For your second talent, opt for something that distracts enemies, and therefore takes some of the attention off you when youre in trouble. Cookie Notice This boosts weapon damage after a close-range kill. Stack these on multiple items and your skills will last for ages. If Scoped, your first two shots from out of combat or after fully reloading from empty deals headshot damage to any part of the body hit. For every 10 bullets in the magazin gain 4% fire rate & 4% weapon damage for 5s when reloading from empty (4-D) Gunner Field Research. Combine the Striker set, the Flatline talent, and the Technician Laser Pointer and the result is amazing! Choosing the right build for your character significantly impacts your gaming experience, so you must make the best decisions regarding your weapons, gear, and playstyle. It is an extremely efficient single-target build that also brings a significant damage boost to all raid members by using the Coyote's mask. Reloading from empty grants +30% weapon handling for 10 seconds. Now, the fastest way to get items in Division 2 is to use the targeted loot feature in The Summit and The Countdown activities. It's one of the strongest builds in Division2, as in the right hands, it can clear with ease even legendary content! Grenades can now be "cooked" by holding down the fire button, making them explode earlier. It represents one of the best Div 2 PvP builds for both solo and group play mode. Critical hits add a stack of 4% reload speed bonus. This puts emphasis on certain classes where some compromise would be needed for who would take up the role of a Healer, DPS, etc. There are two variants of skill builds In the current meta, based on the set they use: Rigger and Empress. Deal +20% weapon damage to blinded enemies. Also, you can swap the Busy Little Bee for Scorpio Shotgun. Select a mask. Thus buff is lost for 5 seconds if you weapon swap while it is active. This SMG build represents the best speed farm build in Division 2. The rare items used in the best Division 2 builds are real game-changers! This makes it so that whenever you deploy your shield will make it invulnerable for 5 seconds and grants 50 of your armor as bonus armor to all other allies for 20 seconds. Let's take a closer look at the stats: For more details on the build, please check the screenshots below: If interested, you can also buy the Bleed Build from us, and we will prepare the customized loadout for your agent in no time. Amplifies weapon damage by 20% to pulsed enemies. I have personally tested dozens of builds in TD2, so it's safe to say that I know all the tips and tricks on build-making and min-maxing in the game. Requires a Scope with 8X magnification or higher. Eclipse Protocol build for the ultimate CC. Dealing damage with a grenade applies a mark on target. Defensive-focused skills are encouraged like the Reviver Hive or Turret. Headshots grant +25% skill damage for 15 seconds. Do note that we will continue to add more character builds for The Division 2 in future. It revolves around a cover-based playstyle, medium to long-range, with incredible damage output. 10% to enemies between 15-25 meters for LMGs and Assault Rifles. The bonuses youll find most often are extra headshot damage or a boost to overall weapon damage: stack both to ensure youre as deadly as possible. It is highly efficient for Heroic content such as Control Points, Missions, or The Summit. Customize the desired boost, and we're good to go, Agent! What about your playing sessions? Given the game's complexity, with so many items and options to choose from, sometimes it's hard to figure out what the best build for you would look like and where to start. For more details on this skill build configuration, you can check the screenshots below: If you want to skip the grinding, you can buy the Legendary Skill Build from our store, and we will prepare the desired build variant for you in a breeze. We strongly recommend using the Jammer Pulse for maximum efficiency. Be sure to check back as we are still learning things about the game. You must be fully equipped with healing items, such as a healer set (Future Initiative), healer attributes and unique gear mods that improve your healing skills (+% Repair Skills), and specific weapon talents such as "Reformation" (Headshots grant +30% skill repair for 15s). Compared to the PvE scenarios, in competitive PvP fights, your player skills really make a difference! ), 4x Umbra Initiative + Contractor's Gloves + Coyote's Mask, From the Shadows (from Umbra Initiative chest), Into the Light (from Umbra Initiative backpack), Hybrid red & blue (weapon damage & armor), Punch Drunk + Chainkiller + Contractor's + Fox's Prayer + Ceska/Memento + Providence, The White Death | M44 | M700 with "Determined" talent, 4x Hotshot + Chainkiller + Airaldi/Providence Backpack, Weapon of choice - anything for close combat, Coyote's Mask + Contractor's + Fox's Prayer + 2x Uzina + 1x Ceska/Gruppo, 4x Ongoing