Aloof, secretive and subtle, Alpharius never revealed his homeworld (to say nothing of the existence of his twin brother Omegon), and had little interaction with other Imperial forces. The Khan was driven further, only barely able to weather the explosion of fury directed at him. Every starship in the service of the Imperium was different. The Alpha Legion clearly judged that the Khan was not so cavalier. There, the White Scars took the field of battle against the finest warriors and war engines he could assemble and tore them apart. By the combined efforts of his last remaining Stormseers, the Great Khan was rendered unseen to the behemoth, so that even as it concentrated its assault upon Horus and Mortarion, Jaghatai was able to work his way around the creature's vast, bloated form and thereby locate a weak point upon its underside. Hey yall I was wondering if anyone might know what happened to 1d4chan this time and whether or not it's gone for good now. He ordered the crew to Vox the rest of the White Scars' fleet. The two of them, Horus and the Khan, liked one another. Hasik gave the order to repel boarders. The Khan never agreed with this obfuscation of the truth, especially the Emperor's refusal to explain to His people the dangers of Chaos, and father and son had often argued over the matter. The Psychneuein had not followed him down, but the absence of any movement beyond his own was chilling. Most surrendered, but many resisted and were destroyed, utterly wiped from the face of the planet. When the White Scars granted no mercy to their foe, they did so not for the joy of simple slaughter, but in honour of the valour shown them, they held back nothing just as had a worthy foe. Enraged, Mortarion backed away, Silence crackled into life, sparking with green-tinged energy. Following a particularly devastating ambush by the Iron Warriors at Iluvuin, the Khagan was determined to make his way to the Imperial Throneworld, to stand by the Emperor's side when the Warmaster and the Traitors would inevitably invade the Sol System and lay siege to Terra. It was a fertile world with wide, open, green plains and tall, white mountains and blue seas. Impressed with the child's ferocity, the slaver implanted Angron's cerebral cortex with archeotech devices that enhanced his aggression, and raised him as a gladiator. He never told anyone his real desires or of his dissatisfactions. Yet, as the Great Crusade moved into its final throes in the first years of the 31st Millennium, the White Scars found themselves called upon less and less. But the Khan was not moved by these demands. Pulling himself free from the pile of rubble, Jaghatai found himself in a strange underground world of sink-holes and chasms that might open up into something bigger. Most acrimonious of all is Operation Chronos, in which a venerated Raven Guard Chaplain fell to Enslaver domination in circumstances where a nearby White Scars force might have been able to intervene. The entire formation -- tightly-knit, long and slender like a throwing javelin -- raced out into open space. Mortarion had spoken the truth about that, at least -- warships had engaged, Lances were being fired, shields were buckling. Konrad Curze destroying his own planet after its rebellion convinced him he wasted his time bringing it peace. The Brotherhood of the Moon was well-established, already crouched in fire-positions and able to shelter behind the curve of the pillars around them. Two were quite well known within the official historical records; Magnus of the Thousand Sons and the angelic Sanguinius of the Blood Angels. Magnus was also one of the only Primarchs who knew of and admired Perturabo's talents for engineering, as most others simply thought of him as a master of siegecraft. Blood had been shed on many vessels, and some had been commandeered entirely by White Scars Warrior Lodge members still hoping to sway the Legion to the cause of Horus. Such ponderings are of course futile, and they ignore his essential nature. Fragments of armour flew like shrapnel. Some ships still ran with dissension, and the process of restoring order was neither quick nor without violence. As the Noyan-Khan tried to explain the reasons for his actions the Khan roared in anger at his commander's treachery. These deep scars, called icepick scars, appeared when severe acne cleared. The Death Guard emerged from the Warp devoted to Nurgle, and became the first Plague Marines. When the Khan at last made his choice, when the forgotten Legion chose for itself a path to walk, it ultimately shook the pillars of heaven and helped to save the Emperor's dream -- and all Mankind -- from ruination. At first, the Legion simply followed him into the maelstrom but as tales of the Primarch's wild valour and consummate skill spread among the warriors of the Vth Legion, they soon began to compete to fight by his side. Silence the witches. Jaghatai survived, but could not get back up the mountain in time before the tribe moved on. The glowing tips of their long proboscis passed through the Terminators' Ceramite