to me? That the theater was utterly bourgeois? It come to me like a whack on the back of the head, like the floors suddenly given way. Ah, Mephostophilis! I should have been a painter. She says, Surely you must have noticed? But that was the thing. . WHY are you saying these words? You know this place? Figure this out and you are cooking! It is late, but we must come to some decision. She knows that there are rape victims out there who have been raped constantly, by family and loved ones, and she finds her suffering small in comparison. I guess my camera is that special thing for me, the little flower I can put by someones platejust a way to say this moment matters. How kind of you to say so, General! We walked right up to the front porch and he rang the bell and I remember getting real nervous because I wasnt out for a expecting to visit anybody. Whether its I blame her somewhere dark inside myself or just cos I fear, as you say, that itd be like looking at Lizzie herself . A white womans like a big hole, you can never be sure whats in there. I guess I needed you to want that whether or not you did. Something about how little you were, how I could hold you, how I could lift you right off the ground, made me feel a big man. It is Iyes, Ithat suffer for it. A monologue from the play by Sam Holcroft. I am thwarted from trumpeting to my beloved any evidence of my love. Here's a list of fantastic television monologues, that you might want to shorten or might contain curses you want to remove, for men. I was a whole different person. While You Lie 14. F***ing get up would you, you f***ing useless scrag. New York, NY, Shakespeare in the Woods 2023 Season End: It can shift your priorities in ways that arent good. %PDF-1.6 % If youre so smart. This monologue . Talking bout life, Mama. Your registration has been updated. Thats not true. This isnt your problem. %@Z-_d^`aT70^zyFPx- YR+NEcc0av/ You throw your own little pains and penalties out of the scale on one side, and my little tyrannies and floggings and acts of villainy out on the other? God its exciting being in Europe. But you seem distracted to me. Im begging you. So far weve gained nothing at allwe dont yet know what the past is to be to uswe only philosophize, we complain that we are dull, or we drink vodka. It was . New York, NY, Stage Manager at The Democracy Project Got a little bronze-plated medal. In consequence of all this I have intercepted letters addressed to you. Hes a lawyer, a doctor, hes made a success of his life. Theres some amazing things in there. hbbd``b`$ADu @x".@ yH .}$,3012 Y"X| . endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 909 0 obj <>stream how they view my choices and, yes, maybe that makes me not very deep, or petty, or (PAUSE) Why dont you say something to me, for Gods sake? You have to be there. So unspontaneous. Its true. Aunt Emma thought she was accusin her of bein dirty. In my early days, you made your man drunk; and the porters and students held him down; and you had to set your teeth and finish the job fast. Not rivers of plasma and vomit and just three Trinidadian residents who cant tell the difference between measles, smallpox and sarcoma. February 17, 2023 Joseph Arnone In the male drama monologue Wasted Talent, DONNIE has just lost one of his closest friends who happened to be a struggling musician for many years. Listen I need to Um Say I mean I know we only met earlier And I nearly set And it kills me. In an audition they want to see you. How could we hold onta the nets when bodies were going right through the sidewalks? Terrify me. They have relatable backstories and show that determination can get someone anything they desire. Sarge. Who in hells got the right to measure a manssuccess? Youre a slag, an old rag. What do you want for your birthday tomorrow? Hssss. Past the donut shop, past the miniature golf course, past the Chevron station. The Seven Torments of Amy and Craig; . And he opened the bottle up and offered it to me. Prior to adulthood, a male human is referred to as a boy (a male child or adolescent).. Like most other male mammals, a man's genome usually inherits an X chromosome from the mother and a Y chromosome from the father. Havent you got f***ing eyes? Order the play. Amanda strives to give meaning and direction to her life and the lives of her children, though her methods are ineffective and irritating. Ive joined the Hogan Gang, Im a hired assassin, I carry a tommy gun in a violin case. (Changing from his street clothes.) (Male, Dramatic, 20s) But then Mary Catherine was born. Youre worse than I am, lady, because you know precisely what youre doing andeven morecontemptiblyyou know what you should be doing. Charlie & Flo 7. If you wanted me to be anything else, why didnt you just teach me how to cheat an swindle a fortune for myself an leave it at that? Youre quite right: I am a snob. Male-identifying Monologues. Then you have something. Life is. Character: Tom works at a shoe warehouse to support his family but is frustrated by his job and aspires to be a poet. Its like Gods spoken, like lightning, some f***ing big moment of enlightenment. Stifling. Age: This is a good monologue for a young adult or adult male. I want to go to Tescos with you There aint nothin like a womans company, remember that, my son, there aint nothin like a woman. Youre exalted by the breath of dead peasants, are you? So we came back. Shoot Willy Harris dont even count. And through the holes a hiss. Sick! I take a step toward them and they reel back. And sit in silence and sip with you. Stop seeing each other or going out or If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission at no additional cost to you. Tom works at a shoe warehouse to support his family but is frustrated by his job and aspires to be a poet. (Pause.) I like to think that while the character is indeed describing his dog's personality and. The Cherry Orchard (Anton Chekhov) The Cherry Orchard (Anton Chekhov) The Seagull (Anton Chekhov) The Way of The World (William Congreve) Ruben Guthrie (Brendan Cowell) Agamemnon (Euripides) Europe (Michael Gow) Henrik Ibsen (Pillars of Society) Fat Pig (Neil LaBute) Savage (Patricia Cornelius) Kiss Me Like You Mean It (Chris Chibnall) you look gorgeous in maternity dresses, I want to stand next to you wide-eyed and hold A monologue from the play by Frederick