Directive + Contractor's Gloves + 1x Ceska | Gruppo Sombra, Parabellum Rounds (from Ongoing Directive Chest). How much time are you willing to invest into your build? Currently focusing on Division 2, here to bring you some of the BEST Game Play After 4 kills, applies burning to the next enemy you hit. Additional headshots refresh the duration. This is a vital build that cannot be missing from your raid setup. Its very powerfulbut it requires you have 11 defensive bonuses active before it works. Perpetuation is useful too because it grants an extra 5% to skill duration, ammo, and charges to your next skill use following a headshot kill, and can stack. Customize your boost, and let us handle everything for you! Essentially, for it to work you have to craft your whole build around that one talent. On top of that, if you ever encounter any difficulty getting the desired items for your builds, we provide boosting services as well, so you can buy Division 2 Exotics or God Roll Farming and complete your builds in no time! Watch how it changes as you switch between gear! You simply configure your boost, and we will prepare the desired loadout directly on your account in no time. Landing headshots adds a stack of bonus +12% weapon damage for 5 seconds. For additional information, please check the screenshots below: Save your time, buy Armor Regen build from us, and have the loadout delivered directly on your account. Receive +80% stability at the cost of -35% optimal range. Reloading from empty grants +40% weapon handling for 10 seconds. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. When your armor is depleted, repair 95% of your armor. Below, we have discussed some of the prominent and viable build options to roll out with along with the suitable Weapons, Talents, Perks, and Skills to be utilized for the best results. This is a must-have type of build if you are a PvP player in the game's current state. A red-dot site that increases accuracy is a viable alternative. Now that you know the best ways to obtain the gear and create loadouts, let's move on and teach you how to choose the best build for your character in Division 2. True Patriot. The Basics of The Division 2 Loadouts. To optimize your build, you have to make sure you use the best weapons with the proper stats and talents. The idea is to make use of second bonuses from the various gear using the ninjabike exotic backpack. The healer build represents one of the most important support builds in the game, and it is a must-have for any end-game group activity, both PvE and PvP. 10 points Cryo Ammo - Squad Cryo. ), Type of mods in the Mask, Chest and Backpack, Choice of secondary attributes (CHC/CHD, Armor Regen, Skill Damage/Haste, etc. The game's complexity has forced its community members and dedicated content creators to develop Division 2 builds to cover all the various playstyles, combat styles, or roles for all the PvE and PvP activities available in the game. Individual pieces of gear often lend themselves to specific playstyles in The Division 2, and if you combine powerful loot in the right ways you can create a character that excels in a particular role. There arent any standouts that increase your damage, so its really down to personal preference. So is Hard Hitting, which increases your damage against elite enemies. Lady Death Tank. You stay safe, in cover, and the skills do all the work for you. If you find gloves with two yellow battery skill bonuses, keep them in case you find a talent that requires a skill-heavy build. Increased handling means more bullets will actually land and do that precious damage you crave. Both will perform well at medium range, although you might need an extended mag or a perk that gives increased ammo for the assault rifle to give yourself longer between reloads. Naturally, you want to equip gear that has the highest armor value. If you want to submit a bug report of some kind, you'll need a screenshot or a video for it to actually stand a chance of being reviewed. The 4x AGOG attachment decreases damage drop-off over time and wont zoom in your camera when you aim. Headshot kills increase total weapon damage by 15% for 10 seconds. Targets with mark will take 40% more damage to armor have a -30% movement speed. Again, Grenades and Piercing Ammo rounds will do the job. In my opinion, skill builds are the strongest PvE builds in Division 2, especially if you aim high, for legendary difficulty. While in cover, weapon handling is increased by +45%. Max Strus, who played his first two college seasons at Division II Lewis University, is now a starter with the Miami Heat. Exception: The only exceptions here are the raid-exclusive items that drop only in the raids (The Eagle Bearer, The Ravenous, and Regulus) and the crafted items locked behind exotic quests (such as Nemesis, Liberty, and Ridgeway's Pride). Tom Clancy's The Division 2. This automatically leads to the necessity of a solid build that can handle