with ease. It should have been easy to dismiss, to put down to the warping power of the Empyrean. Such abasement did not come easily to such a conqueror as he, one who had slain kings and tyrants across the breadth of Chogoris, but still the Great Khan knelt before this Emperor. Arvida worked frantically, lighting up the skies with his sorcery, but it was not quick enough. Shiban's forces pushed up through the narrowing space, gaining ground with every surge. The greatest example of this was his actions after capturing Vulkan in the wake of the Dropsite Massacre. None of them would move before the order was given, though; they were the extension of the Khan's will. Some amongst the Khan's command were a part of the Warrior Lodges, a closed fraternity of warriors that existed outside of the Space Marine Legions' formal structure. Jaghatai Khan had never taken sides. They had not lost critical numbers of ships, but the sudden attack run had blown their formation wide open and destroyed the cohesion that they had so painstakingly built. Warriors of both sides had already fallen, their bodies caked in the drifting dust, but the fighting continued around them, bitter and unyielding. These reports said Russ had turned rebel, and driven by his hatred for Magnus, his Legion had utterly decimated the Thousand Sons Legion and their Primarch Magnus had died at the Wolf King's own hand. It was known Yesugei asked after the fate of his friend Ahzek Ahriman, whom he had hoped to see again, but Arvida could give him no guidance. And now it came for them. Advancing within the city, a great mass of humanity pressed in from every quarter. During the Iron Cage incident, the roles were reversed, with the Iron Warriors massively outgunning the Imperial Fists and having them surrounded. White Scars had their own version of Strategic reserves, known as Encirclement. The Alpha Legion fought alongside the traitors at many key battles, but for the most part Alpharius pursued his own objectives, and seems to have gone out of his way to test his skills against other Space Marines. It would have calmed the others, to see a warrior-Primarch making his case in support of the Librarius. Beneath the archway was a void pulsing with the raw power of the Warp, and from it was emerging a vast and bloated form, a distended central sac replete with thrashing pseudopods and dozens of too-knowing eyes. The White Scars understood that fate was against them. As Shiban Khan secretly prepared his Brotherhood to storm the Vth Legion's flagship, the Terran commander Torghun Khan warned Hasik Noyan-Khan that their plan to suborn Shiban's loyalty to their cause had failed. He was found by Ong Khan, the chieftain or khan of a small tribe called the Talaskars, who saw the young Primarch as a gift from the gods. These were heady days full of fire and conquest, the wild rush of unceasing war against enemies too numerous to count. They fought with cold-discipline, going through the movements with consummate skill but taking no joy in it. Discovering the clandestine activities of Hasik and his co-conspirators, Shiban Khan, commander of the Brotherhood of the Storm, attempted to bring to the attention of Jemulan Noyan-Khan, that his ordu commander Hasik was a part of this cancer at the heart of their Legion, and informed him of their intended plans. It was a rare find, a realm of unsullied human genestock whose advanced technology was well-matched to that of the Imperium, but whose small size precluded any extended resistance to the Imperium's authority. Howls of agony filled the air as lumpy matter was sucked up the creatures' translucent proboscis. On this, though, Jhagatai always argued the same way. His main character trait was his perpetual envy of Rogal Dorn as one of the Emperor's favourites. Horus was a tactical prodigy, master diplomat, and strategic genius, employing other Space Marine Legions the way lesser commanders would deploy squads, utilizing the Primarchs' skills to the fullest and even encouraging their rivalries so they would try to outdo each other. The Crimson King had been there the whole time -- he just did not hear the words being sibilantly whispered by the powers of the Warp. There were many victories claimed by the Great Crusade that would not have been possible without the depredations caused by these warriors. There was no response from the XXth Legion's command despite all queries. It was a matter of belief, as much as anything: attuning himself to the potential that existed within him, just as it did in all of his Primarch brothers. Afterwards, Jaghatai came to believe that the outcome of the Council of Nikaea should have never been left in the Crimson King's hands. Jaghatai had been in pursuit of a mighty Drukhari lord, likely the Archon of the Drukhari Kabal that had attacked Corusil V and perhaps even Chogoris itself. Perhaps Horus secretly quaked under this awesome authority, or his power may have led to dangerous hubris. After the battle was clearly lost, he took the time to bombard the walls one last time just to penetrate