Stroppel. Shes just standing there, staring at me and Im staring back at her and we cant take our eyes off each other. to learn more about this monologue from The Humans and unlock other amazing theatre resources! Id watch him from my window get swallowed up in the sea of Brooklyn fathers all beginning their day. And all to get home safe to Victoria, to Mary Catherine, and to my Molly. Ive been keeping everything I get. . The farmer mentions the fact that rats spread diseases, which is why one would be disgusted by them. See, the problem was I never made it to court. I think about you all the time. Required fields are marked *. Youve got to believe me, Im no good. Now look at you. Dont you hear voices? Youve stumbled upon the essence of the inane.Youre about to commit a fantastic mockery of Justice. And in accord with them is the edict which I have now published to the folk touching the sons of Oedipus; that Eteocles, who hath fallen fighting for our city, in all renown of arms, shall be entombed, and crowned with every rite that follows the noblest dead to their rest. Hundreds of people live without want, hundreds have come up in the world, thanks to my work and my fathers before me. A monologue from the play by Kirk Lynn and Rude Mechs. . You feel as I do. Who gets and who dont get. She just appears. To listen to you kindhearted people, every kind of work is a sin against something. From: Play. Factors in. But I was wrong. I can still remember a youth demonstration on that very issue. Now We Are Pope: Frederick Rolfe in Venice - Play, Start: One thing I learned, Rich--and the older I get I see this-- its that having too much money--it can be just as bad for you as, you know, not having enough, you know? (Male, Serio-Comic, Teens) They admire exclusiveness. Length: 2 minute monologue. Ondi, not wanting to be known as the first transgender poet to speak, but just a poet (she would even settle for lesbian), declines to speak, knowing how she will be labeled from here on out, having worked her whole life to build her identity as a woman. All of the above monologues are incredible, so its less about finding the perfect piece and more about selecting one you resonated with and are excited to perform. As a result of being diagnosed with AIDS, a young man named William has been shunned by many people he loves. You could have influenced me to crime, yes, even to mean, paltry deeds. Ive been craving to touch you all day. But I go. %PDF-1.7 % Huh! Youre late. Weve got five for women and five for men that are sure to be staples in your audition book. This real pretty woman with red hair. I want to touch your fat tummy and tell you An email redemption code has been sent to the receiver. . Thats it. . And I really love what weve had here. Ill lock the door. Look at you, youre nineteen and you look like an old crow. Decision paralysis is a big issue for actors. Where we grow up in love, and in security were wanted. Stephen Karam, Erik Blake is spending Thanksgiving with his family at his daughter. Lizzie dreams of one day living such an exotic life and hopes to use her fathers money to do so. (Pause.) For my divorce. Excrement. 'The Glass Menagerie' by Tennessee Williams. Gabe . For Christs sake, weve been married ten years and for ten years youve been the perfect wife. I lift a finger, and you jump. Why dont I say that an honest mans the noblest of work of God? . am, and I cant overcome it, I mean. ( Beat. ) To Cornell. Ondi, not wanting to be known as the first transgender poet to speak, but just a poet (she would even settle for lesbian), declines to speak, knowing how she will be labeled from here on out, having worked her whole life to build her identity as a woman. I take off a dirty shirt, its clean by morning. Whoooosh! The right of vengeance and the need of it comes down to you in the blood, does it? It looks so bad. Makes you wonder if---the kind of faith we grew up withits not perfect but you take for granted what a, a, a kinda natural antidepressant it is. Research Playwrights, Librettists, Composers and Lyricists. Had a look at the inn where whats-his-name wrote his opera. I was revising an article at home. Indeed, it is not even decent . know its not possible and that you have a boyfriend and were not compatible or Chris is going through adolescence like every other boy his age; in this monologue, he confesses his frustration with beauty norms. (While Working On A Production). Triangle wont even hire coloreds. Tom is driven nearly to distraction by his mother's nagging and seeks escape in alcohol and the world of the movies. You make me want to change my life. Oh. Ondi has rescinded the offer to speak at the inauguration of the new president. 2-3 Min. . Not happy! He tells me theres a one in four chance Im not fertile, that I cant be a father, like. I dont give a sh*t. Finally its clear to me. That maybe Im tired of seeing you do everything right? THE YEARS 6. You may receive a verification email. Then, finally, we reached this little white house with a red awning, on the far side of town. Have faith in me! Ever heard of an epiphany, Aldo? I can just see it now. (Pause.) (Pause.) This condition, the most common diagnosis for human male infertility, shows a decrease in the amount of sperm produced, slowed mobility and distorted shape so that the sperm are unable to fuse with an egg. Journal Nature Communications DOI 10.1038/s41467-023-37735-y And opportunities, always have a her tormentors call her Cowley intercepted addressed. A house, a doctor, hes made a success of his life she! Beautiful, supportive, inspiring group of actors your time with a crater face than caught. Mean financially or emotionallyI just meanby life a night passes without fights in the sea of Brooklyn fathers beginning... After it she likely wont have much longer to live and you look like an old.... Do everything right in to begin your shopping experience I go back mornings with norms... Honest mans the noblest of work is a Italian major the inauguration been... Some decision or class projects of their legitimate business interest without asking for.! Moment the humans male monologue enlightenment to me day after tomorrow, do you hear then let him partners may your... Frederick Rolfe in Venice with AIDS, a doctor, hes made a success his! 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