all that pressure and extremely challenging content. In Division 2, builds represent a specific arrangement of weapons, gear, skills, and stats selected by the player to prepare the character with the best equipment for certain PvE or PvP encounters. So if you aim high, get ready for some serious time investments, and rest assured that it's worth it, by all means. If you are interested in learning more about the game then you can check out our guide on how you can get the Bighorn Exotic Assault Rifle. It is a hybrid build that uses both blue and yellow core attributes. All damage you deal is amplified by 25%. If youre sitting at over 1 million armor and can get other teammates to use a similar type build who also has over a million armor preferably more, the numbers will stack and you will gain over 7 million armor for the time the talent lasts. From our testing, the build works better as a hybrid build with red and blue core attributes. But pay attention to armor bonuses and talents, too. As a tank, you should generally be on the front line, punching into groups of enemies while more lethal players pop headshots from a distance. Landing body shots adds a stack of bonus +35% headshot damage to the next headshot for 10 seconds. Let's see some details: Below you can find some screenshots for a better view of the Doctor Home Build: Having a hard time getting all the gear? Headshot kills improve the repair by an additional 10%. And your power is determined solely by the gear you wear. Whenever your armor is depleted, gain50%Headshot damage for 5 seconds. High Damage. Dealing weapon damage to that enemy consumes the mark to reduce active cooldowns by 6 seconds. If most of the DPS builds can cover the Heroic difficulty with ease, you don't have too many options to choose from for the legendary content. PvE or PvP, I got your back, Agent! Check underneath your name on the left-hand side of your inventory: youll see a circle with three icons underneath. Specialization armor kit bonuses are increased by 100%. We also help new players through hard content such as raids, trials, challenges and other pvp activities which some new players are not skilled enough to complete on their own and would fall behind if not for our help. Here is one example: Below I present you some screenshots of my NinjaBike Legendary Skill Build: If you don't have the time for all the grinding, you can now buy NinjaBike Messenger builds from us, and we will prepare the best loadout for you in a breeze. Dealing damage with a grenade applies a mark on target. Once you've figured out all the items that you need for your build, it's time to get to work and start farming for them. For the Turret, weve found both the assault and sniper variants to be useful. The synergy between the set, the Flatline talent, and the Technician Laser Pointer is incredible. Max stack is 40. This is why the skill build is one of the best DPS builds for legendary missions in Division 2. Landing headshots adds a stack of bonus +10% weapon damage for 5 seconds. Here is how you can set it up: Variant #5 - NinjaBike Legendary Skill Build. Are you struggling to put all the pieces together or simply dont have the time for all the grinding? You can use three types of weapons in the game: high-end weapons, named weapons (better variants of the standard weapons), and exotic weapons. This is how I personally set up this variant of the NinjaBike Striker Spotter build: Variant #2 - NinjaBike Heartbreaker Build. The NinjaBike Striker Spotter represents one of the best DPS builds in TU17. For gear talents, there arent many that directly boost your damage. Technician (for the Linked Laser Pointer), 4x Heartbreaker + 1x Ceska | Fenris + Memento Backpack, Rifle with "Boomerang" or "Rifleman" talent, Coyote's Mask + Contractor's + Fox's + 1x Fenris + 1x Ceska + 1x Providence/Gruppo, Any weapon with "Measured" or "Optimist" talent, 4x Foundry + Ceska | Grupo Sombra Chest + Memento Backpack, Harmony or any weapon with "In Sync" talent, 4x Rigger + 1x Wyvern + Waveform Exotic Holster, 3x Empress + 1x Wyvern + 1x Hana-U + Waveform Exotic Holster, Submachine Gun (SMG) with "Optimist" | "Measured" | "Killer" talent, 4x Hunter's Fury + 1x Sokolov | Ceska | Gruppo Sombra + Memento Backpack, Hybrid build (red & blue core attributes), Punch Drunk + Chainkiller + Contractor's + Fox's Prayer + Memento + Providence Holster, Assault Rifle with 8x Scope or higher and "Fast Hands" talent, 4x Negotiator's + Pristine Example + 1x Grupo | Ceska | Fenris | Providence, Assault Rifle with "Fast Hands" or "Measured" talent, Contractor's Gloves + Fox's Prayer + 2x Walker, Harris & Co + 1x Ceska + 1x Gruppo, FAMAS with "Optimist" or "Measured" talent | Eagle Bearer, Any specialization. Let's dive in deeper and see some details, shall we? Amplifies total weapon damage for 10 seconds when swapping between your primary and secondary weapons if they are different. In Division 2, each item has a core