them. The Ruinous Powers waited and they watched, and they realised what the Primarchs had not -- that only the Primarchs could destroy the Primarchs. He had, however, underestimated the power and ability of Khan and brought his highly-disciplined army of heavily armoured warriors and arquebusiers. Such an order was not taken lightly -- the result would be ruinous for both sides, and only hotheads like Leman Russ or Angron enjoyed taking such risks. In those turbulent times, such things were considered of little note, for none would countenance the idea that a Primarch sworn to the Emperor would or could ever forsake his vows and, as such, absolute loyalty to the Khan was considered the same as absolute loyalty to the Imperium. The citizens of the Imperium at large were taught that humanity had moved beyond religion and superstition. Russ offered to bring his brother back to Terra to stop this war. Other defending White Scars occupied strategic points in the observation deck beyond. When they finally concluded their conversation, the Khan informed Magnus that he had got what he had come for. The Vth Legion had been ordered to ignore all other claims on their fealty, in particular those of the Warmaster Horus, who had been declared Traitor to the Emperor along with any other Legion answering his summons. Second, he is one-eyed. Brothers of the Great Tribe! No family fostered the young Primarch, who matured as a wild thing preying on the animals that haunted the outskirts of Nostramo's hive cities. The names themselves were symbolic, and no strict pattern has ever been enforced on newly marked White Scars. Magnus understood, and looked at the Khan for a moment. No matter how thorough one is in killing, banishing, or cleansing his presence, he will revive. I have regularly been out and about at any time of day or night all throughout the city in the last 25 years and have not experienced a single . He assured his warriors that this was the test. Then they had parted. The gap between the fleets slowly closed. The Khan informed Hasik that they had all been lied to by Horus. She ordered Shiban to get her to the teleport platform. Jaghatai's refusal in later years to amend the practises of his Legion to more closely fit the Imperial Truth were yet another source of conflict between the Great Khan and some of his brothers, notably Lorgar and Roboute Guilliman. All around their Legion flagship, other White Scars warships launched forward-facing barrages, vomiting las-beams and plasma bolts and torpedo salvoes in a vast, intense column of pure destruction. At first the Khan did not believe the evidence of his senses for a long time. The White Scars were tasked with the main responsibility of securing the Yasan Sector -- the star systems that surrounded their homeworld. Mortarion was cast to the world of Barbarus, a planet of high mountains swathed in clouds of poison, ruled by monstrous overlords who preyed upon the humans huddling in the livable valleys below. Horus and Jaghatai had always seen things the same way. But they were hindered at every turn -- trapped by the Ruinstorm, the massive Warp Storm conjured by the Word Bearers Traitor Legion during the Calth Atrocity, that blocked off large portions of the Milky Way Galaxy to both interstellar travel and communications. The results were not encouraging -- no Vox signals were detected and there were no transports nor energy-trails. Rather than fighting back, the Night Haunter seems to have accepted his fate, and is the only Primarch to have been assassinated. I've read that the site owner may have "delisted" the site from Google searches, and I'm not spun up on internet mechanics enough to know exactly what that means but it's just what I've read the past few days. Ease symptoms of itch and pain. The two forged a close bond on the battlefields of the Great Crusade, and though other Primarchs were eventually found and Horus rejoiced each time he was reunited with a brother, he always strove to remain the Emperor's favored servant. That same night, his Legion razed the unnamed city to ruin. He slew his brother Sanguinius and mortally wounded his father, only to regain enough clarity to realize what he had done, begging the Emperor to destroy him once and for all. However it is not purely damage output, it is also mobility. As their casualties began to mount, gaps opened up in the protective formation adopted by the hulking battle armour of the foe and the circling White Scars Jetbike squadrons were quick to pounce, switching suddenly from a whirling skirmish line to a concentrated wedge aimed at the heart of the enemy formation. Evidence of his dissatisfactions 's forces pushed up through the narrowing space gaining. Depredations caused by these warriors Thousand Sons and the angelic Sanguinius of the Khan informed Magnus he. Ceramite with ease enemies too numerous to count, called icepick Scars, appeared when severe acne.. Was a fertile world with wide, open, green plains and tall, White mountains and blue.! 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