attribute, and by case, 1 or 2 secondary attributes. Here's a little trick that works like a charm every single time. And there you are! Play in a group with loot share, so you get extra chances of obtaining the missing items. Rusher. For co-op, the guidelines above still hold true though with the element of Teamwork being added for good measure. You aim for the best-in-slot items for the build, with maximum stats, perfect mods, and talents. and in case you need additional information, check out these screenshots: Now you can skip the grind, buy the Negotiator build from our store, and get your hands on this end-game build in no time. Weapon Damage is increased by3% for every 10% of ammo missing from the magazine. Not a problem! You want a mixture of gear bonuses that add to your skill power and bonuses that shorten your skill cooldowns. TD2 Vanguard Build. Armor 203600 Health 127.8k. Thats the ideal! This is one of the best Div 2 builds for Legendary content if you plan to use an assault rifle or a rifle. Really dig into your gear mods in this build: certain mods boost specific skills, such as the Turret, so pick mods that fit your skill of choice. Also, if you are eager to try the most powerful loadouts right now, you can purchase a premade TD2 account and get your hands on the best builds in the game, lightning-fast. These builds are specially designed to cover the key roles in The Dark Hours and The Iron Horse raids. Now you can buy the Doctor Home build from our store, and we will take care of everything lightning-fast! Some build particularities can be found below: This is how I personally set up this assault rifle build: Now you can skip the grinding, buy Kingbreaker Spotter Build from our store, configure your boost, and we will deliver the desired loadout directly on your account. I have a few tank builds and I revised one today and when I went to test the build I noticed my team hot the bonus armor but I was not. Late game, the talent you really want is Preservation, which repairs your armor every time you kill an enemy. Preferably, you want an SMG with a larger magazine so you sustain fire for longer, but a beefy shotgun will do just fine. Gain +10% critical hit damage for every 0.5 seconds you are firing. The higher the difficulty, the better the rewards. Go for an assault rifle and pair it with a marksman rifle. In this guide, I want to share the best Division 2 builds to use nowadays, in 2023. It's extremely fun to play, and I find it one of the most enjoyable raid builds in the game, as you mostly stay in cover and put your enemies on fire. Every 3 reloads from empty increases your base magazine size by 100%. Stacks up to 25 times. We will constantly update this section as we gather more information on new builds worth going for, so make sure you keep an eye on it! Both of these exotics provide amazing team buffs. So what's the fastest way to get that ideal loadout for your character? Now from my understanding, Shockwave starts off a blase mediocre and quickly falls into that camp of powers that might . Let's get started! 35% to enemies further than 25 meters for Rifles and Marksman Rifles. Damage increases are doubled while both buffs are active at the same time. The synergy between the Kingbreaker assault rifle, Heartbreaker Set, Catharsis Mask, and Fox's Prayer is incredible. You will notice that all the named enemies will drop masks as targeted loot, which speeds up getting your desired mask. Now it's time to see what type of builds you can opt for and what are the best Division 2 builds in 2023. is in no way associated with or endorsed by Activision Blizzard, Bungie, Ubisoft, Square Enix, Capcom or any other companies. Here are some details on this amazing TU16 status effect build: Below you can find some screenshots for an in-depth view of the Ongoing Directive build: Feeling unlucky or simply don't have the time to farm for all of that? You can still drop the items that belong to the second category as targeted loot, but only after you would have already crafted them at the crafting station. There are plenty of weapons to choose from and use for your favorite builds. For the other weapon slot, opt for either an assault rifle the most versatile of damage dealers or an LMG. If you run solo, use the Matchmaking system in the Summit and Countdown to get more players. The whole build relies on applying the Bleed debuff to the enemies and taking them down fast with a high RPM submachine gun. 4pc Foundry Bulwark, 1pc Gila (Pointman), 1pc Belstone, Protector and Vanguard for talents. Balanced 100/140/170 and Juggernaut 90/120/220 are more suited for long-term play where they service decks with lots of units in . By the end of this guide, you will become a master of build-making and learn how to optimize your favorite builds for a swift gaming experience, whether you are a PvE or PvP fan. There are 11 skills you can choose from in the game, each having multiple variants. It can be tempting to just equip a higher level item as soon as you pick it up but youll create better builds if you consider how your weapons, armor pieces, and skills interact. All damage you take is amplified by 50%. First, we will cover the basics and clarify what a build is, the different types of builds, and their particularities, to determine what kind of build would suit the best for your playstyle. Grenades that kill an enemy are refunded. For that youll want a marksman rifle. Vanguard Group's departure from a high-profile industry effort to cut corporate emissions will not change its approach to environmental issues, the mutual fund giant's top stewardship executive . Dont rule out the booster Hive, either, which increases movement speed and weapon handling for anyone within its radius. Sharpshooter. It could just be a small amount, from say Technician's Technomancy talent from the skill tree, or something else I've forgotten. It revolves around the Pestilence Exotic LMG and a cover-based playstyle, ideal for medium to long-range combat. Division 2 Builds for PvP . Some build particularities can be found below: This is how I personally set up my status effect build for Division 2 raids: These are the best raid builds you should use if you want a smooth raiding experience in Division 2. There are two variants of the build, one that uses the Obliterate talent and Fox's Prayer kneepads, and one that uses the Glass Cannon talent and Sawyer's Kneepads. Negotiators Dilemma for DPS. Here, Capacitor is a great choice due to its talent called "Capacitance" which is great for DPS skill builds. Every stack will give you 1.5% Weapon damage. MUST WATCH!!! As well as damage bonuses, look for bonuses that grant you health when you kill an enemy. So my loadout looks like this: For more details on this support build, you can check the screenshots below: If you are interested, you can also buy Boss Killer build from us, customize your boost, and we will prepare the desired loadout directly on your account. Increases total weapon damage by 5% every second you are aiming while scoped 8x or higher, up to 50%. The best DPS builds to use for PvE in Division 2 in 2023 are: Recently reworked, the Striker represents one of the best DPS gear sets in TU16. Taking damage disables this buff for 3 seconds. There are six gear slots that you must fill in with the best variants for your build: mask, backpack, chest, gloves, holster, and kneepads. This build is one of the best raid builds for single target damage, especially for the raid bosses. ), Example from the last build compilation thread: here. But this guide should help start you on your path and tell you what to look for. These builds revolve around various weapon classes and different playstyles, and they provide the highest damage output in the game. For every 8 bullets in the magazine capacity, gain +3% rate of fire and +3% weapon damage for 5 seconds when reloading from empty. All these armor sets come with unique set bonuses and talents, which is a significant factor in the build diversity the Division 2 players face. Any one have any ideas or having the same issue? While you are within 5 meters of an ally or skill, total weapon damage is increased by 15%. Youll be in the heart of the action as a tank, so youll also constantly have your finger on the trigger. Killing an enemy adds and refreshes a stack of +12% bonus armor for 10 seconds, Max stack is 10. You just configure the boost and let us handle all the grinding. 0. While in cover, increases total weapon damage by 15%. Shooting an enemy increases total skill damage by 25% for 3 seconds. Now that we've covered the weapons and the gear, it's time to move on to the next aspect you must focus on when creating your Division 2 build: the Skills you will be using. Armor Regeneration. Killing an enemy with a critical hit grants +40% critical hit damage for 10 seconds. Mark will disappear after 10 seconds. However, if you're not a big fan of skill builds and prefer pure firearms builds, you still have two viable options. After 4 kills, applies blind to the next enemy you hit. Below, weve listed three example loadouts for The Division 2, followed by some more advanced advice for building your loadout around specific gear talents after youve passed level 30. Deal +25% weapon damage to bleeding enemies. The Skill Build: One of the Best Division 2 Legendary Builds. Offensive skills like Fixer Drone are advised. All you have to do is configure the boost, and we're good to go, Agent! Before we actually proceed on examples of some good loadouts, let us discuss the approach you will be taking to constantly be on the top of your game in The Division 2. You can substitute 1h and shield abilities for 2h abilities if you prefer that . In each case, however, dont forget to mod your gear after you equip it. However, you will never find that "one" PvP build that outstands all the other builds. 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